physical anthropology oor Sweeds

physical anthropology

the branch of anthropology dealing with the genesis and variation of human beings

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fysisk antropologi

branch of anthropology that studies the physical development of the human species

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As in the past, the present proponents of various hypotheses may be wrong on the very points on which they are surest they are right. . . . all views of human evolution are built on seeming facts that vary widely in their degree of reliability.”—Professor of Physical Anthropology Sherwood L.
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Researchers in the fields of anthropology, physics and neuroscience use Humanae with different scientific approaches related to human ethnicity, optophysiology, face recognition or Alzheimer's.
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For this to have any meaning, the new Europe must pay close attention to the elements which have bound it together historically, anthropologically, culturally and physically.
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The Physical Anthropology of Israelite Peoples
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Physical Anthropology – Anthropology and Humanities
The discipline is focused on physical anthropology and human biology, genetics, ecology, and ethology.
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I read prehistoric archaeology, social anthropology and physical anthropology in Germany, England and Wales.
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In the new study, concept integrates physical anthropology, including genetics, ecology, and ethology, the sociocultural anthropology in a holistic approach to the study of humans and populations.
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The Osteological Association was founded in 1978 with the aim to promote interest in human (physical anthropology/bioanthropology) and animal (zooarchaeology) osteology from prehistoric and historic contexts.
Vi har redan förstärkt vår kommunikationsstrategi för att öka insynen i interventionerna.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Anthropology is the study of humankind, and its subfields (e.g., social/cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, physical anthropology, and archaeology) cover various aspects of what make us human.
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In physical anthropology, the methods include somatometry, osteometry, anthropological somatotopy, dermatoglyphic, basics of rent genometry and other morphological and morphometric approaches, including the newly introduced 3D non-contact techniques.
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Yet, the British newspaper The Guardian reported that “the level of belief is highest among practitioners of the hard sciences, such as physics and geology, lower for the soft sciences, such as anthropology.”
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From Egyptology: Among confirming archaeological finds analysed on the basis of their historical, anthropological, physical, chemical, and geographical circumstances some extraordinary finds should be mentioned:
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Sport for children and young people, gender, power, physical education; Social anthropology/ethnography; Education; Sports research; Social sciences; Gender studies; Sports; Interdisciplinary research areas; Children; Ethnicity; Education
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Sports research; Social sciences; Education; Sports; Sport for children and young people, gender, power, physical education; Social anthropology/ethnography; Interdisciplinary research areas; Education; Children; Ethnicity; Gender studies
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Basic pedagogical disciplines are complemented by subjects from several fields, including physical, cultural, social and philosophical anthropology.
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The theme of the Vega Day alternates between physical geography, human geography and social anthropology.
Framför allt måste EU se till att engagemanget för millennieutvecklingsmålen fortfarande är lika starkt som någonsin.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Whenever possible, IPNB offers an interdisciplinary approach; looking to bring a wide variety of sciences together (e.g. psychology, physics, mathematics, medicine, psychiatry, anthropology) in the search for a deeper understanding of our human conditions and possibilities.
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Sport for children and young people, gender, power, physical education; Social sciences; Education; Social anthropology/ethnography; Sports research; Interdisciplinary research areas; Education; Children; Ethnicity; Gender studies; Sports
Produkterna från interventionslagren får blandas med eller tillsättas till andra produkter som anskaffas på marknaden för framställning av sådana livsmedel som skall levereras för planens genomförandeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Social sciences; Other social sciences; Cultural heritage and cultural production; Sports; Leisure studies and young people, gender, power, physical education; Sports research; Social anthropology/ethnography; Social sciences; Education; Sports; Interdisciplinary research areas; Education; Children; Ethnicity; Gender studies
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Sandor A Markus has studied and done research on religion, mysticism, politics, anthropology, and medicine with a special interest in quantum physics, metaphysics, human science and Ayurveda.
För att säkerställa en enhetlig tillämpning av detta direktiv får kommissionen i enlighet med förfarandet i artikel #.# anta genomförandeåtgärder där det anges att ett tredje land säkerställer att prospekt upprättade i det landet står i överensstämmelse med detta direktiv, antingen genom landets nationella lagstiftning eller därför att praxis och förfaranden i landet följer internationella standarder utarbetade av internationella organisationer för tillsyn av värdepappersmarknaden, såsom IOSCO:s informationsstandarderParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is a broad and multidisciplinary research direction where cooperation partners can contribute from many angles, including anthropology, evolutionary computing, semiotics, general and computational linguistics, physics, computational science, and more.
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Interdisciplinary research areas; Education; Children; Ethnicity; Gender studies; Education; Social anthropology/ethnography; Sports research; Social sciences; Sport for children and young people, gender, power, physical education; Sports
I annat fall står dessa regioner inför ökade förluster som drabbar både den befintliga näringsverksamheten och den utvecklingspotential den genererat.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
“We want to take a closer look at crisis as a philosophical and anthropological phenomenon, as a political and ideological construction in the societal debate, and as a physical reality.
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By contrast an anthropological understanding of navigation is not only linked to physical movement, but also to social navigations in terms of people ́s orientations (identities and ideologies, not least those formed by current events, political and personal) and movements in social environments marked by constraints and possibilities.
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29 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.