screen translation oor Sweeds

screen translation

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Tieteen Termipankki

audiovisuell översättning

Tieteen Termipankki

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
- Language problems are reduced through structured and pre-translated screen information combined with informal assistance through automatic translation of free text[10];
Han kommer inte, va?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Disclose all key documents for accession negotiations i.e. screening reports, translations of the EU acquis and opening and closing benchmarks and that these documents be published on the websites of the EU Delegations.
Inom två månader efter det att det program för förbättrad observatörstäckning som avses i artikel # har avslutats ska Tyskland rapportera till kommissionen om vilka resultat programmet har gett för de aktuella arterna och områdenaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the Commission's readiness to address the authorisation procedure and the screening of translation requests in 2006; also welcomes the fact that, in 2003, the Council established a list of core documents, thereby limiting the translation of other texts;
Bluejay bär hattEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the Commission’s readiness to address the authorisation procedure and the screening of translation requests in 2006; also welcomes the fact that, in 2003, the Council established a list of core documents, thereby limiting the translation of other texts;
Ni kommer att tacka mig, grabbarnot-set not-set
Welcomes the Commission’s readiness to address the authorisation procedure and the screening of translation requests in 2006; also welcomes the fact that, in 2003, the Council established a list of core documents, thereby limiting the translation of other texts;
Trakeotomi, alltsånot-set not-set
In this context, welcomes the Commission's readiness to address the authorisation procedure and the screening of translation requests in #; also welcomes the fact that, in #, the Council established a list of core documents, thereby limiting the translation of other texts
The user interface contains facilities for a Local Administrator to translate both screen-items and coded information to the national language.
Följande strecksatser skall läggas till i punkt # (rådets direktiv #/#/EEGEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this context, welcomes the Commission's readiness to address the authorisation procedure and the screening of translation requests in 2006; also welcomes the fact that, in 2003, the Council established a list of core documents, thereby limiting the translation of other texts;
Djävulen har suttit på dignot-set not-set
The Commission will address the authorisation procedures and the screening of translation requests within its DGs and services and will establish guidelines also for the translation of non core documents as part of its updated strategy for the period 2007 and beyond (scheduled for end 2006).
Det här kommer att göra dig ledsenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
She came into the room and he sat her before the computer then brought up the translation on the screen.
Äntligen har vi kommit så långt i Europa att vi skall försöka tvinga fram en mentalitetsförändring.Literature Literature
The initiative was a global success, and the Screen Checker was translated from the original Swedish into English, German, French, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish and Japanese, and was distributed to workplaces around the world.
Mål T-#/# P: Förstainstansrättens beslut av den # september # – Van Neyghem mot kommissionen (Överklagande – Personalmål – Avslag på talan i första instans – Rekrytering – Allmänt uttagningsprov – Nekad tillträdelse till det muntliga delprovet – Uppenbart att överklagandet är ogrundatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cinematographic cameras, electronic pocket translators, notebook computers, fluorescent screens
Ta disketten med all information och förstör datorntmClass tmClass
He set his laptop on the table, brought up the translation and turned the screen toward the old man.
Ta den här, men det är alkoholfrittLiterature Literature
Given the lack of consistency in the translation authorisation procedures in the Commission, DGT's screening of demand plays an important role in harmonising translation practices among DGs.
Det kan jag inteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It can respond to the user through a video screen or a printer by translating its response back into characters that a person can read.
injektionsflaskor innehållande# mg pulver till injektionsvätska, lösning # injektionsflaskor innehållande # ml spädningsvätska # injektionssprutor (# ml) # beredningsnålar (#G; #, #x# mm) # injektionsnålar (#G; #, #x# mmjw2019 jw2019
She was very good at it, like you’d expect, but that didn’t translate into success on the screen.
Jag har order att hålla ett öga på digLiterature Literature
Given the lack of consistency in the translation authorisation procedures in the Commission, DGT ’ s screening of demand plays an important role in harmonising translation practices among DGs.
Vilka är riskerna med Efient?elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Indicators (electric), distance recording apparatus, screens (computers), magnetic encoders (data), computers, computer programs (recorded), computer software (recorded), computers peripherals, computer programs (downloadable), computer keyboards, data processing equipment, electronic bulletin boards, electronic publications (downloadable), electronic pens (for screens), electronic pocket translators, electronic diaries, receivers (sound, images), tachographs for vehicles, interfaces (interface apparatus or programs for computers), speed checking apparatus for vehicles, laptop computers
De iakttar oss förmodligen just nutmClass tmClass
Lock screen translation, no need to open the APP, multiple modes to choose, communication is more convenient.
Dessa nya uppgifter strider inte bara mot de förklaringar som företrädare för företag nummer # lämnat under kontrollbesöket, då ingen dokumentation fanns tillgänglig för kontroll, men de har också tydliga brister eftersom de inte innehåller någon information om ursprunget till de medel som användes för att betala tillbaka lånenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
screen translation +
ÖverdoseringParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Receivers (telephone, audio, video), radios for vehicle, camcorders, navigation apparatus for vehicles in the nature of on-board computers, amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers, cinematographic cameras, electronic pocket translators, notebook computers, fluorescent screens
Du får inte min sontmClass tmClass
Adjustments in the translation can easily be made right there on the computer screen.
Hur är det med sex?jw2019 jw2019
Sale of computer software, educational literature and materials, audiovisual learning and teaching apparatus, translators, video and projection screens, epidiascopes, films, apparatus for recording and processing of data, apparatus for recording and editing of images and sound, photocopiers, audiovisual players
Åk till shoppingcentrettmClass tmClass
Cabinets for loudspeakers, receivers (telephone, audio, video), radios for vehicle, camcorders, navigation apparatus for vehicles in the nature of on-board computers, amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers, cinematographic cameras, electronic pocket translators, notebook computers, fluorescent screens
Fullständiga svar på frågeformulären kom in från tre leverantörer av råvaror till gemenskapsindustrin, tre användare, två gemenskapstillverkare som stödde begäran om översyn, en annan tillverkare, som motsatte sig förfarandet, och en tillverkare i det jämförbara landettmClass tmClass
210 sinne gevind in 23 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.