penetrative oor Sweeds


Of, pertaining to, or involving penetration

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


They will be able to penetrate any solid matter prior to detonation.
De kan genomtränga all fast materia innan de detonerar.



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

partially penetrating well
delvis penetrerande brunn
to penetrate
förstå · genomtränga · penetrera · tränga in i
explosively formed penetrator
Explosivt formad projektil
double penetration
dubbelknull · dubbelmacka · dubbelpenetration
non-penetrative sex
ground-penetrating radar
bryta igenom · förstå · genomskåda · genomsyra · genomtränga · penetrera · perforera · tränga igenom · tränga in i
penetrative convection
penetrerande konvektion


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(11) See the statement by AK Bhargava, executive director of Indian telephone company MTNL (Manhagar Telephone Nigam Limited): "For increasing broadband penetration, ubiquitous infrastructure must precede the demand.
Sådana förmåner skulle ha förekommit mellan # och #, när dessa krav gälldeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this regard, it is recalled that the profit margin of 9,3 % was based on actual and verified data submitted by the Community producers, i.e. evidence which showed that 9,3 % was the profit effectively obtained before dumped imports started to penetrate into the Community market.
Om det fordon som har tillhandahållits för godkännande i enlighet med detta direktiv uppfyller kraven i punkt # nedan skall godkännande beviljas för den fordonstypenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Reference is made to the harpoon only at Job 41:7, drawing attention to the armorlike quality of the skin of Leviathan (the crocodile), which resists penetration by an ordinary harpoon.
och är slaktdjurjw2019 jw2019
The term "endolith", which defines an organism that colonizes the interior of any kind of rock, has been further classified into three subclasses: Chasmoendolith colonizes fissures and cracks in the rock (chasm = cleft) Cryptoendolith colonizes structural cavities within porous rocks, including spaces produced and vacated by euendoliths (crypto = hidden) Euendolith penetrates actively into the interior of rocks forming tunnels that conform with the shape of its body, rock boring organism (eu = true) Endoliths have been found in rock down to a depth of 3 kilometres (1.9 mi), though it is unknown if that is their limit (due to the cost involved in digging so deep).
Jag är ledsen att behöva upprepa om och om igen att jag inte kan acceptera principen om relativ stabilitet utan en reservation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(xxviii) In vivo derived bovine embryos (except embryos that have been subjected to penetration of the zona pellucida):
Ner från stolen, din dumma kossa!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Christianity Penetrates Asia Minor
Nej, pojken hette faktiskt Timjw2019 jw2019
Penetration of new technologies in Europe
Du har bara din vita fars hatEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Strategic consultancy in business management, including advising clients on business strategies, high business management, penetrating new markets, launching new business units, drawing up marketing plans and designing organisational models
Den enda kinesiska exporterande tillverkaren och dess närstående handelsföretag som hade ansökt om marknadsekonomisk status ansökte också om individuell behandling för den händelse de inte skulle beviljas marknadsekonomisk statustmClass tmClass
(b) The damp heat cyclic test is appropriate where condensation is important or when penetration of vapour will be accelerated by the effect of breathing.
Enligt den information som kommissionen har tillgång till uppskattades värdet av Kassandragruvornas tillgångar den # juni #, sex månader efter försäljningen av gruvorna till Ellinikos Xrysos, till # miljoner EUR enligt marknadsvärdet, av Behre Dolbear International Ltd, ett internationellt konsultföretag inom mineralindustrin, på European Goldfields vägnarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, the Union has fallen behind other major global regions - North America, Africa and parts of Asia - in terms of the roll-out and penetration of the latest generation of wireless broadband technologies that are necessary to achieve those policy goals.
Det antal kontrollexemplar T# och motsvarande dokument för vilka förseglingen från avsändandet avlägsnats på annat sätt än under tulltillsyn, antal förseglingar som brutits, eller om dispens inte har beviljats från kravet att försegla enligt artikel #.# i förordning (EEG) nrEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Protective clothing - Protection against liquid chemicals - Test method for resistance of materials to penetration by liquids (ISO 6530:2005)
Insynen i valen och valens trovärdighet påverkar kraftigt Nigerias internationella ställning samt kvaliteten på de bilaterala förbindelserna och det ekonomiska samarbetetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Construction adhesives - Pins for structural joints / Connectors - Three dimensional nailing plates - Anchors bolts / Screws - Wall plates made of stainless steel. - Cavity trays - Fastener for external wall claddings and flat or pitched roofs - Connector for sandwich elements of concrete - Gas and watertight seals for pipes in wall and floor penetrations - Sealing kits, profiles and strips - Joints sealing compounds - Elastic suspended fixings - Tension Rods - Point fastener - Surface repellents and coating treatments - Levelling fasteners for roofs, walls and interior applications - Waterproofing products / treatments
Det betyder inte att den här tuffingen inte har en mjukare sidanot-set not-set
Rainmaker uses a bunker buster technology... to penetrate 300 feet below the surface before detonates.
Jag är ledsen att jag sköt mot digOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Community industry has submitted information showing that sale volumes have already decreased and/or are forecasted to decrease significantly, in particular on certain market segments where the presence of the Chinese goods exert more its penetrating strength (i.e. mechanicals and constructions and line pipes).
Herr president, vi är klara nuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The possibility cannot be excluded that a small number of service providers from ports outside the EU, who earn high rates of return on their investments in their own monopolistic home markets, will step up their penetration of key ports in the EU and successfully take part in selection procedures by making high financial bids.
Byt namn på sessionEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For example, the ever- present sea urchin sports needlelike spines able to penetrate unprotected hands.
Herr talman! Jag välkomnar kommissionens förslag, men vill framför allt gratulera min kollega Van den Berg till hans utmärkta betänkande, somjag anser innehåller oumbärliga faktorer och åtgärder när det gäller detta åtagande.jw2019 jw2019
Penetration of the EU's economy by organized criminal groups is a security risk.
Jag kanske börjar att gilla CydneyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Protective clothing — Protection against liquid chemicals — Test method for resistance of materials to penetration by liquids (ISO 6530:2005)
Jag sparkar dig inteEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
He said that the family might resist his exhortations, but he thought the simple teaching and testimony of a boy might more likely penetrate their hardened hearts.
Sa inte du så?LDS LDS
(b) pipe, duct, trunk etc. penetrations.
Vilka stora kliv!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Obstacle monitoring surfaces must therefore be developed, implemented and continuously monitored by the competent national authority to identify any infringing penetration.
Hon som räddade er heter Naominot-set not-set
Indication of abdominal penetration
Det börjar bli ont om träd, kaptenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(148) Import penetration is very low, less than 7%.
Om en kurs inte offentliggörs efter den första arbetsdagen i oktober, ska den kurs tillämpas som gäller den senaste dag före denna dag då en kurs har offentliggjortsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Commercial penetrometer conforming to ISO Standard 2137: 1985, with a guide rod of 47,5 g ± 0,05 g; sieve disc of duralumin with conical bores and a mass of 102,5 g ± 0,05 g (see figure 1); penetration vessel with an inside diameter of 72 mm to 80 mm for reception of the sample.
Jag dör inte för din skull, subba!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
.3 the duct is not located closer than 600 mm measured along its length to a penetration of an ‘A’ or ‘B’ class division, including continuous ‘B’ class ceilings.
209 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.