custom show oor Sweeds

custom show

A presentation within a presentation in which you group slides in an existing presentation so that you can show that section of the presentation to a particular audience.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

anpassat bildspel

A presentation within a presentation in which you group slides in an existing presentation so that you can show that section of the presentation to a particular audience.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I was wondering if I could talk to your customers show them some of my merchandise.
Ungdomarna själva skall ha utformat och vara huvudaktörer i verksamhetenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The initial figures from operators already offering RLAH to their customers show a steep growth in data usage.
Hur många människor?not-set not-set
Customs showed that they actually came into the U.S. with three other men a few weeks ago.
Är rädslan för folket så stor att rådet och kommissionen anser att det är bättre att låta dem sväva i okunnighet?Literature Literature
His customer showed no sign of being finished; he seemed insatiable.
Toppar listanLiterature Literature
I was wondering if I could talk to your customers...... show them some of my merchandise
Jag fattar inteopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
'My guess is some disgruntled customer showed up with a bunch of pals and a rack of baseball bats.
Jag måste mata mina katterLiterature Literature
Slide Show Custom Slide Show
Upp med händerna!KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Such behaviour by customers shows that the B717 and A318 are operated by airlines as narrow bodies rather than as large regional feeder jets.
Kommissionens förordning (EG) nr #/# av den # juli # om fastställande av bidragssatserna för vissa spannmåls- och risprodukter som exporteras i form av varor som inte omfattas av bilaga I till fördragetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(216) The Commission found that between 1997 and the investigation period the evolution of sales volume to both related and unrelated customers showed decreasing trends.
Du får mig att köra runt i stan i den där fula mini-vanen hela dagenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(307) The Commission found that between 1997 and the investigation period the evolution of sales volume to both related and unrelated customers showed decreasing trends.
Eisenhower besöker trupperna vid #: a flygburnaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The ‘invoice of 12 January 2006 in the name of a Spanish customershows 43 pairs of skis of different types which also bear the earlier mark.
Han höll mig borta från gatornaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(45) Comments obtained from newsprint customers show that the location of the mills in relation to the location of the printing site is important and that, generally, no significant imports were made from outside Europe.
Jag vill ha makt att bevara familjenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Verification carried out by the undersigned customs official shows that this information certificate
Prata inte om Dodgers med migoj4 oj4
Verification carried out by the undersigned customs official shows that this
Jag förstår att du är frustreradEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
// Verification carried out by the undersigned customs official shows that this
GFC kommer i synnerhet att utarbeta ett aktivt program som syftar till att sprida kunskap och information (inbegripet förmågan att stödja forskare och operatörer på området) om effektiv praxis för att tillämpa hållbar utvecklingEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the documentation must furthermore contain a declaration from the customer which shows the specific uses of the substances
med beaktande av rådets gemensamma ståndpunkt (#/#/#- Ceurlex eurlex
When we tracked the shipment back to Baltimore, the customs record showed eight containers, not two.
Ja hon har tvingat mig att bo på Jolly Roger, det lilla motellet där borta påOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Verification carried out by the undersigned customs official shows that this information certificate:
Eliminationen av IgG i levern innefattar nedbrytning i retikuloendotelsystemet och endotelcellernaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
In Jesus’ day, how was the custom of showing hospitality viewed?
Syfte och tillämpningsområdejw2019 jw2019
The customs register shows that a person is employed in professional transport between Finland and a third country.
Det är fortfarande väldigt svårt för en EU-medborgare i ett land att köpa en bil från ett annat land, och att sedan ta den med sig tillbaka hem.not-set not-set
The steep rise in EU Customs' seizures shows that counterfeiting is a dangerous and growing phenomenon.
Du har de mjukaste, ljuvligaste...... mest fylliga...... läppar som jag nånsin har kysstEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pettersson was respectful of local customs and showed concern for his employees, which was unusual at the time.
Jag anser att jag har rätt när jag säger att alla större sjukdomar, möjligen med undantag av BSE, kommer från länder utanför Europeiska unionen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Verification carried out by the undersigned customs official shows that this information certificate
Det spelar ingen rolloj4 oj4
6071 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.