reciprocal altruism oor Sweeds

reciprocal altruism

(biology) Used in biology to describe the phenomenon of two animals acting in ways which mutually benefit one another.

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Reciprok altruism

behaviour whereby an organism acts in a manner that temporarily reduces its fitness while increasing another organism's fitness

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But consider the idea of 'reciprocal altruism'.
Tänk emellertid på idén om ”reciprok altruism”.Literature Literature
Reciprocal altruism works because of asymmetries in needs and in capacities to meet them.
Ömsesidig altruism fungerar på grund av asymmetrier i behov och i förmåga att tillgodose dem.Literature Literature
Greaves has said that the elements of Social Darwinism and Nietzscheanism within LaVeyan Satanism are incongruent with game theory, reciprocal altruism, and cognitive science.
Greaves menar att inslagen av socialdarwinism och Nietzscheanismen inom den Laveyanska satanismen strider mot spelteori, altruism och kognitionsvetenskap.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Similarly, Robert Trivers, thinking in terms of the gene-centred model, developed the theory of reciprocal altruism, whereby one organism provides a benefit to another in the expectation of future reciprocation.
På liknande sätt utvecklade Robert Trivers teorin om reciprok altruism, där en individ ger en fördel till en annan, med förväntan om en gentjänst i framtiden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A world in which you have few reciprocal partners is a world with a lot less altruism.
är en värld med mycket mindre alturism.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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