post-modernist oor Sweeds


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Can I just ask, are the book covers meant to be an ironic post-modernist representation of the role of women in the'60s?
Jag skjuter bort den och sIäpper denOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Furthermore, Basil Bunting, born in 1901, published little until Briggflatts in 1965 and Samuel Beckett, born in Ireland in 1906, continued to produce significant works until the 1980s, though some view him as a post-modernist.
Jag har valt ett fint typsnitt till mitt föredragWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Matt and Luke are post-Goa-modernists.
Nej, jag hittade denOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That is why the post-modernists talk of the “end of ideology”.
Gudskelov att det var HamletParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As a rule, documents written from a Leninist, Trotskyist, or post-modernist perspective are not included.
Nu kommer de!-... i sommar?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Unirii Square in Bucharest is a religious, communist, post-modernist and modernist architectural puzzle.
Jag är barnvaktParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But a reconsideration of the post-modernist classical economics is arguably inevitable.
[ Kompletteras nationellt ]ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The result has become a new hybrid — a “post-modernistic inspired mess”.
Redovisningen ska innehållaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The post-modernist is advocating much more than mere intellectual humility here.
Det är därför nödvändigt att fastställa en vägledande fördelning av tillgängliga medel mellan de berörda medlemsstaterna i enlighet med artikel #.# i förordning (EG) nrParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
So the post-modernist or universalist must think that these two statements are implicitly contradictory.
Favorite var vän till din mamma när hon bodde i New YorkParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Postmodern feminism is an approach to feminist theory that incorporates postmodern and post-structuralist theory, seeing itself as moving beyond the modernist polarities of liberal feminism and radical feminism.
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No doubt the post-modernist answer to that question will be that the openness I contemplate here is insufficient; it opens the door only a crack.
StödsystemParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
“UNIRII SQUARE” BUCHAREST – THE CENTER OF THE ROMANIAN CAPITAL, ALSO KNOWN AS UNIFICATION SQUARE Unirii Square in Bucharest is a religious, communist, post-modernist and modernist architectural puzzle.
Jag skulle i största allmänhet vilja be kommissionen att ge den teknik som skall möjliggöra intelligenta väg- och trafikövervakningssystem en extra impuls.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Democracy and science are intimately linked, and the freedom to criticise is fundamental, but freedom of speech does not mean – as post-modernists conclude – that all perceptions are of equal value.
Dessa bör omfatta meddelanden med anknytning till konsulärt samarbete (artikel #.# i VIS-förordningen), meddelanden med anknytning till överföring av begäran till behörig viseringsmyndighet om överlämnande av kopior av resehandlingar och andra handlingar som ligger till grund för ansökan och för överlämnandet av elektroniska kopior av dessa handlingar (artikel #.# i VIS-förordningen), meddelanden om att uppgifter som behandlats i VIS är oriktiga eller att uppgifter har behandlats i VIS i strid med bestämmelserna i VIS-förordningen (artikel #.# i VIS-förordningen) och meddelanden om att en sökande har erhållit medborgarskap i en medlemsstat (artikel #.# i VIS-förordningenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Caught in this self-defeating trap, some post-modernists have been forced to the same recourse as Buddhist mystics: denying that post-modernism is really a view or position at all.
Subkutan användningParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Universalism is thus the raison d'être for the response of openness to religious diversity thought to be required by post-modernist thinkers. [11] Total openness and religious relativism spring from an abhorrence of Christian particularism.
Jag måste tillbaka till AvalonParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Defined by its opponents, art from the post-war modernist period was sidelined.
Därför ska OLAF i princip ge samma behandling åt allauppgifter som lämnas och alla ärenden som utreds, även de minimisärenden. OLAF:s utredningsprioriteter beskrivs i byråns handbok och i den gällande årliga förvaltningsplanenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Drawing from these schools, while at the same time presuming an intimate knowledge of the traditional Swedish popular movements (folkrörelserna), the writer constructs two ideal typical concepts: stable community (resembling the communitarian vision) and casual community (resembling the post modernist vision).
Slutsatserna i konsultens rättsliga rapport strider uppenbarligen mot kommissionens sedvanliga beslut och EG-rättens praxis för statliga stöd, enligt vilken ett stöd föreligger om man kan påvisa ett fast, precist och ovillkorligt åtagande från den berörda staten, vilket inte på något sätt är fallet med ministerns uttalanden av den # juliParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Furthermore, Basil Bunting, born in 1901, published little until Briggflatts in 1965 and Samuel Beckett, born in Ireland in 1906, continued to produce significant works until the 1980s, including Waiting for Godot (1953), Happy Days (1961), Rockaby (1981), though some view him as a post-modernist.
Bort med det, jag ska skriva påParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The house — built in 1840, but now a “prime Post-Modernist monument”, an “apogee of symbolic architecture” — is alive with symbolism, from the entrance hall, a panelled “Cosmic Oval”, to the rear windows, which can be read by turns as a man, a woman, a dog, the sun and the moon.
I vissa fall kan viktuppgång vara ett symtom på hjärtsvikt, och därför bör vikten noggrant följasParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The post-modernist is not merely saying that we cannot know with certainty which religious world view is true and we therefore must be open-minded; rather he maintains that none of the religious world views is objectively true, and therefore none can be excluded in deference to the allegedly one true religion.
Vissa läkemedel kan påverka blodets förmåga att transportera syreParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Also in the post–World War I period, the subject of war tis dealt with in an increasing number of modernist novels, many of which were not "war novels" in the conventional sense, but which featured characters whose psychological trauma and alienation from society stemmed directly from wartime experiences.
Vi minns alla hur särskilt budgetkontrollutskottet betonat betydelsen av arbetet i de vises kommitté.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This town, compared to other modernist towns in the post-colonial world, had something different about it in its smaller scale and with its Arabian influences, something I found interesting.
Uppföljning av revisionsrättens tidigare iakttagelserParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
However, there were budding new women modernists who would ultimately leave their mark on Norwegian post-war modernism.
Jag gläds bara inte över dina prestationerParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Despite ambitious intentions to create a new society for a new era, the modernist urban development that dominated the post-war period focused on technological rather than on human aspects.
Det är också en tydlig linje som vi måste dra.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
28 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.