courtesy name oor Sweeds

courtesy name

from Chinese culture, a given name to be used later in life in place of one's given name, as a symbol of adulthood and respect

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


name bestowed in adulthood in East Asian cultures

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“Use common courtesy,” suggests a young woman named Jasmine.
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By an exchange of courtesies, the village took his name, whence we have Douville today.
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An exchange of courtesies: the village took his name, whence present-day Douville.
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Some of my clients have even stepped into the spotlight and made a real name for themselves, courtesy of Roy Thunder
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Sansa knew the name, and now the courtesies that Septa Mordane had taught her over the years came back to her.
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Before we find my daughter, would you do me the courtesy of sharing with me whatever horrid name you've saddled her with?
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«Her name was Wylla», Ned replied with cool courtesy, «and I would sooner not speak of her».
Jag tog henne överallt dit hon ville, det var inga problemLiterature Literature
In the name of heaven, let' s have peace and courtesy for these last few hours
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Out of courtesy I shall refrain from mentioning names but I would remind the Commission that the internal document produced by its staff was passed to journalists by an official before being sent to the representatives of the Member States' governments.
Tack för att du frågadeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tang Gaozu Chinese courtesy name Shude, was the founder of the Tang dynasty of China, and the first emperor of this dynasty from 618 to 626.
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Zeng Guofan (26 November 1811 – 12 March 1872), birth name Zeng Zicheng, courtesy name Bohan, was a Chinese statesman, military general, and Confucian scholar of the late Qing dynasty.
Föregående skörd på fältet får inte vara oförenlig med produktionen av utsäde av den aktuella grödans art och sort, och fältet ska vara tillräckligt fritt från plantor som härrör från den tidigare skördenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
5 The magistrate of the Amstgericht Reutlingen regarded the omission of the courtesy title `Herr' from the names of the persons referred to in the application for a punishment order as a contravention of their right to dignity and equality before the law, which is enshrined in Articles 1 and 3 of the Grundgesetz (the German Basic Law) and asked the Staatsanwalt - without success - to rectify his application.
Det är nödvändigt att göra vissa data tillgängliga för medlemsstaterna för att statistiken om vägtransport på nationell nivå skall bli fullständigEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zhuge Liang’s courtesy name was "Kong Ming" (so today the floating lantern is still known as "Kongming Deng" (In ancient China, it was customary for families to hang lanterns at gates.
destruktion: ett förfarande genom vilken hela eller större delen av en fluorerad växthusgas permanent omvandlas till eller uppdelas i ett eller flera stabila ämnen som inte är fluorerade växthusgaserParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In June 1990 The Times ceased its policy of using courtesy titles ("Mr", "Mrs", or "Miss" prefixes) for living persons before full names on first reference, but it continues to use them before surnames on subsequent references.
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Madam President, I see a silver lining in this awful cloud for Japan - namely that the rebuilding and restoration work in that country, courtesy of the deep pockets of the insurance industry, should give a huge boost to their economy and that will be good for the rest of the world.
Jag minns när det bara fanns Rosemary Clooney- skivor.Europarl8 Europarl8
According to legend, Yerevan got its name courtesy of the Biblical Noah.
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A certain portion of Casino Cruise’ catalog is courtesy of another respected name, Play’n’Go.
om tillstånd att använda det oregistrerade namnet Münster Käse, efter den tyska staden Münster, parallellt med namnet Munster/Munster-Géromé, ett namn som är registrerat som skyddad ursprungsbeteckning i enlighet med rådets förordning (EEG) nrParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is an architectural gem that fully lives up to its name of courtesy and kindness Cortese.
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As a courtesy to domain name holders, we are sending you this notification of the domain name registration that is due to expire in the next few monthes.
Utfärdat i Bryssel den # marsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Among those who stayed were UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, although he probably had to bite the bullet in the name of diplomatic courtesy.
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He already had the courtesy to mail to tell me the name of girl in the picture, Deborah Kerr, one of the really great too.
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The rumor comes courtesy of well-known Microsoft leaker WalkingCat, who posted the name on Twitter.
Artikel # i förordning (EG) nr #/# säkerställer inte att fångsterna av sill begränsas till de fångstbegränsningar som fastställts för artenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The on-site Gainey Ranch Golf Club has already claimed a number of prestigious awards including being named in the Top 75 golf courses in America courtesy of Golf Digest. Location
Jag gillar inte den här drömmenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As the graphic illustrates, Word automatically matched the data file's Title column to Courtesy Title, but Word was unable to match other elements, such as Middle Name.
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In fact, this casino stocks one of the most impressive collections in the industry courtesy of some very good software providers such as Microgaming, NetEnt and Betsoft to name but a few.
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31 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.