inland waterway fleet oor Sweeds

inland waterway fleet

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

inre vattenvägsflotta


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Objective: To achieve a substantial NOx reduction in the emissions of the existing inland waterways fleet
Kvinnliga nätverk tillhandahåller inte bara ömsesidigt stöd, utan kan också ha stor betydelse för den ekonomiska och sociala utvecklingen i fiskeriberoende samhällenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
To achieve a substantial NOx reduction in the emissions of the existing inland waterways fleet
För att åstadkomma detta är det av avgörande betydelse att regeringen infriar de 22 åtaganden som den gjorde efter de samråd som hölls i enlighet med artikel 96 i Cotonouavtalet.oj4 oj4
The aim of the regulation was to reduce overcapacity in inland waterway fleets by means of vessel-scrapping schemes coordinated at Community level.
Har du några fler hårda förolämpningar?not-set not-set
Other measures include plans to modernise its inland waterway fleet, permitting provisions for discharging industrial waste water and improving the water management of seven river basins.
Därför röstade jag för Jan Mulders betänkande, där ett antagande av kommissionens förslag förespråkas.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The essential purpose of the programme was to secure a reduction in the capacity of the inland waterway fleets in response to a continuing fall in demand.
Vi som tillber vetenskapen vill inte tro på mirakelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89 provides for the possibility of reducing the capacity of the inland waterway fleet by organizing scrapping schemes coordinated at Community level;
Jag vill inte störaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Council Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89 () provided for structural improvements in inland waterway fleets operating on the interlocking networks of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
Res dig upp, nuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Although the Danube flows through Hungary for more than 400 km, this Member State has a limited inland waterway fleet and only a few ports that could benefit from inland waterway transport.
Europaparlamentet anser att barns deltagande måste institutionaliseras och finansieras bättre i partnerländerna och på EU-nivåelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Your Rapporteur is aware that the inland waterway fleet is very sustainable thanks to its long lifetime, but that additional environmental benefits would be gained in terms of air pollutants if the propulsion of the fleet is progressively renewed or retrofitted with state-of-the-art technologies.
Men vi ser att världen är uppdelad mellan dem som håller de mänskliga rättigheterna högt och dem som brutalt vill utrota dem.not-set not-set
Ensure adaptation of the Romanian transport fleets to the EU acquis through restructuring the inland waterways fleet to EU technical norms, strict application of the maritime safety acquis (and improving the safety record of the Romanians flag), and implementing the road transport technical, social, safety and environmental acquis.
Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv #/#/EG av den # oktober # om ändring av rådets direktiv #/#/EEG om utvecklingen av gemenskapens järnvägar och direktiv #/#/EG om tilldelning av infrastrukturkapacitet och uttag av avgifter för utnyttjande avjärnvägsinfrastrukturEurLex-2 EurLex-2
What concrete measures does the Commission intend to take, and what resources are envisaged to stimulate the uptake of innovation with a view to increasing the environmental performance of the inland waterway fleet, bearing in mind that access to finance, in particular for SMEs and micro-enterprises, is currently very difficult?
Tillämpningsområdenot-set not-set
This Regulation lays down the conditions attached to the granting of scrapping premiums for the vessels referred to in Article 2 of Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89, account being taken of the need to reduce the capacity of the inland waterway fleets of the Member States by approximately 5 % in 1996.
Tillämpliga bestämmelser när gränskontroll vid de inre gränserna återinförsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas, since the inland waterway fleets are Community fleets, decisions on operation of this capacity-regulation mechanism must be taken at Community level; whereas the power to adopt such decisions, to see to implementation thereof and to safeguard the conditions of competition laid down in this Regulation must be conferred on the Commission;
Jag förstod aldrig dess betydelse.Men det var ditt sätt att se efter migEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Further efforts will also be needed to implement the fiscal and social/technical acquis in the road sector, to transpose and implement the acquis in the aviation and maritime sectors, to considerably improve the maritime safety record, to restructure the inland waterways fleet to meet EC standards, and to strengthen the maritime safety authority while also guaranteeing its independence.
Jag vill också fråga kommissionen om genomförandet av det gemensamma europeiska luftrummet kommer att följa den angivna tidsplanen.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Council came to the view that there had been structural surplus capacity in the inland waterway fleets for some time and that there was no prospect of any increase in demand over the next few years; on the contrary, the sector's share of the total market was continuing to decline owing to changes in the basic industries representing the sector's major customers.
