sampan oor Sweeds


(nautical) A flat-bottomed Chinese wooden boat propelled by two oars.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Chinese boat
If I see so much as a sampan there I'll blow it out of the water.
Om jag ser så mycket som en sampan skjuter jag den i bitar.


type of boat
If I see so much as a sampan there I'll blow it out of the water.
Om jag ser så mycket som en sampan skjuter jag den i bitar.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The sampan is black and wooden, less than two feet high with ends that turn up like a banana’s.
Bakom den finns ett nedlagt tivoliLiterature Literature
Pinky said, “You can’t watch for sampans on the bay at night.”
Av samma skäl bör en producent som är medlem i en branschorganisation, och som åtar sig att levererasin bomullsproduktion, endast leverera till ett rensningsföretag som är medlem i samma organisationLiterature Literature
FR | Ratafia de Champagne | ratafia de Sampan | Liqueur |
Det är bäst att ni går nuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We are looking for three men who left Aberdeen last week in a sampan for the junk White Cloud.
Din fagra Victoria berättade om din belägenhetOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sampan off the port bow.Sampan off the port bow
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Under cover of darkness, the inhabitants of Hoa Binh returned to their homes and collected their belongings, piling them in their sampans.
Minskat antal röda blodkroppar som kan ge blek hud och orsaka svaghet ochjw2019 jw2019
whereas the former Prime Minister Khieu Sampan is the first leading Khmer Rouge to have acknowledged, recently, that genocide took place under Pol Pot’s rule, despite which almost all surviving leaders of that time remain free, and none has so far been put on trial,
Jag trivs härnot-set not-set
The sampan is lifted on a low wave, gently, like a ballet dancer lifting his partner, and pushed closer to the island.
Som kronan på verket kallade man platsen RiketLiterature Literature
The enemy will paddle their sampans to the beach or moor their junks or walk out of the jungle.
Ring Berthier om de klagarLiterature Literature
Countries organize a variety of events to raise awareness such as ; lectures, seminars, nature walks, children’s art contests, sampan races, community clean-up days, radio and television interviews, letters to newspapers, to the launch of new wetland policies, new Ramsar Sites and new programmes at the national level.
Han lägger ribban rätt högtWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If I see so much as a sampan there I'll blow it out of the water.
Tack vare dessa åtgärder bör EU:s vatten inte längre ge plats åt fartyg som inte uppfyller normerna, eller åt skrotfartygOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To carry out my ministry, I had to employ various forms of transportation: afoot, pedal cycle, motorbike, house car, taxi, passenger train, freight train, oxcart, camel, horseback, horse cart, plane, sampan, rowboat, paddle steamer, bus, truck, rickshaw, even a private train.
Beträffande det västra beståndet kommer 30 procent mer än rekommenderat att fiskas. Därtill kommer det orapporterade och olagliga fisket.jw2019 jw2019
FR | Cognac The denomination "Cognac" may be supplemented by the following terms: Fine Grande Fine Champagne Grande Champagne Petite Fine Champagne Petite Champagne Fine Champagne Borderies Fins Bois Bons Bois | koniak saxeli “koniaki“ SeiZleba gavrcobil iqnas Semdegi terminebiT: fin grand fin Sampan grand Sampan petit fin Sampan petit Sampan fin Sampan borderi fen bua bon bua | Wine spirit |
Tillägg för bosättning, ny bosättning och omplaceringEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Even if I sell this stuff there wouldn't be enough to get a sampan upriver.
Frankrike och Tyskland har dessutom åtagit sig att utnyttja eventuella effekter av en ökad tillväxt för att minska underskottet i enlighet med kommissionens begäran.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Franklin 1969 A sampan appears.
Tillräckligt till allaLiterature Literature
So by all means of transportation —by foot, by automobile, by sampan— I brought to the camp each month about 33 pounds (15 kg) of dried food.
Åh, mina gardiner!Visste du att jag gjorde dom helt självjw2019 jw2019
Fishermen in sampans are not to be trusted.
Tejpen, som ska vara minst # mm bred, ska under minst fem minuter pressas mot ytan som preparerats enligt punktLiterature Literature
Any day of the year, junks and sampans can be seen side by side with modern oceangoing vessels and rapid harbor ferries.
Du kommer att gråta och be.Du kommer att skrikajw2019 jw2019
I watched the sampan convoy move out like a long serpent.
När det gäller det konkreta fallet så konstaterar kommissionen att BB inte befann sig i svårigheter vid tidpunkten för försäljningenjw2019 jw2019
I fire a fifth warning shot, this one into the water near the sampan.
Han hade sett hur du egentligen ärLiterature Literature
whereas the former Prime Minister Khieu Sampan is the first Khmer Rouge leader to have acknowledged, recently, that genocide took place under Pol Pot's rule, despite which almost all surviving leaders of that time remain free, and none has so far been put on trial
Uppskatta ditt byteoj4 oj4
In the years that followed, they traveled not only on foot and by passenger train and bus but also by freight train, oxcart, camel, sampan, ricksha, and even plane and private train.
Han verkar trevligjw2019 jw2019
In the briefing I was told to look out for indigenous vessels, junks and sampans.
Den potentiella rikedomen av kunskap och teknologi överstiger vida allt vi-- har lärt oss sedan de första portalernaLiterature Literature
“My father used to own sampans, and he would sail his little merchant fleet up and down the river here.
Hur en enkel rapport kan skapasLiterature Literature
After a tasty lunch of Vietnamese specialties, board a sampan and paddle through the colorful houseboats of the Cai Be Floating Market.
Den optimala dosen baseras på anemins grad och kronicitet och på effektens önskade varaktighetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
36 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.