planetary scientist oor Sweeds

planetary scientist

A scientist specialized in planetary science.

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Through my research and professional responsibilities, I have met respected planetary scientists from many countries, universities, and research institutions.
Genom min forskning och yrkesutövning har jag träffat aktade planetforskare från många länder, universitet och forskningsinstitutioner.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
“Mars is too cold, Venus is too hot, Earth is just right,” explains planetary scientist Andrew Ingersoll.
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Sara Seager (born 21 July 1971) is a Canadian-American astronomer and planetary scientist.
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It was named for American planetary scientist Lucy-Ann McFadden.
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You know, as a scientist -- planetary scientist -- we really didn't take that very seriously until recently.
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Through my research and professional responsibilities, I have met respected planetary scientists from many countries, universities, and research institutions.
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During the Voyager missions to the planet, planetary scientists identified 13 crater chains on Callisto and three on Ganymede, the origin of which was initially a mystery.
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The term has nevertheless caught on, because planetary scientists typically use "rock", "gas", and "ice" as shorthands for classes of elements and compounds commonly found as planetary constituents, irrespective of what phase the matter may appear in.
Hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster undantogs samma sätt från direktivets tillämpningsområde, och ändå lade kommissionen för mindre än en månad sedan fram en ambitiös plan som gällde rörlighet för patienter.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And taking them down so that they had access -- astrobiologists, planetary scientists, people who were interested in these extreme environments -- taking them down to the vents, and letting them see, and take samples and test instruments, and so on.
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Conceived by the planetary scientist Carolyn Porco, who was the imaging team leader for Cassini, the concept called for the people of the world to reflect on their place in the cosmos, to marvel at life on Earth, and, at the time the pictures were taken, to look up and smile in celebration.
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So this edge is the same that has been defined by scientists as the planetary boundaries.
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“In the early 1600’s, Johannes Kepler, a German scientist, developed the laws of planetary motion that describe the orbits of bodies in space.
The book, The Human Quest: Prospering Within Planetary Boundaries, is co-authored by scientist and global sustainability expert Johan Rockström with a foreword by former President Bill Clinton.
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Scientists are taking a closer look at our red planetary neighbor.
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Also, the tentative detection of an extremely low frequency (ELF) radio wave has planetary scientists equally excited.
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Therefore, planetary scientists are looking for ways to explore the planet's surface more quickly.
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“NASA is trying to conquer the Wild West of simulants,” says Philip Metzger, a planetary scientist at the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
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Any planetary scientist knows that Mars and Venus went through dramatic atmospheric changes in the past, similar to what we have begun to experience right now.
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From the way things are going on our planetary spaceship, it looks as if this global catastrophe is much nearer than modern scientists calculate.
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Planets in multi-star systems are of special interest to astronomers and planetary scientists because they provide an example of how the mechanism of planetary formation functions in these more extreme scenarios.
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The rather misleading term has caught on because planetary scientists typically use 'rock', 'gas', and 'ice' as shorthands for classes of elements and compounds commonly found as planetary constituents, irrespective of what phase they appear in.
Vid export till Serbien av varor med ursprung i gemenskapen kan dessa varor omfattas av sänkta tullar eller inga tullar alls, mot inlämnande av antingen ett varucertifikat EUR.# eller en fakturadeklaration som visar att den berörda varan har sitt ursprung i gemenskapenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
“Enceladus is this little generator going around Saturn, and we know it is a continuous source of energy,” said Ali Sulaiman, planetary scientist at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and a member of the RPWS team.
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The 2009 Lennart Nilsson Award is awarded to American planetary scientist Carolyn Porco and Iranian photographer and science journalist Babak A. Tafreshi for their photographic work, which - each from its own perspective - recalls mankind's place in the universe.
Det betyder inte att den här tuffingen inte har en mjukare sidaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The rather misleading term has caught on because planetary scientists typically use "rock", "gas", and "ice" as shorthands for classes of elements and compounds commonly found as planetary constituents, irrespective of what phase the matter may appear in.
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During the Voyager missions to the planet, planetary scientists identified 13 crater chains on Callisto and three on Ganymede, the origin of which was initially a mystery.[33] Crater chains seen on the Moon often radiate from large craters, and are thought to be caused by secondary impacts of the original ejecta, but the chains on the Jovian moons did not lead back to a larger crater.
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37 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.