electoral result oor Sweeds

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Does the HR believe that 99 % of seats in favour of the ruling party is a credible electoral result in any democratic society?
Europaparlamentet anser att IMF:s behörighetsområde bör leda till att personalens bakgrund diversifieras samtidigt som deras förstklassiga prestationer fortsättningsvis garanteras, så att IMF på ett avgörande sätt kan bidra till genomförandet av millenniemålennot-set not-set
Regrets that the inauguration ceremony to renew President Obasanjo’s mandate took place without any procedure being put in place to investigate the controversial electoral results;
Vi menar att folket självt måste störta denna regim.not-set not-set
The withdrawal expressed by Mr Occhetto following the proclamation of the electoral results did not alter the classification of the candidates on the Di Pietro-Occhetto list.
Har han flyttat?Europarl8 Europarl8
whereas first official projections of the electoral results should be announced simultaneously in all Member States on the last day of the election period at 21:00 hours CET;
Det gjorde jag inteeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
However, in spite of the fact that the electoral result was a failure for the party, Parvathi was very satisfied with the result since Naidu's TDP had been ousted.
De skall också ha skickat kommissionen den information som anges i artikel #.# i kommissionens förordning (EG, Euratom) nr #/# av den # december # om genomförandebestämmelser för rådets förordning (EG, Euratom) nr #/# med budgetförordning för Europeiska gemenskapernas allmänna budgetWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moreover, the differential impact of electoral systems on the political representation of women in elected bodies, which influences greatly the outcome of electoral results, should be adjusted without delay.
Det är svårt att inte bli lite förolämpad av detnot-set not-set
3. Notes that the initial electoral results point to the Joint Opposition Alliance (POC), which is providing an excellent example of democratic responsibility, having secured a majority of the votes;
För sju timmar sen kolappsade tre helikopptrar i SkottlandEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Calls for scrupulous respect by the NEC for its rules during the #-day election campaign to be considered as the essential means of ensuring the credibility of the electoral process and of the electoral results
Vad gör jag nu?oj4 oj4
The legal issues connected with the official declaration of the electoral results were definitively settled at the national level by the judgment of the Consiglio di Stato of 6 December 2006 which became res judicata.
Jag ser inte sambandet...... mellan att förlora # # #, sjukskriva Gorgeous och ett bra prisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The credibility gap that characterised the 2011 electoral process and the lack of democratic legitimacy of the electoral results are acknowledged by a very large part of the Congolese people and the international com-munity30.
Det är underbartelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
When preparing for 2004 EP elections, the Commission drew the attention of the Member States to the need for a common interpretation of Article 9(2) concerning the timing of publication of the electoral results.
Om inte, byt injektionsnål och upprepa proceduren, dock inte mer än # gångerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission will closely monitor implementation of measures in the 2014 European elections to ensure they are adequate and that the official publication of electoral results takes place in full compliance with this fundamental democratic principle.
År # upprättade kommissionen ett forum för användarna av finansiella tjänster (FIN-USE) som ska ta tillvara expertinlägg från ett användarperspektiv i Europeiska kommissionens politik för finansiella tjänster så att användarna blir mer aktivt involverade och kan framföra sina synpunkterEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If the lack of political union risks, because of the electoral results of one country or another, bringing back the cyclical problem - Europe exists or does not exist as a supranational entity or it is not always...
Bombmannen kräver # miljoner dollar annars spränger han bromsarnaEuroparl8 Europarl8
The Commission detected that the interpretation by certain Member States of Article 9(2) concerning the timing of publication of the electoral results in 2004 elections had led to early publication of the results in these Member States.
Jag har inte rosa kallingarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Early publication of the results in one Member State [59], i.e. several days before the close of the poll in other Member States, violates EU law and prevents citizens from casting their vote free of influence by these electoral results.
Det går inte att utföra utan finansiärEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas, speaking on behalf of the EU, Vice-President / High Representative Catherine Ashton reiterated concern at the serious shortcomings and lack of transparency in the compilation and publication of the electoral results which were reported by, among others, the EU Election Observation Mission;
Enviage kan minska biotillgängligheten något för digoxinEurLex-2 EurLex-2
With a much bigger electorate as a result of the 2004 enlargement, 45.6% of the total electorate voted.
Kommissionen har dessutom genomfört en avsevärd åtstramning för perioden 2000-2006.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Having no objective other than to stay in power, these people turn state enterprises into their own private property, manipulate the electoral results, give oppositions as little room as possible, hamper free organisations, restrict the press and, if need be, use violence against their own people.
Jag försökte gå därifrån men Rumpleteazer höll fast migEuroparl8 Europarl8
Having no objective other than to stay in power, these people turned state enterprises into their own private property, manipulated electoral results, gave the opposition as little leeway as possible, hampered free organisations, restricted the press and, if need be, used violence against their own people.
Jag har en hästEuroparl8 Europarl8
whereas in September 2013, following the announcement of the electoral results, the CNRP launched three days of non-violent mass demonstrations against the official results of the National Assembly elections; whereas in response to these peaceful protests the government deployed large numbers of armed police and gendarmes;
On May 25th, the Election night, collecting electoral results for projection of the political composition of the new Parliament and ensuring live broadcasting of the event, attracted over 1 200 accredited journalists who reported live from the EP premises as well as over 150 broadcasters from 46 countries.
Förordningen bör inte heller gälla konkurrensbegränsande avtal mellan olika konsortier som verkar i samma trafik eller mellan medlemmar av sådana konsortierEurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the moment, that first-past-the-post electoral system has resulted in political misrepresentation.
Det får mer omfattande följder för små och medelstora företag än för större företagEuroparl8 Europarl8
We can now go to the electorate with those results, partly or indeed mainly thanks to you.
Jag pratar med Ramona!Europarl8 Europarl8
The post-electoral violence has resulted in over one million internally displaced persons and refugees.
Hur når vi dessa andra stränder?Europarl8 Europarl8
495 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.