sedevacantism oor Sweeds


The belief that no pope since the 1960s has been a true pope.

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belief that the mainstream Catholic Church no longer has a valid pope

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The term has been adopted in Sedevacantism, an extreme strand of the Catholic traditionalist movement.
Begreppet används inom sedvakantismen, en radikal gren inom katolsk traditionalism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gibson is an outspoken critic, both of the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church and of those Traditionalist Catholics, like the Society of Saint Pius X, who reject Sedevacantism.
Gibson är en uttalad kritiker av både Romersk-katolska kyrkan efter Andra Vatikankonciliet och de romersk-katolska traditionalister, som Sankt Pius X:s prästbrödraskap, som inte bekänner sig till sedevakantism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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