dependency theory oor Sweeds

dependency theory

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On the one hand, I do not think that going back to old recipes of replacing imports, or old recipes of dependency theories, solves anything.
Men jag klarar det inte självEuroparl8 Europarl8
The result of this is again the dependence of theory formation on the self-understanding of the acting subjects.
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The story also depicts the richer countries monopolizing resources in space and the poorer ones falling into civil war and being invaded or needing the assistance of those richer countries, telling a story of dependency theory and the negative side of environmentalism.
Men det är inget pinsamtWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Time-dependent perturbation theory, developed by Paul Dirac, studies the effect of a time-dependent perturbation V(t) applied to a time-independent Hamiltonian H0.
Strunt samma!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism (1923) presents the triadic theory of semiotics that depends upon psychological theory, and so anticipates the importance of psychology in the exercise of literary criticism.
Tills dess, sitter du stillWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In economic theory, labour demand depends negatively on the cost of labour.
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( 2 ) In theory, incremental progression is dependent on satisfactory performance, although, in practice, such progression is quasi-automatic.
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In relating to art, this is not science that is dependent upon experimentation or the testing of theories.
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This theory is thus described as background dependent.
För att stimulera forskning och utveckling om genetiskt modifierade organismer för användning som livsmedel och/eller foder är det lämpligt att skydda den investering som görs av innovatörer när det gäller att samla information och data som stöder en ansökan enligt denna förordningWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
40. Moreover, as the Commission points out in its written observations, the theory of economic dependence, upon which the plaintiff would appear to rely in justifying his view that the IZZ enjoyed a dominant position, is not substantiated by the case-file.
Den resande skall inte vara ansvarig gentemot transportören om han styrker att skadan orsakats av omständigheter som han inte hade kunnat undgå eller förebygga följderna av, även om han hade iakttagit den omsorg som krävs av en ansvarsmedveten resandeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For food self-sufficiency of developing countries, etc. definitely encouraging in theory - in practice, considerably less promising, and dependent on the public sector research effort.
För att kunna identifiera ett fordon i vägtrafik kan medlemsstaterna kräva att föraren medför del I av registreringsbevisetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
An experiment may be theory dependent, and is probably more theory dependent than observations that are not strictly planned.
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It is becoming increasingly difficult to adhere to the idea of a curse on the Third World as postulated in dependency theory.
Eftersom Aivlosin har visat sig orsaka överkänslighetsreaktioner hos laboratoriedjur, så bör personer med känd överkänslighet mot tylvalosintartrat undvika all kontakt med produktenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Yes, the theories and conclusions of marriage counselors and child psychologists are not completely dependable and unerring.
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It is precisely on that close interrelationship between theory and practice that the quality and efficiency of NHCD training depends.
För det ändamålet skulle jag vilja påminna mina ledamotskolleger om nödvändigheten i att integrera finansieringsvillkor av lämpligt slag för europeisk filmproduktion i programmet Media 2007.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Indeed, the addition of the group of inert gases, which had lengthened the short periods to eight elements and the long periods to 18, proved to be the foundation on which the forthcoming theory of atomic structure would depend for its perfection.
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The theory is that overall physical fitness is dependent more on the aerobic type of exercise because it utilizes all the body’s resources, sending life-giving oxygen to all parts of the body.
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Depending on the issue to be analysed, and the underlying theory of harm, competition policy assesses the competitive situation of markets at different levels, manufacturing, distribution (non-retail) and retail.
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The difference could in theory vary depending on such factors as: the possibility of recovering default interest on claims, the proportion of claims producing a fixed rate of interest to those with a variable rate of interest, a gradual reduction in interest rates as a result of a general cut in rates, a gradual reduction in the loan to SGA as a result of write-offs and repayments, and a gradual deterioration in the assets transferred to SGA.
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All the answers given at that meeting with regard to blank resignations were clear evidence against the theory that there was a relationship of particular dependency on the Municipality of Milan.
Utmärkt, Jag ska bara klä migEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(289) Concerning ADM's second study the Commission considers that the ability to sustain collusion in an industry does not depend mechanically on the results of a game theory model as to whether ADM was the fifth company or not.
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However, FDI theory and experience show that market-seeking FDI depends on two factors: a) access to a previously closed market and b) the economic prospects and expected profits in a host country.
I enlighet med artikel #.# i grundförordningen undersöktes först för varje samarbetsvillig exporterande tillverkare om företagets försäljning av polyesterstapelfibrer på hemmamarknaden var representativ, dvs. motsvarade minst # % av dess totalaexportförsäljningsvolym till gemenskapennot-set not-set
The theory has been criticized by mainstream psychology for its lack of empirical evidence, and its dependence on subjective judgement.
EU-armén är i princip identisk med en kommandostruktur, och trupper och järnvaror används i olika aktioner.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But the proletariat should not depend upon theory alone, but also on realities.
Vi kommer att bekräfta vårt åliggande att lägga fram halvtidsöversynen och utvärderingen av hur det interinstitutionella avtalet fungerar.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Rephrased: Scientific reports depend on observations and observations may depend on theory. 18
Var är resten av besättningen?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
189 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.