functionate oor Sweeds


To execute or perform a function; to transact one's regular or appointed business.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Member States shall be responsible for ensuring that the systems function effectively throughout the programme period.
Medlemsstaterna skall ansvara för att systemen fungerar effektivt under hela programperioden.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

wait function
Heaviside step function
hash function
Hashfunktion · hash-funktion
generalized function
distribution · generaliserad funktion
state function
empty function
Tom funktion
social function
evenemang · social funktion
sinc function
elementary transcendental function
Transcendent funktion


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The financial instruments set up at Union level can only deliver the desired fast response if their functioning respects two conditions.
Var är min son, din jävel?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(118) The external borders referred to in this Regulation are those to which the provisions of Title II of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 apply, which includes the external borders of Schengen Member States in accordance with Protocol No 19 on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union, annexed to the TEU and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
Jag väntar på honom i korsningen, han kör igenom dennot-set not-set
Only a few hours after the official functions were provisionally transferred to prime minister Meciar as an interim measure, he had two personal assistants sacked, recalled over half of Slovakia's ambassadors - or at least gave notice of his intention to do so - and suspended the trial of the suspected abductor of the former President's son.
Jag vet inteEuroparl8 Europarl8
The EDPS stresses that this kind of processing is in principle strictly regulated in Member State legislation (if not prohibited), and it is the task of specific public authorities the functioning of which is also strictly regulated.
De levererade kvantiteterna efter korrigering för fetthalten enligt formeln i artikel # i förordning (EEG) nrEurLex-2 EurLex-2
GSM-R radio functions shall be implemented in accordance with the technical specifications indicated in Annex A, index 11.
Delregioner av Vinho Regional BeirasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The European Solidarity Corps Portal should continuously be developed in order to ensure easy access to the European Solidarity Corps and to provide a one-stop shop for both interested individuals and organisations as regards, inter alia, registration, identification and matching of profiles and opportunities, networking and virtual exchanges, online training, language support as well as all other support before the solidarity activity, after the solidarity activity, or both, and other useful functions, which might arise in the future.
Jag skulle avfärdat henne, men jag trodde... ni ville hon skulle tala i maskinenEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Substantial changes are changes which are likely to have an impact on the separation of functions, on the effectiveness of selection, award, control and payment mechanisms and on communication with the Commission.
Synpunkterna kan sändas till kommissionen per telefax nr (#-#) # # # eller # # #) eller per post med angivande av referensnummer COMP/M.COMP/M.# – Owens-Illinois/BSN Glasspack tillEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As the related trader in Switzerland of one of Russian exporting producers has functions similar to those of an agent working on a commission basis, an adjustment to the export price for a commission was made in accordance with Article 2(10)(i) of the basic Regulation.
De besskddar HonomEurLex-2 EurLex-2
40 The principle of continuity of functions, as referred to in the case-law of the Court, (Cases T‐308/01 Henkel v OHIM – LHS (UK) (KLEENCARE) [2003] ECR II‐3253, paragraphs 25 and 26; T‐57/03 SPAG v OHIM – Dann and Backer (HOOLIGAN) [2005] ECR II‐287, paragraph 18; and T‐323/03 La Baronia de Turis v OHIM − Baron Philippe de Rothschild (LA BARONNIE) [2006] ECR II‐2085, paragraphs 57 and 58), cannot in any event justify the submission of such a request for the first time before the Board of Appeal, since it does not entail the Board of Appeal examining a case different from that submitted to the Opposition Division, that is to say a case whose scope has been extended by the addition of the preliminary issue of genuine use of the earlier mark.
Samordna de nationella referenslaboratoriernas tillämpning av de metoder som avses i led a genom att anordna jämförande tester, framför allt kvalitetsprövningEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to fulfil their duties under this Regulation, the competent authorities shall have all the supervisory and investigatory powers that are necessary for the exercise of their functions.
utgiftsredogörelsen är korrekt, har utarbetats med hjälp av tillförlitliga redovisningssystem och grundar sig på kontrollerbara verifikationer, ochEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Article means a man-made object containing or composed of substance(s) and/or preparation(s) which during production is given a specific shape, surface or design relevant for its use function
Mycket personligtoj4 oj4
For the parts located higher than 3,500 m from the running surface, the value So of the projection to be taken into account as a function of the curve to calculate the reductions Ei and Ea is [Formula] irrespective of the type of vehicle.
Det är fruktansvärtEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The component or 'executable software' does not change any cryptographic functionality of the existing items, or add new cryptographic functionality to the existing items;
Du får min efterrättEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Parties may decide to conduct a mid-term review in order to assess the functioning and effectiveness of this Protocol.
Det här är toppenEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Type of facility in relation to the dominating operational functions.
Skoja inte om detEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
43 When an entity's functional currency is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy, the entity shall restate its financial statements in accordance with IAS 29 before applying the translation method set out in paragraph 42, except for comparative amounts that are translated into a currency of a non-hyperinflationary economy (see paragraph 42(b)).
Vad hoppas ni uppnå?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In view of the need to ensure that the additional allocations made available for the 2017 budget year are financially committed, including through amendments to affected programmes, it was considered to be appropriate to provide for an exception to the 8-week period referred to in Article 4 of Protocol No 1 on the role of national Parliaments in the European Union, annexed to the Treaty on European Union, to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community.
Tillägg #: Krav för energiupptagningeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Managing, establishing, updating and maintaining databases (office functions)
ogiltigförklara hela beslutet av den # februari # som meddelats i mål F-#/# (nedan kallat det överklagade beslutet), Marcuccio mot kommissionen, av personaldomstolens första avdelningtmClass tmClass
8.6. The loss of function of receivers during the immunity test, when the test signal is within the receiver bandwidth (RF exclusion band) as specified for the specific radio service/product in the harmonised EMC standard and whose reference is published in the Official Journal of the European Union, does not necessarily lead to a fail criteria.
Mike, varför ska jag bort?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This body, which may be a court, shall have the appropriate expertise available to it to enable it to carry out its functions effectively.
Han rann mellan mina fingrarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If the euro is to function, a lot of things are clearly required.
Vad sa doktorn?Europarl8 Europarl8
present a danger for safety and the good functioning of the operations or for the safety of other passengers
Ni är bästa vänneroj4 oj4
The point of contact for the hosting service provider does not have to be located in the Union and the hosting service provider is free to nominate an existing point of contact, provided that this point of contact is able to fulfil the functions provided for in this Regulation.
Nej, det gör jag intenot-set not-set
Contact details (email and telephone number) of a contact person within the entity to which operational functions are to be outsourced
Hon sitter häreurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
29 Thirdly, as regards the objectives pursued by Directive 2003/96, it must be observed, first of all, that that directive, by making provision for a system of harmonised taxation of energy products and electricity, seeks, as is apparent from recitals 2 to 5 and 24 thereof, to promote the smooth functioning of the internal market in the energy sector by avoiding, in particular, distortions of competition (see, to that effect, inter alia, judgments of 3 April 2004, Kronos Titan and Rhein-Ruhr Beschichtungs-Service, C‐43/13 and C‐44/13, EU:C:2014:216, paragraphs 31 and 33; of 2 June 2016, ROZ-ŚWIT, C‐418/14, EU:C:2016:400, paragraph 32; and of 7 September 2017, Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann, C‐465/15, EU:C:2017:640, paragraph 26).
Och i slutet av månaden kommer dem att öppna skolor och polisstationereurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
215 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.