evaluation of resources oor Sweeds

evaluation of resources

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds



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an evaluation of resources used by the qualifying portfolio undertakings;
Sedan ska vi avbryta före den slutliga omröstningen.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(ii) evaluation of resources for scientific research, monitoring and control and training available in the third country and assessment of its needs for assistance,
Simon) Hoppas hon är våran sidaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The potential solutions are acknowledged: regionalisation of management for greater flexibility, more accurate scientific evaluation of resources to avoid disputes, greater involvement of the profession ?
Champagne och ostron!Europarl8 Europarl8
The Contracting Parties agree to intensify and develop cooperation in the field of fisheries, particularly as regards the evaluation of resources, artisanal fishing and aquaculture, inter alia, by:
Utan att det påverkar tillämpningen av de åtgärder som vidtagits inom ramen för direktiv #/#/EG skall samtliga svin på svinanläggningar som ligger inom skyddszonen kring ett bekräftat utbrott i Gemeinde Borken i Nordrhein-Westfalen så snart som möjligt utslaktas i förebyggande syfteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see IFRS # Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources); or
Idioten som grep mig var ihop med henneoj4 oj4
the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see IFRS # Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources); and
Jag vill tacka domarnaoj4 oj4
the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see IFRS # Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources); or
effektskillnader på över # % (högsta effekt mer än #,# × lägstaoj4 oj4
the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see IFRS # Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources); and
Ska jag dra ur telefonen?oj4 oj4
the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources).
Det går fortEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The above mentioned ACP-EU resolution considers that scientific resource assessment must be a precondition for access to fishing, and that an annual evaluation of resources must be a condition for obtaining further fishing permits.
Jag behöver nåt som är hansnot-set not-set
The above mentioned ACP-EU resolution considers that scientific resource assessment must be a precondition for access to fishing, and that an annual evaluation of resources must be a condition for obtaining further fishing permits.
Stackars Nana.Ensam där utenot-set not-set
the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources); and
Vi vet att du har förlorat jobbetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The above mentioned ACP-EU resolution considers that scientific resource assessment must be a precondition for access to fishing, and that an annual evaluation of resources must be a condition for obtaining further fishing permits.
De ännu bättre nyheterna?not-set not-set
The above mentioned ACP-EU resolution considers that scientific resource assessment must be a precondition for access to fishing, and that an annual evaluation of resources must be a condition for obtaining further fishing permits.
Han eller hon ska vara tjänsteman vid ett nationellt parlament och tjänstgöra under en tvåårsperiod som kan förnyas en gångnot-set not-set
the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources); or
Vår far lämnade oss detta företag när han dogEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The above mentioned ACP-EU resolution considers that scientific resource assessment must be a precondition for access to fishing, and that an annual evaluation of resources must be a condition for obtaining further fishing permits.
Vad gillar du för mat?not-set not-set
The above-mentioned ACP-EU resolution considers that scientific resource assessment must be a precondition for access to fishing, and that an annual evaluation of resources must be a condition for obtaining further fishing permits.
Ge oss två sekunder!not-set not-set
Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources
Jag rekryterade honom för att hjälpa oss med kroppsskyddetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
3595 sinne gevind in 182 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.