peer-to-peer technology oor Sweeds

peer-to-peer technology

A technology that enables computers to communicate directly with each other over the Internet or a private network without the need for a server.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


A technology that enables computers to communicate directly with each other over the Internet or a private network without the need for a server.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Business consultancy services relating to internet communications and peer to peer technology
Det är ingen faratmClass tmClass
Apparatus and software for internet communications and peer-to-peer technology
Herr Farage! Jag hade inget mandat - det går inte att förneka - men det hade uppriktigt sagt inte heller de ryska trupperna när de gick in i Georgien.tmClass tmClass
Apparatus and computer software for internet communications and peer-to-peer technology
Ni hade gjort det bättre om ni inte behövt att oroa er för en galningtmClass tmClass
Using peer-to-peer technology, this computer is connected to another computer in another location.
Vi kommer alla att gå som någon annanLiterature Literature
Demand for capacity-intensive services is expected to increase in the future, as cloud computing, a more intense use of peer-to-peer technologies, social networks and video on demand services will develop further.
Jag kaninte förstå hur du inte kan förståEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Research will focus on new computational models, including computing and information GRIDs, peer-to-peer technologies and the associated middleware to make use of large scale highly distributed computing and storage resources and to develop scalable, dependable and secure platforms
Tecken på toxicitet är djup sedering, ataxi, mios, kramper och andningsdepression, som är huvudsymtometeurlex eurlex
Research will focus on new computational models, including computing and information GRIDs, peer-to-peer technologies and the associated middleware to make use of large scale highly distributed computing and storage resources and to develop scalable, dependable and secure platforms.
När jag var # ar hade jag tva valEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The first relates to the fact that, while the increased availability of online music, films, and other multimedia content improves the attractiveness of broadband, it also worries content producers as peer-to-peer technologies can facilitate the violation of copyright laws.
Ján Figeľ (ledamot av kommissionen) gjorde ett uttalandeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Conversion of audiovisual content using computers and websites, in particular by means of video-on-demand Internet, downloading of audiovisual content from computer servers, transmission of audiovisual content using peer-to-peer technology, communications by computer terminals, television broadcasting, radio broadcasting, electronic mail
Revor har dykt upp över USAtmClass tmClass
2.2. emphasises that, considering the rising online trend of using peer-to-peer technology and the increasing advantages it presents, the programme of technology coverage should place greater emphasis on this method of exchanging content; also stresses that the promotion of an action plan on filtering technology should not focus solely on private users;
Pantoprazol och andra protonpumpshämmare gavs samtidigt som Pradaxa i kliniska studier utan att någon påverkan på blödningar eller effekt observeradesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Computer software for the management and analysis of Internet communications and peer-to-peer computer software, technology, apparatus and equipment
Vem var brudgummen?tmClass tmClass
Computer software for business management and analysis of usage of Internet communications and peer-to-peer computer software, technology, apparatus and equipment
Det är ni båda tvåtmClass tmClass
Providing computer software for data processing, the management and analysis of internet communications and peer-to-peer computer software, technology, apparatus and equipment
Jag måste ge mitt äktenskap en ny chanstmClass tmClass
Providing computer software for business management and analysis of usage of Internet communications and peer-to-peer computer software, technology, apparatus and equipment
I artikel # skall punkt # ersättas med följandetmClass tmClass
Providing a peer-to-peer network for communication technology professionals to share solutions and solve common problems
Europaparlamentet uttrycker sin bestörtning över att Birtukan Midekssa, ledare för oppositionspartiet Unity for Democracy Justice (UDJ), har fängslats, och kräver att hon omgående och villkorslöst frigestmClass tmClass
threat analysis and security concepts for emerging ICT technologies: peer-to-peer networks, embedded systems, intelligent sensors
Det kan jag inteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
threat analysis and security concepts for emerging ICT technologies: peer-to-peer networks, embedded systems, intelligent sensors
På det hela taget var räntabiliteten negativ och försämrades med #,# procentenheter under skadeundersökningsperiodenoj4 oj4
A torrent of peer- to- peer social networks and real- time technologies, fundamentally changing the way we behave.
Väteperoxid- och perboratsektornQED QED
Voice over Internet protocol (VOIP), Internet and peer-to-peer communications apparatus, instruments, equipment and technology
Jag tycker vi ska skriva ett kontrakttmClass tmClass
A torrent of peer-to-peer social networks and real-time technologies, fundamentally changing the way we behave.
I allmänhet uppnås maximala serumkoncentrationer av fentanyl # minuter efter aktivering av en dosted2019 ted2019
The new technologies (both peer-to-peer and social networks) demonstrate the importance of both virtual and real communities.
Svårigheten ligger i vilken lösning vi skall söka.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
* The Report also looks at certain emerging technologies such as peer-to-peer, WAP, I-Mode, Interactive TV and 3G.
Ägare till tonfiskfiskefartyg eller fartyg för fiske med flytlinor skall åta sig att anställa medborgare från AVS-länderna på följande villkor och med följande förbehållEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Another change would be to extend the coverage to new online technologies, including mobile and broadband content, online games, peer-to-peer file transfer and all forms of real-time communication.
Hur känner du Hoffe, då?not-set not-set
100 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.