not sufficient funds oor Sweeds

not sufficient funds

The lack of enough funds in an account to cover a payment or withdrawal.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

otillräckliga medel

The lack of enough funds in an account to cover a payment or withdrawal.

Geskatte vertalings

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In the first place there is not sufficient funding.
Jag kan inte förklara hur mycket vi uppskattar tipsetEuroparl8 Europarl8
6. Deplores, however, the fact that measures for the protection of the climate were not sufficiently funded with resources from the EDF;
Här ingår skodon som omfattas av övervakningen i förvägEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this connection, a project already exists for a small aquaculture facility, but at present there is not sufficient funding to implement it.
Ett hemstatsbeskattningssystem skulle kunna testas på bilateral basis, och efter en positiv utvärdering så småningom utvidgas till att omfatta hela EUnot-set not-set
I cannot understand the concerns of the board of the European Medicines Agency that the new tasks being allocated to it are not sufficiently funded.
Slutligen underströk Altmark-domen tydligt behovet av att modernisera gemenskapslagstiftningen om kollektivtransportEuroparl8 Europarl8
They did not have sufficient funds to prolong their stay.
EXPORTLICENSjw2019 jw2019
Since the operator, Flugplatz Altenburg-Nobitz GmbH, did not have sufficient funds, public funding was needed.
Vill du fylla i något mer namn?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Some of the visitors did not have sufficient funds with them, while others had a surplus.
Motorfordonsansvarjw2019 jw2019
Enhanced powers alone would not be sufficient to achieve the ESAs’ objectives where they do not have sufficient funding or where they are not governed in an effective and efficient manner.
Vi har ett barnEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Enhanced powers alone would not be sufficient to achieve the ESAs' objectives where they do not have sufficient funding or where they are not governed in an effective and efficient manner.
Eftersom fossilaenergikällor är ändliga måste vi arbeta för att intensifiera forskningsprogrammen.not-set not-set
Enhanced powers alone would not be sufficient to achieve the ESMAs' objectives where they do not have sufficient funding or where they are not governed in an effective and efficient manner.
Jag äger saloonen och restaurangennot-set not-set
The risk remained that ING would not obtain (sufficient) funds on the market in order to carry out that transaction.
Avtalen kan avseEurLex-2 EurLex-2
There has not been sufficient funding to deal with these threats and promote the conservation of the site's natural assets.
Vi installerar buggningsmaterialet i morgonnot-set not-set
Recalls that since # the budget authority has been obliged several times to revise the MFF #-# and the IIA in order to provide adequate budgetary means for the financing of polices not sufficiently funded or unforeseen under the financial framework agreed in
Jag fick den för # dollaroj4 oj4
Justification This new recital mirrors the suggestion to introduce a "seal of excellence" for excellent projects or demonstration / pilot plants, that were not or not sufficiently funded out of European funds and that Member States could finance under the SF.
Dumpningsmarginalen jämfördes därför med den landsomfattande skademarginal som fastställts för Indien i förordningen om slutgiltig antidumpningstullnot-set not-set
But the provisions have not been successfully applied because the recipient countries have not reserved sufficient funds in the national budgets.
I ovan nämnda slutsatser gav rådet också uttryck för sin åsikt att de framtida ekonomiska åtagandena gentemot Grönland inom EU:s nästa budgetram med hänsyn till behoven i samtliga utomeuropeiska länder och territorier bör fastställas på samma nivå som den nuvarande samtidigt som hänsyn tas till andra relevanta omständigheter och en rättvis avvägning mellan de ömsesidiga intressena – särskilt Grönlands utvecklingsbehov och gemenskapens behov av att fortsatt ha tillträde till fiskbestånden i grönländska vatten på en hållbar grundval – och till de ekonomiska bidragen från andra parterEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ladies and gentlemen, we will have this discussion again and again while the EU does not have sufficient funds of its own.
Schulz har ordet.Europarl8 Europarl8
Recalls that since 2007 the budget authority has been obliged several times to revise the MFF 2007-13 and the IIA in order to provide adequate budgetary means for the financing of polices not sufficiently funded or unforeseen under the financial framework agreed in 2006;
Men låt mig börja med att säga något om själva ärendet.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Do you think it is right to talk about transitional measures when there is not even sufficient funding secured for rural development?
Varelser från en annan världEuroparl8 Europarl8
Some undertakings, especially those in the third sector, cannot handle such situations because they do not have sufficient funds of their own.
Vi är resande av kungariket som söker en varm måltid och en kopp spritEuroparl8 Europarl8
On the one hand, structural policy does not receive sufficient funds to allow regional inequalities to be reduced quickly in the medium term.
Metoderna skall alltid användas innan produktionen satts igång-aldrig under produktionEuroparl8 Europarl8
We are always aware that money is scarce, but if a programme is set up to address these rare diseases and does not receive sufficient funding, it will not be effective.
InförlivandeEuroparl8 Europarl8
If an applicant does not have sufficient funds to pay the fees, the situation can be considered through the application of the hardship clause.
Crystal gifte sig och skilde sig från en sjuk # år gammal miljonär... och stämde honom på hälften av hans pengarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If this account does not contain sufficient funds, KUKE can either draw loans from the State Treasury or benefit from State Treasury loan guarantees
Det täcker knappt råvarorna, men det struntar vi ioj4 oj4
1761 sinne gevind in 83 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.