social science fiction oor Sweeds

social science fiction

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

Social science fiction

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Closed Circuit (Italian: Circuito chiuso) is a 1978 Italian made-for-television social science fiction crime film directed by Giuliano Montaldo.
Överföringar av anslag från ett budgetår till nästa budgetår: De anslag för budgetåret som inte har utnyttjats kan föras över till påföljande budgetår efter beslut från berörd institutionWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The book deals with issues of social science fiction and gives the reader the long lost missing key that fits into the lock of scientific mysteries.
Jag ska få tag på en hygglig, enkel flicka...... och börja leva familjelivParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Her roommates are Morgan Cavanaugh, a shallow girl (played by Elisa Donovan); Roxie King (played by Soleil Moon Frye), a social feminist; and Miles Goodman (played by Trevor Lissauer), a geek who is obsessed with science fiction and the paranormal.
Ansträngningarna måste inriktas på att höja sysselsättningskvaliteten och stänga inkomstklyftanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Probably the best-known German expressionist film, Metropolis is part-science fiction and part-social allegory.
Jag arbetar för en organisation som kontrollerar vad som kommer igenomParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Prerecorded audio cassettes, compact discs, video cassettes, laser discs, and digital video discs, all featuring music, fictional and non fictional stories, activities for play, motivational and self improvement, and covering education topics relating to mathematics, sciences, physical sciences, biological sciences, computer science, humanities, history, geography, economics, social studies, studies of society, environment studies, sewing, sports, travel, law, medicine, poetry, health, physical education, English, English literature, language comprehension, spelling, literacy, and numeracy
Då har du min välsignelsetmClass tmClass
Prerecorded audio cassettes, compact discs, video cassettes, laser discs, and digital video discs, all featuring music, fictional and non fictional stories, activities for play, motivational and self improvement, and covering education topics relating to mathematiccs, sciences, physical sciences, biological sciences, computer science, humanities, history, geography, ecnomics, social studies, studies of society, environment studies, sewing, sports, travel, law, medicine, poetry, health, physical education, English, English literature, language comprehension, spelling, literacy, and numeracy
Vill du inte?tmClass tmClass
Prerecorded audio cassettes, compact discs, video cassettes, laser discs, and digital video discs, all featuring music, fictional and non fictional stories, activities for play, motivational and seif improvement, and covering education topics relating to mathematics, sciences, physical sciences, biological sciences, computer science, humanities, history, geography, economics, social studies, studies of society, environment studies, sewing, sports, travel, law, medicine, poetry, health, physical education, English, English literature, language comprehension, spelling, literacy, and numeracy
Det blir en guldgruvatmClass tmClass
Primary areas of translation are politics and social science, education, marketing, corporate communication and administration, and she also translates non-fiction and children’s books.
I dessa fall bemöts ni av den stolte mannen, inte med hjärtlighet, utan med misstänksamheten hos någon som känner igen en fiendeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is an issue upon which Nordic women writers primarily reflect in social-realist novels, but also in graphic novels, literary journalism, poetry, science fiction, and fantasy genres.
Det var år sen vi såg dom sistParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Science fiction writer Monica Byrne imagines rich worlds populated with characters who defy our racial, social and gender stereotypes.
Ej använt veterinärmedicinskt läkemedel eller avfall från dessa skall hanteras enligt gällande anvisningarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Science fiction writer Monica Byrne creates richly imagined near-future worlds populated with characters who defy our racial, social and gender stereotypes.
Jag har ingen aning, det är nåt konstigt som vita sägerParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Nyckelord: SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; HUMANIORA; HUMANITIES; Education and Learning; Utbildning och lärande; blog; history education; historical learning; literacy; historical consciousness; realistic fiction; secondary school; historia med utbildningsvetenskaplig inriktning; history of education;
Eftersom målen med denna förordning, nämligen att fastställa de regler och förfaranden som är tillämpliga på varor som förs in i eller ut ur gemenskapens tullområde för att tullunionen ska kunna fungera effektivt som ett centralt fundament för den inre marknaden, inte i tillräcklig utsträckning kan uppnås av medlemsstaterna, och de därför bättre kan uppnås på gemenskapsnivå, kan gemenskapen vidta åtgärder i enlighet med artikel # i fördragetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Stephenson's books tend to have elaborate, inventive plots drawing on numerous technological and sociological ideas at the same time. This distinguishes him from other mainstream science fiction authors who tend to focus on a few technological or social changes in isolation from others.
Jag vet att du inte var otrogen mot henneParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
She often uses science fiction as a starting point to shed light on notions about language, gender roles, identity and the social and psychological structures through which we understand the world.
Synpunkterna kan sändas till kommissionen per fax ((#-#) # # # – # # #) eller per post med referensnummer COMP/M.# – BHP Billiton/Rio Tinto, tillParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I am not an academic, but rather an author and a journalist, and during 2019/2020 I will be working with the project "Skriven mening" ("Written sentences"), supported by the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond) with the purpose of inspiring and promoting Swedish narrative non-fiction, based on research.
Kenai, var är du?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A new exhibition will shed light on Minna Canth’s extensive reading of both Finnish and foreign fiction and non-fiction in the fields of comparative literature, religion, philosophy and the social and natural sciences, as well as on her status as a literary intermediary in her salon.
Artikel # # – Totalt Diverse ersättningar och bidragParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Paris inaugurating the new era of the definitive and complete emancipation of the masses and their real solidarity across state frontiers; Paris destroying nationalism and erecting the religion of humanity upon its ruins; Paris proclaiming herself humanitarian and atheist, and replacing divine fictions with the great realities of social life and faith in science, replacing the lies and inequities of the old morality with the principles of liberty, justice, equality, and fraternity, those eternal bases of all human morality!
Han har inte lämmnat det # minuter sedan fabriken stängdesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Shaun began drawing and painting images for science fiction and horror stories in small-press magazines as a teenager, and has since become best known for illustrated books that deal with social, political and historical subjects through surreal, dream-like imagery.
Simon) Hoppas hon är på våran sidaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Leading-edge directions in VR including digital humans, social interaction, user-created content, photorealistic graphics, and breaking down the barriers between genres - and how these trends are contributing towards a new medium resembling the Metaverse from science fiction.
Motståndet bland arbetstagare, deras organisationer och forskarvärlden mot att ta bort förbudet måste göra att kommissionen ändrar sitt beslut.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
That was science fiction, but not as fictional as you might think: Facebook is an advanced technology that harvests human attention to feed its shareholders while giving people the illusion of a pleasant social life.
När det gäller andra tullkvoter, ett bevis som utfärdats i enlighet med artikel # i förordning (EEG) nr #/#, och som, förutom de uppgifter som föreskrivs i den artikeln, innehåller följande upplysningarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
20 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.