defenceman oor Sweeds


In ice hockey and lacrosse, a player position with a primary responsibility to prevent the opposing team from scoring goals; same as defender in many other ballgames.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


defender in ice hockey and lacrosse
With us in the press box is injured Chiefs defenceman, Dave Carlson.
Med oss i pressboxen har vi Chiefs skadade back, Dave Carlson.


position in ice hockey
With us in the press box is injured Chiefs defenceman, Dave Carlson.
Med oss i pressboxen har vi Chiefs skadade back, Dave Carlson.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Following some injuries to Hurricanes' defenceman, Joslin received increased ice time including time on the power play.
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On January 22, 2014, Del Zotto was traded by the Rangers to the Nashville Predators in exchange for defenceman Kevin Klein.
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With the belief that Carolina would trade a defenceman head coach Kirk Muller played Joslin at left wing in order to get him back in the line-up and be ready if a trade occurred.
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He was the highest scoring defenceman for the Pittsburgh Penguins last season.
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He played his first NHL game on October 4 in a 3–2 shootout victory over the San Jose Sharks and earned his first NHL point, assisting on a goal scored by defenceman Tom Gilbert.
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With this, he broke the previous record for the number of goals by a defenceman in an SHL regular season, set by Jan Huokko in the 1998–99 season with 21 goals.
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After chipping the puck into the offensive zone, Johnson lost his balance trying to skate around Detroit defenceman Nicklas Lidstrom and slid heavily into the boards with his shoulder and neck.
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With us in the press box is injured Chiefs defenceman, Dave Carlson.
Hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster undantogs på samma sätt från direktivets tillämpningsområde, och ändå lade kommissionen för mindre än en månad sedan fram en ambitiös plan som gällde rörlighet för patienter.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In January 2008, Malone and defenceman Darryl Sydor were named as alternate captains for the Penguins, following the departure of Mark Recchi and a long-term injury to Gary Roberts.
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Radko Gudas (born 5 June 1990), is a Czech professional ice hockey defenceman for the Philadelphia Flyers in the National Hockey League (NHL).
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On February 8, 2014, Leksands IF defenceman Patrik Hersley scored his 22nd goal of the season.
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With the approval, Ekblad became the first defenceman ever granted "exceptional player" status.
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Oliver Oscar Emanuel Ekman-Larsson (pronounced ; born 17 July 1991) is a Swedish professional ice hockey defenceman currently serving as the captain of the Arizona Coyotes.
Efter diskussion kan kommissionen eller någon av medlemsstaterna beakta sådana förslag i syfte att lägga fram ett förslag eller ta ett initiativ, enligt Europeiska unionens regler, till att Europeiska gemenskapen eller Europeiska unionen skall anta en rättsakt eller åtgärdWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ensemble number 32, entitled " Omar Sharif', modelled by Chiefs defenceman, Billy Charlebois, who hails from, if I can read the card here, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
(NL) År 1955 upplevde jag personligen den miserabla fattigdomen och ojämlikheten i Sydamerika.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On June 4, 2008, Stuart won the Stanley Cup as a member of the Red Wings, where he saw time as a top-four defenceman paired with Niklas Kronwall.
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During the first season of his new contract Joslin fell behind other defenceman on the depth chart and was regular healthy scratch, only playing in 14 of the first 41 games.
De är inte bara mina egna känslomässigt grundade farhågor: kommissionen har själv sagt att det kommer att allvarliga konsekvenser för EU:s jordbruk om vi sluter ett avtal under samtalen med Mercosur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Loob, a defenceman, played mostly in the Swedish hockey league, but has also three appearances in the Swedish national team in the 1983 World Ice Hockey Championships.
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Joslin played 53 games for Chicago before he was assigned to the Worcester Sharks while defenceman Danny Groulx was assigned to the Wolves as part of an AHL trade.
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In the summer of 2004, he was traded to the Thrashers for defenceman Kurtis Foster.
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During the Blackhawks' loss to the Boston Bruins on October 25, 2007, Kočí got into one of the nastiest hockey brawls in recent hockey memory with Bruins defenceman Zdeno Chára.
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Chris Renaud may refer to: Chris Renaud (ice hockey) (born 1960), Canadian ice hockey defenceman Chris Renaud (animator) (born 1966), American illustrator and film-maker Chris Renaud (swimmer) (born 1976), Canadian backstroke swimmer
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The slapshot is most commonly used by a defenceman at the point, especially during a power play, although a forward will sometimes find an opportunity to use it.
I samband med den kontroll som företas på de platser där produkter kan införas till gemenskapens territorium från tredje land, däribland hamnar, flygplatser och gränsstationer mot tredje land, skall medlemsstaterna se till att följande åtgärder vidtasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After completion of the lockout-shortened 2012–13 season, on July 4, 2013, Horcoff was traded by the Oilers to the Dallas Stars in exchange for defenceman Philip Larsen and a seventh-round draft pick in 2016.
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In the 1980–81 NHL season, he set National Hockey League records for most assists and points by a rookie defenceman, with 60 and 76 respectively.
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He was awarded the Salming Trophy, as the SHL's best defenceman, for his performance.
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59 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.