short story collection oor Sweeds

short story collection

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


compilation of several short stories published in a single volume

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collection of short stories


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He followed it with Wonder Boys (1995), and two short-story collections.
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Is it a novel or one of his short-story collections?’
Nu fick jag höra att han ville snacka med migLiterature Literature
Another short-story collection of his is entitled The Burial of the Guns (1894).
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Between the Trees (Icelandic: Milli trjánna) is a 2011 short story collection by Icelandic author Gyrðir Elíasson.
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He made his literary debut in 1986 with the short story collection Det sies at oktober er en fin måned.
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A shallow desk held a handful of books, one of which was the short-story collection she’d brought at the weekend.
De dödade nitton soldater och förstörde en lastbilLiterature Literature
Olsen made his literary debut in 1985 with the short story collection For alt hva vi er verdt, which won Tarjei Vesaas' debutantpris.
Europeiska konventet, vars finansiering krävde en tilläggs- och ändringsbudget (nr #), som innebar att en budgetpost infördes i avsnitt I i budgeten (parlamentet) (artikel #), och en överföring på # miljon euro från kapitelWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He came to terms with these events with his first work of non-fiction, Underground, and the short story collection after the quake.
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Ramadan's first two books were short story collections - Khashab wa Nohass (Brass and Wood, 1995) and Manazel el-Kamar (Phases of the Moon, 1999).
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Lindqvist's impressions of New York were recorded in Manhattan in 1943 and in the short story collection Vägen till Jeriko (The Road to Jericho) 1946.
genom att delta i det interparlamentariska samarbetet mellan de nationella parlamenten och med Europaparlamentet i enlighet med protokollet om de nationella parlamentens roll i Europeiska unionenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She has published one short story collection and four novels, among which Look at Me was a finalist for the National Book Award in 2001.
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And so I decided to use it as my time frame to try to read a novel, short story collection or memoir from every country in the world.
Det är järntabletterted2019 ted2019
Her first publication was the short-story collection Inlåst och andra noveller (2003), from which the short story "Inlåst" ('Locked Up') was nominated for the Swedish Radio Short-story Prize in 2004.
I sitt meddelande utan lagstiftningskaraktär SEK #, #, # om Bättre kvalitet och produktivitet i arbetet: Gemenskapens arbetsmiljöstrategi #–# insisterar kommissionen på att frågan om hälsa och säkerhet i arbetet förtjänar en plats högt uppe på gemenskapens politiska dagordningWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1972 he published the short story collection Fangliner (Ropes), where he encourages seaman and shift workers in heavy industry to make themselves heard in their own language, and the author's Marxist viewpoint became apparent.
Tack, MaddogWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The novel is the first to feature the mature versions of her detectives Tommy and Tuppence, whose previous appearances had been in the adventure The Secret Adversary (1922) and the short story collection Partners in Crime (1929).
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Short stories Homing (2010) (collection) Other short pieces have appeared in a variety of international publications, including The Best American Nonrequired Reading (2011), The Granta Book of the African Short Story (2011) and "Granta" online.
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In 1968 he started writing short stories for the magazine Hollands Maandblad and in 1971 he published a collection of his short stories.
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Eugenides also served as the editor of the collection of short stories titled My Mistress's Sparrow is Dead.
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Watson is the author of Moss, a collection of short stories published in 2004.
Det finns både skriftliga och muntliga källor som vittnar om ursprunget, men de skriftliga är färreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She published a collection of short stories, The New Woman's Broken Heart in 1980.
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In this time of frustration and pain he published a collection of short stories titled Beyond (1935).
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Sammut also published collections of short stories: Labirint (Labyrinth), Newbiet (Seasons), and Hrejjef Zminijietna (Tales of Our Times).
Detta avtal ingås för en inledande period om tio år och förlängs därefter automatiskt med ett år i taget, förutsatt att ingendera parten ger den andra parten skriftlig underrättelse om uppsägning av avtalet senast sex månader innan det upphör att gällaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Laub made his debut in 1967 with Et Sværd Dyppet i Honning, a collection of short stories.
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Al-Tahawy published her first book, a collection of short stories, in 1995.
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He started with two collections of short stories: Faules de mal desar (1974) and Toquen a morts (1977).
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212 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.