enclave oor Sweeds


/ˈɑnkleɪv/, /ˈɛnkleɪv/, /ˈɛŋkleɪv/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A political, cultural or social entity or part thereof that is completely surrounded by another.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


entity completely surrounded by another
Excluded are transactions of the enclaves with residents of the home economies.
Omfattar inte enklavernas transaktioner med inhemska enheter i hemekonomierna.
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territorial enclave
Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda
enclave or exclave
enklav eller exklav


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In a number of locations they issue their own newspapers, and live in ethnic enclaves (especially the generation of immigrants who started arriving in the early 1960s).
Jag säger många tokiga sakerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The geographical area is an enclave with limited irrigation, sheltered from maritime mists by the higher slopes of Choletais and Mauges.
Vid införlivandet av rambeslutet får varje medlemsstat ange att den i egenskap av verkställande stat i specifika fall vägrar övertagandet av ansvaret enligt punktEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
There were Tajiks and Uzbeks pouring out of their enclave in the northeast.
Fint, snutenLiterature Literature
— extraterritorial enclaves (i. e. the parts of the country's own geographic territory used by general government agencies of other countries, by the institutions of the European Communities or by international organizations under international treaties or agreements between States) only in respect of transactions relating to the ownership of the land constituting the enclave and of the buildings standing on such land at the time of sale,
Vad du gör pâ din fritid-- bryr vi oss inte om, men när det pâverkar firman-- sâ mâste vi göra nâgot ât detEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As regards town planning, architecture in the European Quarter is of varying quality, the area is an enclave, which creates traffic problems, and the monopoly of administrative and service activities has created an imbalance.
Det är problemetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Stresses that the Kaliningrad Oblast is still an enclave plagued with many social, economic and ecological problems, such as the significant ecological risk posed by the presence of the military bases and weapons in the region, the substantial health risk and the high levels of organised crime and drug addiction;
TillämpningsområdeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A part of ancient Jerusalem remained a Jebusite enclave within Israel’s territory for four centuries until David finally captured it. —Jos 15:63; Jg 1:21; 19:11, 12; 2Sa 5:6-9.
Finalmatch!jw2019 jw2019
This rule shall apply only to animals originating in the customs enclave of Livigno.
Vi hade 16 grundläggande beslutsbefogenheter som vi lämnade över till kommissionen för att kontrollera finansieringsinstrumentet för utvecklingssamarbete och underlätta ett utökat samarbete.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
territorial enclaves (i.e. geographic territories situated in the rest of the world and used, under international treaties or agreements between States, by general government agencies of the country (embassies, consulates, military bases, scientific bases, etc.)) for all transactions other than those relating to the ownership of the land constituting the enclave and of the buildings standing on such land at the time of purchase,
Jag tror att kommissionen förstår budskapet.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The BPK also made special efforts to smooth the changeover in the Serbian enclaves in Kosovo, where the Yugoslav Dinar continues to be used as a means of payment.
kemiskt modiferade polymerer klassificeras enligt samma varunummer som den omodifierade polymerenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
— territorial enclaves, i.e. geographic territories situated in the rest of the world and used, under international treaties or agreements between States, by general government agencies of the country (embassies, consulates, military bases, scientific bases, etc.),
Älskling, det är för tre dagar!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
When the neighbouring countries of Lithuania and Poland have joined the EU, this area - half the size of Belgium - will become a Russian enclave within the EU, 300 kilometres from its motherland.
Detta avtal ingås för en inledande period om tio år och förlängs därefter automatiskt med ett år i taget, förutsatt att ingendera parten ger den andra parten skriftlig underrättelse om uppsägning av avtalet senast sex månader innan det upphör att gällaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
— territorial enclaves (i. e. geographic territories situated in the rest of the world and used, under international treaties or agreements between States, by general government agencies of the country (embassies, consulates, military bases, scientific bases, etc.)) for all transactions other than those relating to the ownership of the land constituting the enclave and of the buildings standing on such land at the time of purchase,
Man önskar ingen att sitta i blodEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We should help this country more, both economically and above all politically, to protect it from a growing and worrying Russian influence that is filtering in through the Transdniestrian enclave.
Så att ni kan resa er över denEuroparl8 Europarl8
Last year, the High Court in the Community of Valencia issued an injunction ordering the building of six bungalows on the island to be suspended as a precaution in view of the way in which such building work would encroach on the shoreline and in view of the threat that this would pose to the protected enclave.
Herr talman! Även jag vill först tacka föredragandena för lyckat utformade betänkanden.not-set not-set
An enclave city of the tribe of Simeon in the Negeb.
Rådets förordning (EG) nr #/# av den # oktober # om ingående av ett partnerskapsavtal om fiske mellan Europeiska gemenskapen och Unionen Komorernajw2019 jw2019
extra-territorial enclaves (i.e. the parts of the country's own geographic territory used by general government agencies of other countries, by the institutions of the European Communities or by international organisations under international treaties or agreements between States) only in respect of transactions relating to the ownership of the land constituting the enclave and of the buildings standing on such land at the time of sale,
Kommissionens förordning (EG) nr #/# av den # februari # om fastställande av schablonvärden vid import för bestämning av ingångspriset för vissa frukter och grönsakerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Reinforcing regional integration is certainly a justified priority, particularly for the countries of the region that are enclaves.
Reformen av stabilitets- och tillväxtpakten # avsåg att stärka dess effektivitet och ekonomiska underbyggnad samt att säkerställa de offentliga finansernas långsiktiga hållbarhetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
British and Indian units, trapped in a small enclave, fought for their lives.
För provtagning, analys och resultatberäkning bör de behöriga myndigheterna följa analysprotokollet i bilaga VOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
— a Member State and its territorial enclaves in other Member States, and
The Commission has already allocated EUR 3 million of assistance to the Uzbek enclaves in Kyrgyz territory for poverty reduction, cross-border cooperation and avoidance of an escalation of tension in this volatile area.
Gör bara som han sägerEuroparl8 Europarl8
(d) territorial enclaves, i.e. geographic territories situated in the rest of the world and used, under international treaties or agreements between States, by general government agencies of the country (embassies, consulates, military bases, scientific bases, etc.) ;
Om du tror att jag har legat med en viss gift killeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Hell, this isn't my first time hearing about demonic maledictions or enclaves of evil.
Fastän Will skulle lyckas, kommer jag inte se på när min dotter blir hängdOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
— extraterritorial enclaves (i.e. the parts of the country's own geographic territory used by general government agencies of other countries, by the institutions of the European Communities or by international organisations under international treaties or agreements between States) only in respect of transactions relating to the ownership of the land constituting the enclave and of the buildings standing on such land at the time of sale,
Undantag från kraven att presentera jämförande information för IFRSEurLex-2 EurLex-2
215 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.