rump state oor Sweeds

rump state

Any politico-geographic entity (a state) that is the remnant of a previous, larger one that has been broken up

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


remnant of a once-larger state, left with a reduced territory

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Syagrius was the son of Aegidius, the last Roman magister militum per Gallias; he preserved his father's rump state, the Domain of Soissons, between the Somme and the Loire, calling himself dux.
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The battle was a victory for the Franks, and led to the conquest of the Roman rump state of Soissons, a milestone for the Franks in their attempt to establish themselves as a major regional power.
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Determination of borders between the new countries was complex and difficult, and not always peaceful: While the northeastern border with the Kingdom of Italy along the "Julian March" was already determined by the 1915 Treaty of London, the demarcation line between Yugoslavia and the rump state of German-Austria was a difficult and highly disputed matter.
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For the Treaty of Lisbon to give the European Parliament the role of a rump Parliament is one thing, but for its Members to state their agreement with this nonsense is something entirely different.
Om två dagar kommer Villa och Zapata att anfalla samtidigt från två hållEuroparl8 Europarl8
In Yemen, al Qaeda operatives are decisive components of the CIA putsch attempt against President Saleh, which US is promoting in order to fragment Yemen into two or more rump states.
Här är en skärmbild av inställningsskärmen för Grundläggande genvägar i KreceptParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Slovenia The Republic of German-Austria (German: Republik Deutschösterreich or Deutsch-Österreich) was created following World War I as the initial rump state for areas with a predominantly German-speaking population within what had been the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[1]
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The Republic of German-Austria (German: Republik Deutschösterreich or Deutsch-Österreich) was created following World War I as the initial rump state for areas with a predominantly German-speaking population within what had been the Austro-Hungarian Empire, without the Kingdom of Hungary, which in 1918 had become the Hungarian Democratic Republic.
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Beastie Boys Shake Your Rump Beastie "Beings Entering Anarchistic States Towards Internal Excellence", och initialerna B.B.
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Shake Your Rump Beastie Boys "Beings Entering Anarchistic States Towards Internal Excellence", och initialerna B.B.
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On 15 March 1939, the remainder ("rump") of Czechoslovakia was invaded and divided into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and the puppet Slovak State.
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10 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.