middle-class house oor Sweeds

middle-class house

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(Gentrification of the City, edited by Neil Smith and Peter Williams) As blue-collar jobs become obsolete and the demand for professional and technical workers grows, the demand for convenient middle-class housing also grows.
fartyget skall vara under gångjw2019 jw2019
The now bewildered and weeping laborer learned that if, instead of being stored away, the money had been used at the time, it could have purchased 17 middle-class houses, which by now could be worth a real fortune.
Jag vill också fråga kommissionen om genomförandet av det gemensamma europeiska luftrummet kommer att följa den angivna tidsplanen.jw2019 jw2019
The Middle Class The bigger two-story stone houses (2) of the middle class featured a guest room.
Bakgrundsdensiteten är exakt och mycket väl blandadjw2019 jw2019
Evidence of this can be found in two Modenese manuscripts from the #s which explain how to prepare the jam- one is made up of four notebooks kept by four generations of middle-class house-owners and was published in #; the other, published in #, was written by Ferdinando Cavazzoni, the confectioner of the Molzas, a noble family of Modena
Nu är han tillbaka som om inget hänt!oj4 oj4
Evidence of this can be found in two Modenese manuscripts from the 1800s which explain how to prepare the jam — one is made up of four notebooks kept by four generations of middle-class house-owners and was published in 1970; the other, published in 2001, was written by Ferdinando Cavazzoni, the confectioner of the Molzas, a noble family of Modena.
Javisst, men LivEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Evidence of this can be found in two Modenese manuscripts from the 19th century which explain how to prepare the jam; one of the manuscripts consists of four notebooks kept by four generations of middle-class house-owners and was published in 1970; the other, published in 2001, was written by Ferdinando Cavazzoni, maker of sweetmeats and preserves for the Molza family.
Det kan lika gärna vara duEurLex-2 EurLex-2
He went round to his house, nice middle-class area in the days when there were very few of those about.
Hur hittade du det här stället?Literature Literature
“And these are the houses . . . of the middle class, shopkeepers, petty merchants, scribes, and so on.”
Särskilda skyddsområdenjw2019 jw2019
These large multistoried stone houses of the middle-class merchants and landowners line the paved streets.
H #: Kommissionens rekommendation #/#/EG av den # april # om att komplettera rekommendationerna #/#/EG och #/#/EG när det gäller ordningen för ersättningar till ledande befattningshavare i börsnoterade bolag (EUT L #, #.#.#, sjw2019 jw2019
The teacher was married, no kids, and lived in a row house in a lower-middle-class suburb.
Det är ni båda tvåLiterature Literature
The houses in which middle-class Koreans live are usually built with a tile roof and big rough-hewn timbers inside and out.
Det där vill jag inte veta av så länge du bor under mitt takjw2019 jw2019
His housing situation didn’t exactly signal middle class.
rekommenderad dosLiterature Literature
In the early 1900’s, gingerbread houses were popular with the middle- class society of this West Indian land.
Du klarar det aldrig från luftenjw2019 jw2019
Regrets the global trend to restrict the provision of social housing, and invites the Member States to include the often-excluded group of middle class families in social housing programmes as it may suffer as much from material deprivation as other households as a result of the economic crisis;
Pegasys monoterapiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Then, one evening in 1971, two middle-class women appeared at our house and requested that I prepare a fetish to cause the death of the husband of one of them.
Gemenskapsindustrins exportresultatjw2019 jw2019
The admission of the middle classes to the franchise and to the House of Commons led eventually to the development of a systematic middle class liberalism and the end of Whiggery, although for many years reforming aristocrats held senior positions in the party.
Och hon stjälWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We' re south of Denver, in a community called Littleton, and this house is pretty much your average middle- class suburban home
Vill ni se sjunde kortet får ni sluta snacka sputnik!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The houses in the Crescent were built as villas for the Victorian middle class.
Kan du sluta?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stresses that the different facets of homelessness among women must be addressed in a holistic way and should form an integral part of all EU policy frameworks; urges the Commission and the Member States to carry out systematic gender impact assessments, monitor the specific situation and needs of homeless women, promote assisted living environment projects and the construction of affordable, adapted and energy efficient housing, and include middle class families — who are often excluded from such schemes — in social housing programmes as they, like other households, can suffer from material deprivation due to the economic crisis;
Efter antagandet av UNSCR # och UNSCR # , antog rådet gemensam ståndpunkt #/#/Gusp av den # juli # om ändring och förlängning av vissa restriktiva åtgärder mot Liberia och gemensam ståndpunkt #/#/Gusp avden # februari # om ändring och förlängning av gemensam ståndpunkt #/#/Gusp om restriktiva åtgärder mot LiberiaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is divided in four main parts, in which the tourist can visit castles, historical units, museums, cathedrals, but also small churches of the country, the middle class houses or the romantic stone bridges.
Om tjänsterna i fråga skall utföras av offentliga organ, institutioner eller sammanslutningar utan vinstsyfte, och arbetet är av institutionell art eller syftar till att genomföra stödåtgärder av social karaktär till förmån för medborgarnaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the early 18th century, Bloomsbury began to decline gently from a fashionable aristocratic district to a more middle-class enclave, and the 2nd Duke of Montagu abandoned his father's house to move to Whitehall.
Älskling, det är för tre dagar!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Should the Motor City really be investing its dwindling tax revenues in a market-following means of underwriting middle-class house prices and consumption desires, with distributional consequences that seem certain to be socially and spatially regressive?
Einhorn är en man!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Nevertheless, not only can these challenges hit the middle and lower-income class relatively harder but the costs to upgrade their houses, their cars or their skills, for example, can pose a higher burden on them as well.
Jag tror att det är det som är kärnan i problemet.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
In Central Europe most of those housing estates haven’t become ghettos yet, the majority of their dwellers are still belong to the lower middle class.
marknadsgarant: en person som på finansmarknaderna på fortlöpande basis åtagit sig att handla för egen räkning genom att köpa och sälja finansiella instrument med utnyttjande av eget kapital till priser som fastställts av dennenot-set not-set
61 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.