inside pocket oor Sweeds

inside pocket

A pocket at the inside of a garment

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


It was a big ugly thing, a million inside pockets.
Det Var en stor, ful sak, en miljon innerfickor.

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Sjöberg did have his fingerprints, however, in an envelope in his inside pocket.
Dock hade Sjöberg hans ingeravtryck i ett kuvert i innerfickanLiterature Literature
“But—” Billy T. produced a newspaper cutting from his inside pocket and spread it over his knee.
– Men... Billy T. tog fram ett tidningsurklipp ur innerfickan och bredde ut det på knäetLiterature Literature
Check my inside pocket.
Kolla min ficka.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There's a hipflask in the inside pocket.
Det finns en fickplunta i den.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And zipped over his heart in the anorak’s inside pocket, his super-encrypted cellphone.
Och i höjd med hjärtat i jackans blixtlåsförsedda innerficka: hans superkrypterade mobiltelefon.Literature Literature
Malin goes across to the wheelchairs, takes out a tissue from the inside pocket of her jacket.
Malin rör sig mot rullstolarna, plockar upp en pappersnäsduk ur jackans innerficka.Literature Literature
In fact, he designed a man’s vest that had large inside pockets to hold Bible literature.
Han designade till och med en väst med stora innerfickor som kunde rymma biblisk litteratur.jw2019 jw2019
His wallet was still in the inside pocket, apparently untouched.
Plånboken låg kvar i innerfickan, synbarligen orörd.Literature Literature
Simon had the required certificate in his inside pocket and two smooth gold rings in his outer pocket.
Simon hade hindersprövningsbeviset i innerfickan och ett par släta guldringar i ytterfickan.Literature Literature
Fredrika swiftly took one of her cards from her inside pocket and put it on the table.
Fredrika drog snabbt upp sitt visitkort ur innerfickan och lämnade det på bordetLiterature Literature
Her phone buzzed like a gigantic insect hidden in the inside pocket of her rain jacket.
Telefonen surrade som en gigantisk insekt gömd i regnjackans innerficka.Literature Literature
The detective inspector put the phone back in his inside pocket, but remained in a squat position.
Kommissarien placerade telefonen i innerfickan, men satt kvar på huk.Literature Literature
He took out Szluka's paper from his inside pocket and read through the meager testimonies once again.
Tog fram Szlukas papper ur innerfickan och läste än en gång igenom de magra vittnesmålen.Literature Literature
Tor asked and groped after the cigarette pack in his inside pocket.
undrade Tor och fumlade efter cigarettpaketet i innerfickan.Literature Literature
Colonel, in my inside pocket, where my money used to be there's a cigar.
Överste, i min innerficka, där jag en gång hade pengar finns en cigarr.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was a big ugly thing, a million inside pockets.
Det Var en stor, ful sak, en miljon innerfickor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He took a packet of cigarettes from his inside pocket and shook one out with an apologetic smile.
Han tog upp ett cigarettpaket ur innerfickan på rocken och skakade ut en cigarett med ett beklagande leende.Literature Literature
Harry asked, signaling to Halvorsen, who thrust a hand into his inside pocket.
frågade Harry och signalerade till Halvorsen som förde handen till innerfickan.Literature Literature
It's got two inside pockets.
Den har två innerfickor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Inside pockets for clothing, patch and removable pockets for clothing
Infällda fickor för kläder, fickor för kläder påsybara eller utbytbaratmClass tmClass
It was found in the dead man' s inside pocket
Brevet låg i den dödes innerfickaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
His large inside pocket was already bulging visibly, so it had been a good day.
Hans stora innerficka på baksidan buktade redan ut en aning, så det hade varit en bra dag.Literature Literature
“We’ve had three fantastic children,” he said contentedly, taking an oversized wallet out of his inside pocket.
– Tre fantastiska barn har det blivit, sa han belåtet och tog fram en överdimensionerad plånbok ur innerfickan.Literature Literature
— the inside pockets have the same firm fastening system as the outside pockets mentioned above.
innerfickor har en fast tillslutningsanordning enligt ovan.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
He tucked it into the inside pocket of his jacket and walked down the track towards Setter.
Han stoppade ner den i innerfickan på jackan och gick nedför stigen mot Setter.Literature Literature
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