pneumoconiosis oor Sweeds


(medicine) A disease of the lungs caused by inhalation of particulate matter.

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interstitial lung disease that is caused by the inhalation of dust


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Apportionment of the cost of cash benefits in cases of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis
Jo, det gör detEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Apportionment of the cost of cash benefits in cases of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis The following rules shall apply for the implementation of Article # (c) of the Regulation
Tillbaka till din jordanska puma som duinte tror att jag känner tilleurlex eurlex
Whereas the experience gained in implementing Article 57 of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 has revealed a shortcoming in cases where the conditions of none of the national legislations under which an activity likely to cause an occupational disease other than sclerogenic pneumoconiosis was being pursued, have been satisfied; whereas this shortcoming should be remedied by extending the scope of Article 57 (3) (a) and (b) to all occupational diseases; whereas it is consequently necessary to amend Article 60 (1) (c) and (2) and Article 94 (8) of the said Regulation;
Och denna dialog är viktig eftersom de europeiska och amerikanska affärsmiljöerna ägnar avsevärda ansträngningar åt detta, vilka för övrigt står i relation till omfattningen av våra affärsförbindelser med amerikanarna.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In case of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis, the provision of Article 57 (5) shall apply to cash benefits for an occupational disease the expense of which, in the absence of agreement between the institutions concerned, could not be divided between those institutions before 1 October 1972.
Du kommer aldrig känna till den utsökta smärtan... hos killen som går hem ensam... för, utan det sura, baby, är det söta inte lika söttEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In cases of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis, the cost of cash benefits, including pensions, shall be divided among the competent institutions of the Member States in whose territory the person concerned pursued an activity likely to cause the disease.
Som det låterEurLex-2 EurLex-2
if, in the case covered by subparagraph (b), an employed or self-employed person suffering from sclerogenic pneumoconiosis or from a disease determined under Article # is not entitled to benefits under the legislation of the second Member State, the competent institution of the first Member State shall be bound to provide benefits under the legislation which it administers, taking the aggravation into account
Jag tog henne överallt dit hon ville, det var inga problemeurlex eurlex
In cases of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis, the following provisions shall apply
Mer information om Velcadeeurlex eurlex
In case of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis, the provision of Article # shall apply to cash benefits for an occupational disease the expense of which, in the absence of agreement between the institutions concerned, could not be divided between those institutions before # October
I det här ärendet anser kommissionen att regeringens beslut att begära att Riksgäldskontoret skall ställa en kreditgaranti var ett villkorligt beslut och inte gav Teracom någon absolut rätt att kräva att få en kreditgarantieurlex eurlex
(c) if, in the case covered by subparagraph (b), a worker suffering from sclerogenic pneumoconiosis or from a disease determined under Article 62(6) is not entitled to benefits under the legislation of the second Member State, the competent institution of the first State shall be bound to provide the benefits under the legislation which it administers taking the aggravation into account.
Europaparlamentet uppdrar åt sin generalsekreterare att underteckna rättsakten, efter kontroll av att alla förfaranden vederbörligen avslutats, och att i samförstånd med rådets generalsekreterare se till att den offentliggörs i Europeiska unionens officiella tidningEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) if, in the case covered by subparagraph (b), an employed or self-employed person suffering from sclerogenic pneumoconiosis or from a disease determined under Article 57 (6) is not entitled to benefits under the legislation of the second Member State, the competent institution of the first Member State shall be bound to provide benefits under the legislation which it administers, taking the aggravation into account.
Invändningen har därför godtagits, och linor med # trådar eller mer omfattas inte av produktdefinitionenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) if, in the case covered by subparagraph (b), an employed or selfemployed person suffering from sclerogenic pneumoconiosis or from a disease determined under Article 57 (6) is not entitled to benefits under the legislation of the second Member State, the competent institution of the first Member State shall be bound to provide benefits under the legislation which it administers, taking the aggravation into account.
Han gick tillbaka inEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In cases of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis, the cost of cash benefits, including pensions, shall be divided among the competent institutions of the Member States in whose territory the person concerned pursued anactivity likely to cause the disease.
Jag har utvecklatsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In case of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis, the provision of Article 57 (5) shall apply to cash benefits for an occupational disease the expense of which, in the absence of agreement between the institutionsconcerned, could not be divided between those institutions before 1 October 1972.
Kommissionen anger tydligt i den återkommande rapporten för # om Bulgarien att korruption inom poliskåren uppfattas utgöra ett problem och att förekomsten av mutor med anknytning till trafikpolisen och gränspolisen har uppmärksammats av medborgare i EU som med bil färdats in i och genom landetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In cases of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis, Article 57 (3) (c) shall apply to cash benefits for an occupational disease the expense of which, in the absence of an agreement between the institutions concerned, could not be divided between those institutions before the date of entry into force of this Regulation.
Det var signalenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In cases of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis, Article # (c) shall apply to cash benefits for an occupational disease the expense of which, in the absence of an agreement between the institutions concerned, could not be divided between those institutions before the date of entry into force of this Regulation
Innehåll (Koncentrationeurlex eurlex
Article # Apportionment of the cost of cash benefits in cases of sclerogenic pneumoconiosis
Grace, jag behöver en full report på en kille vid namn Brice Cummingseurlex eurlex
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