proclaims oor Sweeds


Third-person singular simple present indicative form of proclaim.

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The Proclaimers
The Proclaimers
The Best of The Proclaimers
The Best of the Proclaimers 1987-2002
to proclaim
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Over some issues, however, we have seen a complete lack of sensitivity and we are hearing the Dutch presidency's programme here in Strasbourg, in Strasbourg where European Parliament Plenaries have repeatedly raised extremely serious issues concerning human rights violations by Turkey and where the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has in recent months proclaimed two decisions condemning Turkey, both in relation to the human rights of Kurds and in relation to the assets of Cypriots in areas of the Republic of Cyprus occupied by Turkish troops.
De principer för skyddet av enskilda personers fri-och rättigheter, och då särskilt rätten till privatliv, som i detta direktiv uppställs med avseende på behandling av personuppgifter skall för vissa områdens vidkommande kunna kompletteras eller preciseras med hjälp av särskilda bestämmelser som skall överensstämma med dessa principerEuroparl8 Europarl8
But when Jesus’ faithful disciples publicly proclaimed this good news, fierce opposition broke out.
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Amendment 4 Proposal for a regulation Recital 4 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (4) The European Pillar of Social Rights, solemnly proclaimed and signed on 17 November 2017 by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, lays down, as its first key principle, that everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market.
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Likewise, the WTO helps the United States and the European Union to maintain and even increase their export subsidies on farm produce, subsidies which fly in the face of the sacrosanct principle of free trade proclaimed by those same two parties and which are used to a great extent to the detriment of the poor countries that are the main exporters of raw materials.
med beaktande av det preliminära förslaget till Europeiska unionens ändringsbudget nr #/# för budgetåret #, som kommissionen lade fram den # majEuroparl8 Europarl8
having regard to the Ministerial Declaration of Athens in 1992 at the European conference on Women in Power, which proclaimed that “women represent half the potential talents and skills of humanity and their under-representation in decision-making is a loss for society as a whole”,
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About the time of the thrilling year 1914, several Kingdom proclaimers were incited to change their lives radically.
Föredragande: Lutz Goepel (Ajw2019 jw2019
38:4) For over 65 years, he boldly proclaimed Jehovah’s judgments.
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the rights of the child, as proclaimed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols, including the fight against child labour, child trafficking and child prostitution, and the recruitment and use of child soldiers;
Filnamnsdialogrutan visas, och användaren kan välja ett namn på verbfilenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The two men thought to have formed the basis of rat fancy are Jack Black, self-proclaimed rat-catcher to Queen Victoria, and Jimmy Shaw, manager of one of the largest sporting public houses in London.
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They defended themselves and their husbands and proclaimed their faith and their covenants.
Föregående skörd på fältet får inte vara oförenlig med produktionen av utsäde av den aktuella grödans art och sort, och fältet ska vara tillräckligt fritt från plantor som härrör från den tidigare skördenLDS LDS
THE apostle Paul was a zealous proclaimer of God’s Kingdom.
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These include ‘telling good news to the meek ones, binding up the brokenhearted, proclaiming liberty to those taken captive and the opening of the eyes even to the prisoners,’ all to be accomplished along with the proclaiming of the year of goodwill on the part of Jehovah.
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Often, the most barbaric atrocities occur when both combatants proclaim themselves " freedom fighters. "
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9 By 1922, more than 17,000 Kingdom proclaimers were active in 58 lands around the world.
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She and other devout women had assembled for worship by a river when the apostle proclaimed the good news to them.
Om jag hade kunnat gifta mig med dem så de inte dött, hade jag gjort detjw2019 jw2019
Our Savior, Jesus Christ, who sees from the beginning to the end, knew very well the road He would travel to Gethsemane and Golgotha when He proclaimed, “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62).
I fråga om när åtagandet har gjorts, framhåller kommissionen att praxis inte utesluter att fasta åtaganden föreligger trots att inte alla villkor för genomförandet är kändaLDS LDS
3 When you proclaim the Kingdom good news, some people may welcome it, but most will be indifferent.
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The Duke of Cumberland proclaimed himself Duke of Brunswick at the Duke's death, and lengthy negotiations ensued, but were never resolved.
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Within three years the number having a part in publicly proclaiming God’s Kingdom nearly tripled, according to available reports, and during 1922 they were busy preaching in 15 lands more than in 1919.
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At that time, as part of the general uprising, many local governing bodies were formed in different parts of the country, and the "Consulate of Argos" was proclaimed on 28 March 1821, under the Peloponnesian Senate.
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(2Ki 5:10; 9:1-3; Jer 36:4-6) Some of their messages and visions were written rather than orally proclaimed (Jer 29:1, 30, 31; 30:1, 2; Da chaps 7-12); many were given in private audience, and the prophets also used symbolic acts to convey ideas. —See PROPHECY; PROPHET.
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Those who are newly acquainted with the truth can acquire this historical perspective through the publication Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom.
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Designation: President and self-proclaimed ‘general’ of the Retour, Réclamation et Réhabilitation (3R)
Bara en smuttEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
These rights derive from the right to a fair trial, which is enshrined in Article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed in Rome on 4 November 1950 (‘the ECHR’) and recognised by Articles 47 and 48 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, (16) proclaimed in Nice on 7 December 2000.
Håll kvar männen härEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moving to a country where there is a need for more Kingdom proclaimers is a big step.
ålägga den beskattningsbara personen att bestämma en andel för varje verksamhetsgren och att föra separata räkenskaper för varje verksamhetsgrenjw2019 jw2019
228 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.