inherits oor Sweeds


Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inherit.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

se inherit

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inheritance tax
Arvsskatt · arvskatt · arvsskatt
inheritance law
ärftlig · ärftligt
Mendelian Inheritance in Man
Mendelian Inheritance in Man
to inherit
att ärva · ärva
multiple inheritance
multipelt arv
Arv · arv · arvedel · kvarlåtenskap · legat
inheritance pattern
inheritance fund


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
A lot of things are inherited, you know, like intelligence, artistic ability...
Jag har ju två biljetterOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
+ 6 To this the repurchaser said: “I am unable to repurchase it for myself, for fear I may ruin my own inheritance.
Medlemsstater som vill behålla förbudet mot plantering i hela eller delar av sitt territorium enligt artikel #.# i förordning (EG) nr #/# efter den # december # enligt den möjlighet som ges för detta i artikel #.# i den förordningen ska meddela kommissionen sin avsikt före den # marsjw2019 jw2019
The United Kingdom, for example, has a 100 % exemption from inheritance tax for business assets.
Av samma skäl utgör blixtlås inget hinder även om blixtlås normalt innehåller textilmaterialEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A Benjamite of Moses’ day whose son Elidad assisted with the division of the Promised Land into inheritance portions. —Nu 34:17, 21.
Medlemsstaterna skall senast den # februari # underrätta kommissionen om de åtgärder som vidtagits i enlighet med första stycketjw2019 jw2019
The first paragraph shall not apply in the case where the transfer takes effect through an inheritance.
Resultaten kommer att vara en uppdaterad uppsättning av månatliga tidsserier, som företrädesvis börjar i januariEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In Kosovo, serious obstacles prevent women realising their right to inherit land.
Det mest upprörande för honom-- var att hitta skallen av en ung björnEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Then they will enter into their earthly inheritance, ‘the kingdom prepared for them from the founding of the world.’
Han trivs där utejw2019 jw2019
25 Those activities include various tasks of the law of succession for the purpose of dealing with successions, such as in particular recording the death, drawing up the inventory of the estate, identifying the heirs and receiving their declarations of acceptance of the inheritance, conserving the estate, and taking the necessary measures for that purpose.
Den fisk som sälarna genom sin rovgirighet konsumerar runt de irländska och skotska kusterna uppgår till den totalt tillåtna fångsten plus en fjärdedel.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Following the fine counsel of the Scriptures, let everyone who has undertaken to bear the name of Christ and of Jehovah his Father continue through faith and patience to build up his Christian brothers and his neighbors so that he may inherit the marvelous promise of everlasting life for himself and help others also to attain it. —1 Tim.
Den högsta vestalen, Camilla Pulchrajw2019 jw2019
However, this exception does not apply to the transfer of a right in rem recognised by the Member State in which the inherited property is located.
Fjärde åtgärdsprogrammet är normgivande för alla medlemsländerna, men målen bör inte ta slut i programmet utan vi måste fortsätta och förbättra dem i ett femte åtgärdsprogram.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(John 17:3) In this way you can learn how to be among those to whom Jesus will say: “Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.”
Champagne och ostron!jw2019 jw2019
Without prejudice to transfers by actual or anticipated inheritance, entitlements may only be transferred to another farmer established within the same Member State.
Varje medlemsstat skall vara fri att utföra delgivningen av handlingar i mål och ärenden direkt med hjälp av posttjänster såsom rekommenderat brev med mottagningsbevis eller motsvarande till personer som bor i en annan medlemsstatEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Do I inherit her, too?
Centrala och perifera nervsystemetOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Further consideration should be given to the issue of whether the order could cover other types of assets, such as immovable property or future assets (a claim about to become payable or an inheritance).
Undulatfeber, men vi insåg det för sentnot-set not-set
Is that coupled with an absolute trust that He allows some earthly suffering because He knows it will bless us, like a refiner’s fire, to become like Him and to gain our eternal inheritance?
Till följd av Europeiska gemenskapernas förstainstansrätts beslut att delvis ogiltigförklara förordning (EG) nr #/# ändrade rådet genom förordning (EG) nr #/# den slutgiltiga antidumpningstullen för JSC Kirovo-Chepetsky Khimichesky KombinatLDS LDS
One addict spent his inheritance, sold his home, and ran up a debt of £18,000 ($29,000) to feed his 70-bottle-a-week addiction.
Fram till dess att vi lyckas - och jag erkänner arbetet som gjorts av flera av arbetsgrupperna på hög nivå - med att minska dessa pådrivande faktorer, så borde vi kanske öppna våra dörrar en smula.jw2019 jw2019
The reference amount shall be established on the basis of the production units inherited.
Se dig omkringEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, the EEAS could not address its immediate needs, such as updating and integrating the applications inherited from the Commission and the GSC and improving communications with the delegations and Member States.
En middag är ett bra sätt att ta farväl, eller hur?elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
More in particular ,they concern the setting of specific NO2 emission limits within the wider NOx emission range, cancelling the ammonia limit for Heavy Duty combustion engines, modifying cold start emission limits inherited from previous "Euro" stages , a measure to adapt the Total Hydrocarbon Emissions (THC) in order to facilitate the introduction of natural gas vehicles, a measure aiming at adding methane as a greenhouse gas equivalent to the total CO2 emissions every car manufacturer has to comply with and the possibility to extend from 2 840 kg to 5 000 kg the range of vehicles which can fall under the emission rules for light commercial vehicles.
Mycket värrenot-set not-set
* The Saints shall receive their inheritance and be made equal with him, D&C 88:107.
Varför tror du jag gör allt det här?LDS LDS
Mr Trichet put this quite bluntly during his hearing with the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs: come hell or high water, he intends to continue the approach he has inherited from Mr Duisenberg, in other words, a form of monetarism that is as rigid as it is inappropriate.
Han hatar er lika mycket som han älskar krigEuroparl8 Europarl8
+ 14 That is why Heʹbron has come to belong to Caʹleb the son of Je·phunʹneh the Kenʹiz·zite as an inheritance down to this day, for the reason that he followed Jehovah the God of Israel fully.
Vi är beredda att genomföra lämpliga granskningar.jw2019 jw2019
It may be that Article 22.1 of the model contract (see point 15 above) does not raise the same concerns given factual distinctions such as the difference in length of contract at issue (40 months there as against 9 years here) and the fact that some of the assets for the management of the Lotto will be inherited by the winning bidder (as confirmed by the Italian Government at the hearing).
Använd det som en sista utvägEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
While we live in this system of things, all of us suffer the consequences of inherited imperfection.
Respekt för överordnade och vad de försökerlära erjw2019 jw2019
45 In the present case, the national rules at issue in the main proceedings – in so far as they result in an inheritance consisting of immovable property situated in the Kingdom of Belgium being subject to transfer duties that are higher than the inheritance duties payable if the person whose estate is being administered had, at the time of death, been residing in that Member State – have the effect of restricting the movement of capital by reducing the value of an inheritance which includes such an asset.
210 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.