molecular engineering oor Sweeds

molecular engineering

The manufacturing of products with a degree of precision defined by individual molecules or atoms

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Molekylär ingenjörskonst


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Attention will be paid to high-performance materials engineering and molecular engineering, in particular supramolecular chemistry.
Tad, nu ska du sova...- Jag älskar digEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Several amazing feats of molecular engineering are required.
Skulle Europaparlamentet besluta att påföra dessa ekonomiska sanktioner kommer stödmottagaren att få en skriftlig underrättelse om dettajw2019 jw2019
Advantage of molecular engineering over conventional genetic improvement
När de varnar för tromber och de säger att man ska gå ner i källarenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- new and innovative health processes and products, particularly from molecular engineering (for example diagnostics, antibiotics, anti-cancer agents, including plant-produced therapeutics),
I punkt # skall följande stycke läggas tillEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- New and innovative health-related processes and products particularly from molecular engineering (for example: diagnostics, antibiotics, anti-cancer agents, including plant produced therapeutics)
med beaktande av Europeiska centralbankens yttrande, ochEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- new and innovative health-related processes and products particularly from molecular engineering (for example diagnostics, antibiotics, anti-cancer agents, including plant produced therapeutics)
Vi stötte på varandraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Therefore, RTD in advanced materials engineering (e.g. molecular engineering), or in more forward-looking areas is essential to the future prosperity of industry.
Följande sprängämnen och liknande ämnenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Support and advice for genetic and molecular engineering in the fields of science, industry, agri-foodstuffs, pharmacy, chemistry, cosmetics, biotechnology, diagnostics, the veterinary field and agriculture
Smittar det?tmClass tmClass
Support and consultancy with regard to genetic and molecular engineering in the fields of science, industry, pharmacy, chemistry, cosmetics, biotechnology, diagnostics, and in the veterinary and agricultural fields
Portland Daily BugletmClass tmClass
Kits and reagents for genetic and molecular engineering, for use in research in industry, pharmacy, biotechnology, chemistry, cosmetics, in agriculture, food processing or for medical or veterinary diagnostics
Förutom att föreslå en åtgärdsplanför genomförandet av TSD-TAF som synliggör hela genomförandeprocessen, bör SEDP tillhandahålla lämpliga måttstockar så att de olika intressenterna – dvs. infrastrukturförvaltare, järnvägsföretag, speditörer och i slutändan kunden – kan övervaka att processen fortskrider på ett sätt som gör att deras intressen tas tillvara på bästa sätttmClass tmClass
Devices comprising a kit for genetic and molecular engineering, for use in research in industry, pharmacy, biotechnology, chemistry, cosmetics, in agriculture, food processing or for medical or veterinary diagnostics
Kan jag något annat att ta på mig?tmClass tmClass
Examples of this are molecular engineering and biotreatment, new technologies which were not in existence 10 years ago and which are expected to play an important part over the next 10 years.
Tidig diagnos är viktig för lämplig behandling av NMSEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Other key actions under the 5th framework programme include research into health-related innovative products and processes, with particular reference to molecular engineering for antibiotic preparations, for both human and animal use.
Jag tog lite frisk luft, sirEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Molecular engineering is an emerging field of study concerned with the design and testing of molecular properties, behavior and interactions in order to assemble better materials, systems, and processes for specific functions.
Byxorna är för lösa i midjanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By its nature, molecular engineering enables the transfer gene to be isolated, whereas conventional genetic improvement relies on crossing the entire genome of the improving organism with that of the crop variety to be improved.
Gunnar fick sin befordranEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If nature is doing something, odds are we can understand how through these dynamic scientific principles, from artificial intelligence today which works to emulate actual neurological processes, to molecular engineering which uses the atomic logic to manually recreate material objects.
Det måste jag tro på, även om en del hamnar i skärseldenQED QED
Finally, the emerging interface of biology and electronics will be stimulated with a view to allowing the integration of competences in structural biology, molecular engineering and nanolithographic patterning towards new possibilities of designing functional units which could incorporate modifications at the scale of the nanometre.
Följande förordningar på området för den gemensamma fiskeripolitiken har blivit obsoleta, men är trots detta fortfarande formellt i kraftEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The proposed research actions are a continuation of previous activities but will be concentrated on the development and application of generic sciences and technologies (such as mathematics and physics applied to industrial systems, new design and organization methodologies, high performance material engineering, rapid prototyping or molecular engineering) operating within multidisciplinary and multisectorial projects.
Nå, din flottiga jävelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Chemistry, biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular biology, pharmacy, medical, veterinary, pharmaceutical and chemical and medical laboratory services
Medlemsstaterna eller EU-institutionerna kan även vid behov utstationera internationell civilpersonal för en period på minst ett årtmClass tmClass
molecular and bio-molecular mechanisms and engines; multi-disciplinary and new approaches to integrate developments in inorganic, organic and biological materials and processes
Vi gifter oss i Colins föräldrars sommarhuseurlex eurlex
Computer programs for sequencing nucleic acids, computer programs for automating molecular biology and genetic engineering operations, data banks
Ge mig min kropp så blir jag gladtmClass tmClass
Design of computer systems for carrying out molecular biology and genetic engineering operations
En svart statsjeep, inga plåtartmClass tmClass
Typing of tissue and tissue samples, in particular using molecular biological, immunological, genetic engineering and histological methods
En gemensam europeisk marknad bör ses som en möjlighet snarare än ett hot.tmClass tmClass
Oft-cited dangers include those commonly associated with molecular nanotechnology and genetic engineering.
Emily, du okej?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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