possessive suffix oor Sweeds

possessive suffix

(linguistics) A suffix that indicates possession, occurs in some Uralic, Semitic and Indo-European languages.

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Semitic, Berber, Cushitic (including Beja), and Chadic support possessive suffixes.
Namnreferensverk för suckulenta arter av släktet EuphorbiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Possessive suffixes are found in some Austronesian, Uralic, Altaic, Semitic, and Indo-European languages.
Att begära en halv miljon för tre dars intervjuer är olagligt och vidrigtWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fact that the possessive agreement suffixes on nouns and the transitive agreement suffixes on verbs in a number of instances have similar or identical shapes has even resulted in the theory that Greenlandic has a distinction between transitive and intransitive nouns, parallel to the same distinction in the verbs.
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The possessive suffix "s" is often replaced by "z" in dansband names.
De grekiska myndigheterna ifrågasätter Aegean Airlines hänvisningar till koncernen Olympic Airways, som enligt statens uppfattning är felaktigt eftersom Olympic Airways Services inte är delaktigt i Olympic Airlines aktiekapital eller ledning, och varken kontrollerar de beslut som fattas vid Olympic Airlines årsmöte eller har behörighet att utse medlemmar i dess styrelseParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
the possessive suffix -i4 harmonizing with the final vowel (and softening the k by consonant alternation): viyadüğü[citation needed]
Har du något emot om jag...?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Thus, it seems that ódhr is the gift of Hoenir because he is entirely dependent upon it, entirely possessed by it (whereas Ódhinn, in fact, appears to be the master of it: the *-an- suffix in *Wōdanaz may suggest “lordship” or “mastery”).
Mugabes syskonbarnParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
6 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.