individualistic oor Sweeds


More interested in individual people than in society as a whole

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Do the individualistic thing once, it is easy to do it again.
Gör man det individualistiska en gång så är det lätt att upprepa.

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individualist anarchism


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Furthermore, the postal services’ capacity to enhance social and territorial cohesion is fundamental in an enlarged and increasingly individualist Europe.
FÖRKLARINGEuroparl8 Europarl8
Mainly it had importance within individualist anarchist circles in Spain, France, Portugal and Cuba.
Vi måste förbereda oss!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You're an individualist, Charlotte.
Namnet på den anbudsgivare som förklarats som köpareOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Individualists, completely wrapped up in themselves, thank God.
Har hon förändrats?Literature Literature
They all rest upon inwardly “individualistic” motives.
Jag hörde att du lever dig in i kundens behovLiterature Literature
However, the justified concern to save water must not lead to an individualist quest for self-dependence, which would undermine, technically and economically, the public provision of water supply and sanitation services, which was and still is at the root of major advances in hygiene and life expectancy.
Vårt kök ligger härinneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It's as particular and individualistic as... a kiss.
Han kommer inte, va?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Our society is becoming perceptibly more individualistic.
Ämne: Skydd av områden av gemenskapsintresse och av särskilda skyddsområden i Basilicata (Italien) i enlighet med habitatdirektivet #/#/EEG och fågeldirektivet #/#/EEGEuroparl8 Europarl8
She' s always been an individualist, should we say?
Jag tog med den här till eropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The Euro will dictate all the most nationalistic and individualistic trends.
Du gottar dig ât dina egna skitkorvarEuroparl8 Europarl8
However, the justified concern to save water must not lead to an individualist quest for self-dependence, which would undermine, technically and economically, the public provision of water supply and sanitation services, which was and still is at the root of major advances in hygiene and life expectancy
Vadå nej?Nej, du är inte kvalificeradoj4 oj4
One likely answer is that the “personal autonomy” theory of the first U.S. pro-same-sex marriage case in 2001 simply extended the same individualistic legal concept that had created no-fault divorce.
Vi måste bevaka den sociala tryggheten för arbetstillfällena inom postområdet, därför är politikens dominerande ställning viktig även här.LDS LDS
That means breaking with the materialistic and individualistic view of man and believing that there is something sacred in each individual, which is the foundation of human dignity.
En sådan finns säkerligen, men tar sig olika uttryck.Europarl8 Europarl8
These are, on the one hand, higher unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment and, on the other, a weakening of social and family ties following the break up of the family unit and an increasingly individualistic personal ethos.
Uppräkningen i punkt # är inte fullständigEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Marx saw democracy as the only way to overcome atomized, or individualistic, bourgeois society.
I den tredje resolutionen står att det ska vara ett nära samarbete mellan de två institutionerna när det gäller budgetfrågor.Literature Literature
Secret individualistic currents below the surface.
Som det låterLiterature Literature
These are increasingly giving way to the principles - more universal, less linked to a particular culture or society - of good faith and cooperation in the execution of contracts which only concern the parties, in what is a more individualistic and independent approach.
Yttrande avgett den # juni # (ännu ej offentliggjort i EGTEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Even so, Hammer noted that Shah's books have remained in public demand, and that he has played "a significant role in representing the essence of Sufism as a non-confessional, individualistic and life-affirming distillation of spiritual wisdom."
Först vill jag svara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This was a source of conflict with the philosophy of fellow individualist anarchist Lysander Spooner, who saw ideas as the product of "intellectual labor" and therefore private property.
Jag vill höra honom bekänna... sedan kanske... kanskeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I wasn’t just an individualist, as some were saying.
Majoriteten har emellertid beslutat annorlunda.Literature Literature
- cultural crisis (manifest in the prevailing climate of individualistic consumerism);
Detta framgår ännu tydligare om man beaktar att den pakistanska regeringen i samband med sina synpunkter på förordningen om provisorisk tull sade sig vara beredd att i den mån det var möjligt ändra ett antal stödsystemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In an increasingly individualistic society, the role that youth NGOs play in engaging young people in civil society is crucial.
Vi är inte starka nogEuroparl8 Europarl8
Utopia (sometimes known as Trialville) was an individualist anarchist colony begun in 1847 by Josiah Warren and associates in the United States on a tract of land approximately 30 miles from Cincinnati.
Jag kan knappt tro att min son ska ställa fråganWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I was searching for an image before, and then it struck me that this is like being faced with a bunch of individualists with their own pet ideas, and reconciling them is akin to the task of organising a large number of wild horses to make a good impression in a Spanish riding school.
I ovan nämnda slutsatser gav rådet också uttryck för sin åsikt att de framtida ekonomiska åtagandena gentemot Grönland inom EU:s nästa budgetram med hänsyn till behoven i samtliga utomeuropeiska länder och territorier bör fastställas på samma nivå som den nuvarande samtidigt som hänsyn tas till andra relevanta omständigheter och en rättvis avvägning mellan de ömsesidiga intressena – särskilt Grönlands utvecklingsbehov och gemenskapens behov av att fortsatt ha tillträde till fiskbestånden i grönländska vatten på en hållbar grundval – och till de ekonomiska bidragen från andra parterEuroparl8 Europarl8
When we consider the question of the cost of living, we have to take into account those who have family responsibilities and should not take an overly individual, or rather individualistic, view in our calculations.
Det är så vackert, hon bara väller ut ur denEuroparl8 Europarl8
206 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.