Rättelse till rådets förordning (EG) nr #/# av den # april # om ändring av förordning (EG) nr #/# om upprättande av gemensamma bestämmelser för system med direktstöd inom den gemensammajordbrukspolitiken och om upprättande av vissa stödsystem för jordbrukare, och om en anpassning av den med anledning av anslutningen av Tjeckien, Estland, Cypern, Lettland, Litauen, Ungern, Malta, Polen, Slovenien och Slovakien till Europeiska unionen (EUT LEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Subject-matter Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89 introduced arrangements for structural improvements in the inland waterway sector for fleets operating on the linked inland waterway networks of Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria.
Samarbete mellan värdstaternot-set not-set
Aid granted to the inland waterway sector during the year came from aid schemes intended to encourage the adaptation of the inland waterway fleet to market requirements, as in France, [322] or to promote the establishment, extension and bringing into operation of links between industrial plants and inland waterways so as to bring about a modal shift to inland waterway transport, as in the Netherlands.
Utfärdande myndighetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission should support measures for innovation and the adaptation of the inland waterway fleets to technical progress as regards the environment, by promoting the use of financial instruments from existing Union funds, such as the Connecting Europe Facility and Horizon 2020, and should suggest ways to leverage the reserve funds by means of those existing funds as well as of financing instruments from the European Investment Bank.
Kan vi gå hem nu?not-set not-set
(1) Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89 (4) introduced arrangements for structural improvements in the inland waterway sector for the fleets operating on the linked inland waterway networks of Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria; whereas the objective of that Regulation was to reduce overcapacity in the inland waterway fleets by means of vessel-scrapping schemes coordinated at Community level; whereas that Regulation expires on 28 April 1999;
fenylbutazon, azapropazon och oxyfenbutazon insulin och perorala antidiabetika metformin salicylater och p-amino-salicylsyra anabola steroider och manliga könshormoner kloramfenikol kumarinantikoagulantia fenfluramin fibrater ACE-hämmare fluoxetin allopurinol sympatolytika cyklo-, tro-och ifosfamider sulfinpyrazon vissa långverkande sulfonamider tetracykliner MAO-hämmare kinolonantibiotika probenecid mikonazol pentoxyfyllin (höga doser parenteralt) tritokvalin flukonazolEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission should support measures for innovation and the adaptation of the inland waterway fleets to technical progress as regards the environment, by promoting the use of financial instruments from existing Union funds, such as the Connecting Europe Facility and Horizon 2020, and should suggest ways to leverage the reserve funds by means of those existing funds as well as of financing instruments from the European Investment Bank.
Det känns som om jag skulle det nuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(1) Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89(4) introduced arrangements for structural improvements in the inland waterway sector for the fleets operating on the linked inland waterway networks of Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria; whereas the objective of that Regulation was to reduce overcapacity in the inland waterway fleets by means of vessel-scrapping schemes coordinated at Community level; whereas that Regulation expires on 28 April 1999;
Elektronisk handelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89 (1) introduced arrangements for structural improvements in the inland waterway sector for the fleets operating on the linked inland waterway networks of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands; whereas the objective of this Regulation was to reduce overcapacity in the inland waterway fleets by means of vessel-scrapping schemes coordinated at Community level; whereas this Regulation expires on 28 April 1999;
Omställningen är oundvikligen en lång process, vilket är ytterligare en orsak till att man så fort som möjligt bör utforma och tillämpa dessa strategierEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89 ( 4 ) introduced arrangements for structural improvements in the inland waterway sector for the fleets operating on the linked inland waterway networks of Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria; whereas the objective of that Regulation was to reduce overcapacity in the inland waterway fleets by means of vessel-scrapping schemes coordinated at Community level; whereas that Regulation expires on 28 April 1999;
Kommissionen anser dock att omstruktureringsstöd normalt bör vara nödvändigt endast en gång och kommer att bedöma sådana ärenden mot bakgrund av denna principEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(8) Whereas, since the inland waterway fleets are Community fleets, decisions on operation of this capacity-regulation mechanism should be taken at Community level; whereas the power to adopt such decisions, to see to implementation thereof and to safeguard the conditions of competition laid down in this Regulation should be conferred on the Commission; whereas it is important that the Commission take such decisions after consulting the Member States and the organisations representing inland waterway transport at Community level;
Organet skall tillsammans med den sökande bestämma på vilken plats nödvändiga kontroller och provningar skall utförasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
227 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.