fellow party member oor Sweeds

fellow party member

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


My German fellow-countrymen and women fellow party members.
Mina Tyska landsmän och kvinnor och partikamrater.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
My friend and fellow party member, Mr Bushill-Matthews, called for the report to be rejected.
Det är därför jag älskar digEuroparl8 Europarl8
One of my fellow party members knew who that captain was.
använda lämpliga kommunikativa strategier för att utbyta meddelanden och upptäcka och lösa missförstånd (dvs. att kontrollera, bekräfta eller förtydliga information) i ett allmänt eller arbetsrelaterat sammanhangLiterature Literature
They're fellow party members.
FallklassificeringOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My German fellow-countrymen and women fellow party members.
Men hon var ett sådant stort fanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All round the country fellow party members were following the speech on the internet.
Bra gjort, LöjtnantLiterature Literature
My German fellow- countrymen and women...... fellow party members
partiets kvalitet, med angivande av en övre och en nedre gräns för de egenskaper som avses i artikel #.# d i och ii i den här förordningenopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
My German fellow-countrymen and women...... fellow party members
Den mest omedelbara utmaning som Georgien står inför kommer i form av det demokratiska presidentval som skall hållas den 4 januari, och som sedan skall följas av parlamentsval i enlighet med de åtaganden som har gjorts till OSSE och Europarådet.OpenSubtitles OpenSubtitles
On the contrary, like so many of his fellow party members, he was an antimilitarist.
Artikel #.# beskriver förfarandet för att nå enighet i pediatriska kommitténs om ett yttrandeLiterature Literature
His old fellow party members, to whom he went asking for help, hid so as not to receive him.
Upprepa provet om så inte är falletLiterature Literature
Sometimes, however, in my country, my fellow party members and I are called communists merely for opposing the current government.
De pladdrar på och stirrar alltid på oss!Europarl8 Europarl8
All I can say to you is that you should follow the recommendations of your fellow party member, Mr Almunia.
Vargas äger praktiskt BlackwaterEuroparl8 Europarl8
Fellow party members turned against him, the state party's vice chair calling him the "prototypical antisemitic conspiracy theorist", while others insisted on further investigations.
Europaparlamentet anser att det finns utrymme för nytänkande i förhållande till de befintliga Kyotomekanismerna när det gäller utformningen av utvecklings- och tillväxtländernas åtaganden och mål, detta genom att man gör åtagandena förenliga med varje lands behov och kapacitet, dock under förutsättning att de är mätbara, rapporterbara och verifierbaraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As members of the Group of the Party of European Socialists, we have voted, together with our fellow party members, for and against a range of amendments.
Är du redo att be för ditt liv?Europarl8 Europarl8
This is why I appeal to fellow party members in the European governments to put the need to shift the burden of taxation away from labour before national short-term interests.
Det spelar ingen roll, eftersom det inte är santEuroparl8 Europarl8
In Sweden, the tradition of transparency goes back to my fellow Liberal Party member, Anders Chydenius in 1766.
Skye Russell dog av inre blödningarEuroparl8 Europarl8
I admit that I personally think it is more important to have commissioners who are genuinely the leading professionals in their field rather than to have my own fellow nationals or even fellow party members at any price.
Nej, det var filer som raderats tidigareEuroparl8 Europarl8
I must, however, point to the important reports that were completed in the last Parliament by my fellow party member and fellow countryman Karel De Gucht in connection with a European election system, and which were approved by a large majority.
Flash, det var en olyckaEuroparl8 Europarl8
When, for example, his fellow party members demonstrated in front of Fiat against the owner of the firm, the language used certainly did not lack force, but nobody dared to suggest that the language used during a demonstration had to be suitable for a court reception.
Hon har smuts under naglarnaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Would it perhaps be possible for you to have a frank discussion with our Liberal colleagues in the Netherlands, who are your fellow party members, to ensure that this issue does not complicate matters at this time and that it is not misused in the Dutch elections?
Gör som din mamma sägerEuroparl8 Europarl8
But let me tell you, Mr Seal, that I did not make up my first four lines: they were spoken yesterday by your fellow party member Mr Prescott, who was here as President-in-Office of the Council, and he mentioned transport and the environment as the most important environmental issue of the British Presidency.
Under dessa omständigheter konstaterades det att företaget inte hade påvisat att dess beslut rörande verksamheten och kostnader fattats utifrån de förutsättningar som råder på marknaden utan något större statligt inflytandeEuroparl8 Europarl8
I would like to hear your reply on the subject of this inquiry and, in the meantime, on behalf of myself and my fellow party members, I would like to express solidarity with these workers. It is appalling that a corporation worth millions should be able to drive thousands of workers throughout Europe into unemployment and poverty.
Allting förändrades för mig i tisdags kvällEuroparl8 Europarl8
He made every effort to point out to his Dutch fellow party members that their attitude towards enlargement was totally untypical of true Liberals, because we know that the Liberals have always been keystones of European integration, that they are particularly kindly disposed towards extending the international rule of law and have always used this as a basis of their movement on principle.
Som det låterEuroparl8 Europarl8
At a meeting of the Communist party he told fellow members that he was going to resign.
På grundval av de åtaganden som gjordes vid toppmötet mellan EU och västra Balkan i Thessaloniki den # juni # uttrycker Europeiska unionen och Montenegro (nedan kallade parterna) sin beslutsamhet att förstärka och intensifiera sina ömsesidiga politiska förbindelserjw2019 jw2019
I would like to thank my fellow Members from all parties for their valuable assistance in drawing up this recommendation.
Mätningarna ska göras med användning av en dynamisk videosignal för programinnehåll som representerar ett typiskt utsänt tv-innehållEuroparl8 Europarl8
I also wish to thank our Portuguese fellow Members and those parties that have conducted such an objective, serious and informative campaign.
Varje medlemsstats databas skall innehålla följandeEuroparl8 Europarl8
157 sinne gevind in 33 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.