orchestra oor Sweeds


/ˈɔkɪstrə/ naamwoord
(music) A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments, usually including some from strings, woodwind, brass and/or percussion; the instruments played by such a group.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


naamwoordalgemene, onsydig
large group of musicians who play together on various instruments
They are in the orchestra, playing their parts to create music.
De är en del av orkestern och spelar sina stämmor för att skapa musik.


What is more, the orchestra pit with its musicians is missing.
Dessutom finns det inget orkesterdike och inga musiker.


We have a good orchestra tonight.
Ikväll har vi ett fint kapell som ska spela för er.


I'm waiting for the orchestra to stop playing... and for the curtain to fall.
Jag väntar på att bandet ska sluta spela och ridån gå ner.


körens plats i antik grekisk teater
Folkets dictionary

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

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Soortgelyke frases

chamber orchestra
kammarorkester · kapell
London Symphony Orchestra
London Symphony Orchestra
Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra
Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra
salon orchestra
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester
Swedish Chamber Orchestra
Svenska Kammarorkestern
symphonic orchestra
Concerto for Group and Orchestra
Concerto for Group and Orchestra
Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
Helsingfors stadsorkester


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(23) Since its creation, the European Union Youth Orchestra has developed a unique expertise in promoting rich European musical heritage, access to music and intercultural dialogue, and mutual respect and understanding through culture, as well as in reinforcing the professionalism of young musicians, providing them with the skills necessary for a career in the cultural and creative sector.
Var det därför jag vaknade med ett smält chokladägg i byxorna?not-set not-set
If you can't stop, I'll have to hire an orchestra to play that awards show music, they use to hustle long-winded hollywood fruitcakes off the stage.
med beaktande av förslaget till Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv om upprättandet av en ram för att fastställa krav ekodesign för energiförbrukande produkter och om ändring av rådets direktiv #/#/EEG (KOMOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In 1963, Lutosławski fulfilled a commission for the Music Biennale Zagreb, his Trois poèmes d'Henri Michaux for chorus and orchestra.
Folkhälso-eller säkerhetsskälWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1969 she represented the Netherlands in the Eurovision Song Contest with her composition De Troubadour (lyrics by David Hartsema; orchestra conducted by Franz de Kok).
Hon var så lycklig så hon grätWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Orchestra: Todo lo que le hice a TORTOLA aquella noche.
andra vapenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The US Supreme Court considered that the crucial factor in the case was not whether the price list concerned prices or wages, but whether that list operated to protect the wages of the musicians employed by the orchestra leader.
Vi åt middag och det knackade på dörrenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In 1926 he founded the chamber orchestra Basler Kammerorchester, which specialized in both modern (twentieth-century) and pre-classical (mid-eighteenth-century) repertory.
E-#/# (EN) från Graham Watson (ALDE) till rådet (# novemberWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The WDR Radio Orchestra and a choir performed classics such as The Great Giana Sisters, Turrican, R-Type and others in Cologne, Germany conducted by Arnie Roth.
Första delen:Europaparlamentet uppmanar... anslutningsfördragetWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lived in the building... ... was in an orchestra-
Jag vill intese dig här igen!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Orchestra services, rental of devices for accessing interactive audiovisual programmes
När det gäller det konkreta fallet så konstaterar kommissionen att BB inte befann sig i svårigheter vid tidpunktenför försäljningentmClass tmClass
Welcomes the decision taken to increase the funds available for cultural organisations (15 04 01 03) by EUR 1 million voted under line 15 06 01 07; recalls its abovementioned resolution of 27 October 2005 on the first reading for the 2006 budget, in particular paragraph 33 thereof; asks the Commission to implement the allocation of this additional amount available, in particular with reference to those organisations which have been successfully supported for many years through grants from the European Union, such as the European Union Youth Orchestra, the European Union Baroque Orchestra and the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation;
Jag är ju romantisk av mignot-set not-set
Dropping her first name, she began to sing in groups such as the Blue Flames (with the Woody Herman Orchestra) and the Blue Reys (with Alvino Rey's band) before starting her solo career.
Uppskattningen av den absoluta avkastningen motsvarar den uppskattade genomsnittsavkastningen över beståndets totala livslängdWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Piece celebrating the 350th anniversary of the City of Boston "Fanfare for a Festive Occasion" (1980), composed for by the Boston Civic Orchestra and its conductor Max Hobart, and premiered on November 14, 1980.
Vill du veta sanningen?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Our orchestra.
K som i KellerOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the wee hours of the morning, Kim Jong-il took the stage to conduct this lady orchestra.
Avseende de # ändringar som antogs av Europaparlamentet har rådet följt kommissionen genom attLiterature Literature
He met Sibelius at his home Ainola as a member of the delegation of the Radio Orchestra that visited Sibelius.
Jag har något åt dig.Stå stadigt, som om du hade fyraben. Då kan du stanna i den här världenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kultur (öffentliche Bühnen, Orchester, Museen, Bibliotheken, Archive, zoologische und botanische Gärten) — [culture: public theatres, orchestras, museums, libraries, archives, zoological and botanical gardens],
Får jag säga en sak?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
But that change did not keep me, years later, from playing my clarinet in convention orchestras in many lands as I traveled to international conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Jag menar:Vi gosar imorgon, älsklingjw2019 jw2019
scale European projects promoting young artists, such as the EC Youth Orchestra and the European
Jag har nu runt # timmar på mig att ta er lever och njurar.Och få ut dem i helikoptern, och sen flyga tillbaka till stadennot-set not-set
1. May an opera singer or a conductor of an orchestra who normally pursues his occupation in a Member State under whose social security legislation his activity is regarded as being that of a self-employed person, and who moves to the territory of another Member State after having been engaged to appear for a few days in a theatrical production there, remain subject to the social security scheme of the first Member State, or must he rather become subject to the social security scheme of the second State, under whose legislation the same activity is regarded as that of an employed person?
% av de kvantiteter som avses i artikel#.#.# b skall tas ut ur lagren före den # juli det år då planen genomförsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
So you see, the composer Benjamin Britten has taken the whole orchestra apart.
Han vill inte bli avlyssnadOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Consider, for example, a symphony orchestra playing a piece of classical music.
När det gäller andra tullkvoter, ett bevis som utfärdats i enlighet med artikel # i förordning (EEG) nr #/#, och som, förutom de uppgifter som föreskrivs i den artikeln, innehåller följande upplysningarjw2019 jw2019
Eleven instrumentalists compete for posts in an orchestra, while floating high in the air.
Offentliga kontrollerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But when the show is over, notice the long list of credits on the screen —orchestra, conductor, sound technicians, cameramen, directors, producers, makeup artists, and many, many others.
Jag tänker inte skada digjw2019 jw2019
In 2006 and 2007, FNV Kunsten Informatie en Media (‘FNV’) and the Nederlandse toonkunstenaarsbond (‘the Ntb’), associations representing employees and self-employed persons, and Vereniging van Stichtingen Remplaçanten Nederlandse Orkesten (‘the VSR’), an employers’ association, concluded a collective labour agreement (‘the CLA at issue’) concerning substitute musicians in Dutch orchestras (CAO Remplaçanten Nederlandse Orkesten).
Fördelningskurvan ska presenteras i tabellform eller som ett diagram (differentialfrekvens eller summa procentandel mot log M). I den grafiska presentationen ska varje tiotal molekylvikter normalt ha en bredd på # cm, och maximalt toppvärde ska ligga på ungefär # cm höjdEurLex-2 EurLex-2
209 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.