holiday compensation oor Sweeds

holiday compensation

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


This is so even though it constitutes a supplement to the holiday compensation provided for in legislation.
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This is so even though it constitutes a supplement to the holiday compensation provided for in legislation.
Vill ni ha godis?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(54) Unlike holiday compensation, this element of remuneration is based on provisions of the collective agreements.
The payment of that allowance means that the holiday compensation as provided for in legislation is increased by 50 %.
Mina fem sämsta nollEurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the outset, I observe that the holiday allowance (‘lomaraha’) is an element of remuneration which is not provided for in the relevant legislative provisions governing annual leave and holiday compensation (‘lomakorvaus’) in the Annual Leave Law.
Jag drar av det ifrån er andelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For work performed after 20.00, at weekends and on official holidays, the compensation rate shall be 1,5 hours per hour worked.
Nu har vi den saknade biten tillbaka där den hör hemmaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
22 Furthermore, the Directive, and in particular Article 5 thereof, is designed to offer protection to consumers and, in connection with tourist holidays, compensation for non-material damage arising from the loss of enjoyment of the holiday is of particular importance to consumers.
Bristfällig utrustning skall repareras eller ersättas inom högst en månadEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is not clear therefore why, in cases concerning the loss of enjoyment of holidays, compensation for non-material damage should be precluded or limited to specific circumstances (pretium doloris), given that in those cases there is ample possibility for such damage to be verified.
säkerställa ett gott skydd för konsumenter i deras förhållande till leverantörer, i synnerhet genom att säkerställa att det finns enkla och kostnadsmässigt rimliga tvistelösningsförfaranden som utförs av ett organ som är fristående från de berörda parternaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Other allowances linked to working conditions: compensation of overtime work for categories C and D in cases of urgency or exceptional pressure of work; compensation for those officials who work regularly at night, on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays; compensation for standby duty because of the exigencies of the service or safety rules.
Det är synd om digEurLex-2 EurLex-2
34 In regard to contributions paid by employers established in other Member States to holiday and compensation funds comparable to the German funds, it is clear from the German Government’s reply to the reasoned opinion that these correspond, in Germany, to paid leave and holiday bonuses.
Och då måste ni öppna ögonenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
19 The first subparagraph of Article 5(2) of the Directive requires the Member States to take the necessary steps to ensure that the holiday organiser compensates the damage resulting for the consumer from the failure to perform or the improper performance of the contract.
Textfilen med licensenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
My family doesn’t have to do anything to compensate for such holidays.
Enligt köpkriterierna ska alla potentiella köpare vara befintliga leverantörer av ekonomisk information, ha incitament att distribuera de berörda databaserna via tredje part och inneha nödvändiga ekonomiska resurserjw2019 jw2019
The pay slips stated: ‘Pay rate includes compensation for hols [holidays] & sick days’.
Den antihypertensiva effekten inträder gradvis inom # timmar efter den första dosen telmisartanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Luxembourg firms are now being required by the German holiday and pay compensation fund (ULAK) to pay the latter 14,25 % of the gross salary paid during the period spent working abroad as a holiday bonus.
Så, du har, " sovit " gott?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
That provision states that agreements to relinquish the right to the minimum annual holiday with pay prescribed in Article 3, paragraph 3, of that Convention or to forgo such a holiday, for compensation or otherwise, must, as appropriate to national conditions, be null and void or be prohibited.
Men det kommer du att göraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These ostentatious Christmas holidays were simply her way of compensating for that absence.
Vad för typ av aktiviteter?Literature Literature
KG. - Reference for a preliminary ruling: Landesgericht Linz - Austria. - Directive 90/314/EEC - Package travel, package holidays and package tours - Compensation for non-material damage. - Case C-168/00.
Toppmöte Ryssland/Europeiska unionen (omröstningEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Relying on Finnish employment legislation, she brought legal proceedings against the transferee, claiming compensation in respect of holiday corresponding to the notice period and further compensation equivalent to 14 months’ pay for unfair dismissal.
I rymden har den väntatEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas Directive #/#/EEC (the Travel Package Directive) regulates aspects of the package holiday business and provides for appropriate compensation to, and repatriation, of consumers in the event of the bankruptcy of package holiday firms
Ser ni detta rum?oj4 oj4
19 More particularly, the Commission criticises the Federal Republic of Germany for not recognising, as constituent elements of the minimum wage, certain bonuses, such as bonuses in respect of the 13th and 14th salary months, or the contributions paid by employers established in other Member States to holiday and compensation funds comparable to the German funds, in so far as those amounts are received directly or indirectly by the worker posted in the other Member State.
Vad händer här då?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
12 Ms Juuri then brought an action before the Helsingin käräjäoikeus (Helsinki District Court), claiming that Amica should pay compensation in lieu of notice in an amount corresponding to four months’ pay; compensation for holiday leave in respect of the notice period; and compensation for unlawful termination of the employment contract in an amount corresponding to 14 months’ pay.
Så en Resurs- Baserad Ekonomi är inget annat än en uppsättning av bevisade, livsuppehållande insikter där alla beslut är baserade på att optimera mänsklig och miljömässig hållbarhetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas Directive 90/314/EEC (the Travel Package Directive) regulates aspects of the package holiday business and provides for appropriate compensation to, and repatriation, of consumers in the event of the bankruptcy of package holiday firms,
Större hänsyn än tidigare har tagits till de skiftande ekonomiska förhållandena i de enskilda medlemsstaterna.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(f) compensation for days not actually worked, paid holidays;
Vi är resande av kungariket som söker en varm måltid och en kopp spritEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(f) compensation for days not actually worked, paid holidays;
Han hatar er lika mycket som han älskar krigEurLex-2 EurLex-2
294 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.