expurgate oor Sweeds


/ˈɛks.pɚ.ɡeɪt/ werkwoord
(transitive) To edit out rude, incorrect, offensive, useless, or otherwise undesirable information from a book, CD or other publication; to cleanse; to purge.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


In any event, the Commission could have provided expurgated data and non-confidential versions of those analyses.
Kommissionen kunde under alla förhållanden ha tillhandahållit censurerade uppgifter och icke konfidentiella versioner av sina analyser.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
This opinion shall be made public by the Agency in a version from which all data concerning any trade or industrial secret have been expurgated.
— Proposals as to practical procedures for the handling of the EU classified information (providing expurgated versions of a text, for example) and documents transmitted (retaining or deleting EU classification headings, specific markings, etc.) ;
Det var vad han sa till mejEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The agenda for this Council has already been expurgated of any proposals that might have related to employment.
Vi saknar inte information om Darfur.Europarl8 Europarl8
Expurgated copies of documents, from which sensitive parts have been removed, may be used to illustrate the nature and content of the evidence
Håll snattran, annars knyter en likadan bindel över munnen på digeurlex eurlex
proposals as to practical procedures for the handling of the EU classified information (for example providing expurgated versions of a text) and documents transmitted (retaining or deleting EU classification headings, specific markings, etc
euro/ton för regleringsåreteurlex eurlex
Expurgated copies of documents, from which sensitive parts have been removed, may be used to illustrate the nature and content of the evidence.
Vi borde nog dela upp oss i grupper och börja göra nåtEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission replied to that request by letter of 5 June 1998, stating that it was not for the Commission to provide the documents belonging to the Polish Government or authorities, sending the other documents duly expurgated of all confidential material and repeating its view that the documents were in any event irrelevant to the proceedings.
Kommissionens förordningar (EG) nr #/# och (EG) nr #/# innehåller närmare bestämmelser om genomförandet av den andra etappen i det arbetsprogram som avses i artikel #.# i direktiv #/#/EEG och en förteckning över de verksamma ämnen som skall bedömas för att eventuellt införas i bilaga I till direktiv #/#/EEGEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The discovery that his confession had been expurgated came as the real shock of the trial to the Bishop.
Jag har lagt ner år på konstruktionen av blandäktenskapslagarnaLiterature Literature
However, partial access may be refused if the expurgated version of the document is misleading or incomprehensible.
Jag kommer att sakna digEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Therefore, the Commission notes that the 2011 study on the uranium mine, (see recital 72), which the Commission regrets that Romania was unable to produce, even expurgated of possible concerns on national security is, in any event, obsolete and insufficient to establish the profitability of the new mine.
Jag uppskattar att kommissionen erkänner de ansträngningar som den franska regeringen och dess transportminister gjort för att så snart som möjligt uppnå ett avtal som kan accepteras av de anställda.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Marcion constructed his own canon to suit his doctrines, taking only certain of the apostle Paul’s letters and an expurgated form of the Gospel of Luke.
Hon var så lycklig så hon grätjw2019 jw2019
76 This Court finds that, by releasing the expurgated version of the minutes of the meeting of 11 October 1996 with the names of five participants removed therefrom, the Commission did not infringe the provisions of Regulation No 1049/2001 and sufficiently complied with its duty of openness.
För detta ändamål skall de avtalsslutande parterna i överensstämmelse med sina rättsliga, och i tillämpliga fall, författningsenliga bestämmelser och sina rättsliga ramar biträda varandra på sätt som anges i detta avtal, i synnerhet genom attEurLex-2 EurLex-2
91 The Commission in fact used the same documents, in their full form or in expurgated form, in the course of the three separate proceedings initiated under Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty against the applicant and ICI in the appendices common to both which were marked "II", on the one hand, and the separate appendices marked "IV" and "V", on the other hand.
Jag sa inte att det var en bra planEurLex-2 EurLex-2
101 The Commission in fact used the same documents, in their full form or in expurgated form, in the course of the three separate proceedings initiated under Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty against the applicant and Solvay in the appendices common to both which were marked "II", on the one hand, and the separate appendices marked "IV" and "V", on the other hand.
Vi sticker härifrån, Ellen BrodyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
— proposals as to practical procedures for the handling of the EU classified information (for example providing expurgated versions of a text) and documents transmitted (retaining or deleting EU classification headings, specific markings, etc.),
Det finns inte heller något system eller förfarande för att kontrollera vilka insatsvaror som förbrukats vid tillverkningen av exportprodukten eller om det skett en alltför stor återbetalning av inhemska indirekta skatter enligt led h i bilaga I och bilaga # till grundförordningen eller av importtullar enligt led i i bilaga I och bilagorna # och # till grundförordningenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
40 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.