roseola oor Sweeds


(pathology) Any rosy rash that occurs with various fevers, especially that occurring with a mild disease of early infancy that resembles measles.

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Pharmaceutical preparations with antiviral and/or antimicrobial properties for use in the treatment of herpetic keratitis, conjunctivitis, hiv retinopathy, viral influenza "flu", herpes simplex virus 1, herpes simplex virus 2, varicella zoster virus "herpes zoster" "shingles", cytomegalovirus, viral parainfluenza, adenovirus, viral encephalits, viral menigitus, arbovirus, arenavirus, picomavirus, coronavirus, syntialvirus, viral infections, common colds caused by viruses, cold sores, human immunedeficiency virus "hiv", roseola infantum, human herpes iv
Farmaceutiska preparat som motverkar virus och/eller mikrober för användning vid behandling av hornhinneinflammation, bindehinnekatarr, hiv-retinopati, virusinfluensa, herpes simplex typ I, herpes simplex typ II, vattkoppsvirus, bältrosvirus, bältros, cytomegalovirus, viral parainfluensa, adenovirus, viral hjärninflammation, viral hjärnhinneinflammation, arbovirus, arenavirus, picomavirus, coronavirus, syntialvirus, virusinfektioner, vanliga förkylningar orsakade av virus, munsår, den mänskliga immunbristsjukdomen hiv, roseola infantum, mänsklig herpes IVtmClass tmClass
Pediatric Roseola: Causes and Symptoms
Pediatrisk Roseola: Orsaker och symtomParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Three-day fever or Roseola Infantum is one of those harmless but unpleasant teething troubles.
Tre dagars feber eller Roseola Infantum är en av de ofarliga men obehagliga tandvårdsproblemen.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Baby roseola is a small rash that is not only spread on the cheeks, but also throughout the body.
Baby Roseola är ett litet utslag som inte bara sprids på kinderna utan också genom hela kroppen.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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