regular space oor Sweeds

regular space

(topology) A Hausdorff space with the additional property that for every closed set of that space and every point disjoint from that set, there are a disjoint pair of open sets which contain the closed set and the point, respectively.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The planet Ariannus is vital as a transfer point on regular space commercial lanes.
Jag valdes för att leda, inte läsaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Department of Energy said our regular space is kind of a hot zone.
Det var ett falskt alarmOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“The best possible diet for an arthritic condition is wholesome food that includes essential nutrients —proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals— eaten at regular, well- spaced intervals.
För om jag hjälper er, så kanske Beckman sätter ihop den gamla gruppen igen.Hmmjw2019 jw2019
Someone had set the camera to an automatic timer and taken photographs of the room spaced at regular intervals.
När det gäller det konkreta projekt som den ärade ledamoten nämner, är det kommissionens sak att inom ramen för sina befogenheter organisera pilot- eller demonstrationsprojekt och i förekommande fall lägga fram lämpliga förslag till rådet.Literature Literature
He had regular nightmares about falling into space, about being sucked to the edge of a cliff.
Europaparlamentets resolution om konferensen för översyn av icke-spridningsavtalet #- kärnvapen i Nordkorea och IranLiterature Literature
Flights of the American space shuttle are now a regular occurrence, and U.S. scientists talk of establishing a permanent space station and of going to Mars.
Europaparlamentet uppmanar kommissionen och medlemsstaterna att samarbeta med icke-statliga organisationer, fackföreningar, kvinnoorganisationer och nätverk med uppgift att ge kvinnor i utvecklingsländerna mer att säga tillom i ekonomiskt och socialt hänseende samt främja anständigt arbete på alla nivåerjw2019 jw2019
Work is also ongoing in the regular framework of the Four Common Spaces and all its technical dialogues.
Får jag tillbaka min pipa!Europarl8 Europarl8
One astronomer calls the regularity of the spacing between these structures mind- boggling, while another asserts that if these findings are confirmed, “it is safe to say we understand less than zero about the early universe.”
Vi tar honom!jw2019 jw2019
Uh-huh. We're trying to stop real estate developers from converting the neighborhood into luxury housing and retail spaces, forcing the regular people out.
När man sålde in Lissabonfördraget till medborgarna var ett av argumenten att det skulle ge Europaparlamentet större inflytande.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The M3 mainly conducts scout missions and carries two scouts in addition to the regular crew of three, with space for additional TOW missiles.
Det här är sista gången jag svararWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Smaller, and thus potentially slower, aircraft disrupt the regular sequence, as small aircraft require more space and time between flight movements.
Och denna partners gör allt han kan för att få Harris ur fängelsetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It would be reasonable to expect that such an evaluative framework had been developed and should have been published, to validate this intervention; e.g. the quantification of "regularity" of "air space safety" and of "congestion"; historically and then that expected as outcome from these instruments, would be set as good practice after due process!
Vi måste tänka i termer av transportpolitik, och den viktigaste faktorn är inte bara konkurrens inom järnvägssektorn, som är det mål vi tvångsmässigt har eftersträvat i åratal, utan tillhandahållandet av förutsättningar för att möjliggöra konkurrens mellan vägtransporter och de andra transportmedlen.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
For instance: The uniform, regular movements of the earth and other bodies in space.
Läget grabbar?jw2019 jw2019
Some have recently benefited under major modernization schemes designed to increase efficiency and, since they have all been regularly maintained, each one could still, at little cost, resume regular production within a short space of time.
Hur en enkel rapport kan skapasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Some have recently benefited under major modernization schemes designed to increase efficiency and, since they have all been regularly maintained, each one could still, at little cost, resume regular production within a short space of time.
Nu måste jag prata med en kille i stanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Some have recently benefited under major modernization schemes designed to increase efficiency and, since they have all been regularly maintained, each one could still, at little cost, resume regular production within a short space of time.
Trevaclyn undersöktes i fyra huvudstudier med patienter med hyperkolesterolemi eller kombinerad dyslipidemiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Regular meetings will be organized with the European Space Agency and with Member States in order to assess the implementation of this Agreement.
Det ska varaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the Commission’s programme, the launching of the space programme and the regular evaluation of strategy were among the most important measures mentioned for the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in 2007.
Oh Oh Vad jag är tröttEuroparl8 Europarl8
In this episode he played a security ensign, as it was not until season two that he began to play the recurring character of Miles O'Brien, who would later become a series regular on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Jag är ledsen att jag sköt mot digWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, are the problems of air transport services' regularity, delay, safety, the outcome of disjointed uses of air space?
KOMMISSIONENS FÖRORDNING (EG) nr # av den # juni # om handelsnormer för meloner och vattenmelonerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In regular paces, two policemen were walking up and down, as far as the space permitted.
Gå tillbaka till den federala byggnadenLiterature Literature
Directive 2001/85/EC lays down rules on how many spaces must be provided for wheelchair users on regular bus services and their design.
Vi har haft intressanta stunder tillsammansnot-set not-set
We identified good practice at the Commission, which complements its buildings strategy with a regular update of the evolution of needs against available office space.
Beträffande det västra beståndet kommer 30 procent mer än rekommenderat att fiskas. Därtill kommer det orapporterade och olagliga fisket.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
In algebraic topology, Steenrod homology is a homology theory for compact metric spaces introduced by Norman Steenrod (1940, 1941), based on regular cycles.
med beaktande av rådets sjunde direktiv #/#/EEG av den # juni # om sammanställd redovisningWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If someone is parked within the area in other spaces than regular parking spaces – they may have a permit.
Vid sidan av eventuellt annat statligt stöd eller stöd från offentligaorgan eller myndigheter, och helt i enlighet med det stödtak som anges i artikel # i förordning (EG) nr #/# när stöd ackumuleras, ska denna stödordning främja utveckling av ekologiskt jordbruk i departementetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
286 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.