musical phrasing oor Sweeds

musical phrasing

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The throbbing music keeps repeating one particular musical phrase, over and over again.
Jag måste tillbaka till AvalonLiterature Literature
It's a pattern that repeats, like a musical phrase.
Folkhälso-eller säkerhetsskälOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A basic musical phrase in the major mode.
I samband med inledandet av denna nyaförbindelse med myndigheten erhöll parlamentets behöriga utskott information som svar på frågor som utskottet hade översänt till myndighetenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Harmony is foreseeing an instant-now the next musical phrase.
Hur vågar du missbruka din makt!Literature Literature
Its distinctive song, which has repeated musical phrases, has frequently been referred to in poetry.
Djävla jänkarslynaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I have noticed, Grandpa, that you keep repeating the same notes of a musical phrase I am unfamiliar with.
Fader Drake, vet du vem jag pratar om?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Janáček often employs short musical phrases that extend beyond his unique definition of a motif, creating what Cooper calls a motive.
Då slog jag honomWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Songwriters also try to create melodies with a hook, a catchy musical phrase that grabs the listener’s attention and lingers in the mind.
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The melody is unusual among English folk melodies in that it consists of one musical phrase repeated twice, followed by a refrain which is a variation on that phrase.
Juma ville ha en CIP- modul och var villig att betala för denWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The male's song, given from trees, rooftops or other elevated perches, is a loud clear run of musical phrases, repeated two to four times, filip filip filip codidio codidio quitquiquit tittit tittit tereret tereret tereret, and interspersed with grating notes and mimicry.
Lägg dig inte, MattWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is therefore very common to hear diatonic, altered dominant and blues phrases in this music.
Smartare än delfiner eller valarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Does the phrase, " Come out and face the music " mean anything to you?
Ursäkta mig ett ögonbIick, raringOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To aid in this there is, at the beginning of each song just above the first staff of music, a word or phrase indicating just how the song should be interpreted; whether happily or fervently, vigorously or tenderly, and so forth.
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His particular turns of phrase, references to books I knew he’d read and music he liked.
Jag hoppas bara att vi förstår varför innan det är för sentLiterature Literature
Its distinctive song, which has repeated musical phrases, has frequently been referred to in poetry.
Ha det så kul i LondonParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Its distinctive song, which has repeated musical phrases, has frequently been referred to in poetry.
Jag älskar Schweiz.- Du har aldrig varit i SchweizParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There is a profound relation between the musical phrase and these few words that are sung “to infinity”.
Har du hämtat ut din medicin?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Apple Loops are prerecorded musical phrases or riffs in the Loop Browser that you can...
Martha, vad i helsike gör du?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It has a very accurate recreation of complex musical phrases, drumloops, speech and simple tones.
Döden är vägen till evigt livParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Listen to the music phrase and headphone in background
På våren samlar vi kalvar här för brännmärkningParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Digital phrase samplers used to record, replay, and edit digitally stored music samples
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Sampling units, namely, digital phrase samplers used to record, replay, and edit digitally stored music samples
Åtgärderna # ochtmClass tmClass
Looking back on the effect of Tyndale’s efforts and their enduring qualities, this modern assessment well sums up his work: “Tindale’s honesty, sincerity, and scrupulous integrity, his simple directness, his magical simplicity of phrase, his modest music, have given an authority to his wording that has imposed itself on all later versions. . . .
Enligt kommissionen leder den överdrivet långa fristen om # dagar som de italienska myndigheterna slagit fast för att godkänna en prisändring till att principen att de ekonomiska operatörerna ska vara fria att bestämma det högsta detaljhandelspriset, vilken anges i artikel # i direktiv #/#/EG, i praktiken till viss del åsidosättsjw2019 jw2019
Apple Loops are prerecorded musical patterns that you can use to quickly add drum beats, rhythm parts, and other musical phrases to a project.
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And in both of those cases, what I did was I took the melody and the phrasing of those words and phrases and I turned them into musical parts to use in these short compositions.
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78 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.