springtide oor Sweeds


A high tide coinciding with a full moon or a new moon.

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The power of the matchless springtide appears and its marvellous gifts are beheld.
Ni befann er vid datornParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is with such a power that Christ renewed this cycle—whereupon the divine springtide pitched its tent, with utmost vitality and grace, in the realm of humanity and perfumed the senses of the enlightened souls with its life-giving breezes.
Varaktighet för stödordningen eller det individuella stödetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Thus the springtide produces a new life and infuses a new spirit.
De start-stigprocedurer för bullerminskning som specificerats av en operatör för en viss flygplanstyp ska vara de samma för alla flygplatserParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But, at the same time, a race of Liberal lawyers, professional oppositionists, sprung up in these small assemblies: the Rottecks, the Welckers, the Roemers, the Jordans, the Stuves, the Eisenmanns, those great "popular men" (Volksmänner) who, after a more or less noisy, but always unsuccessful, opposition of twenty years, were carried to the summit of power by the revolutionary springtide of 1848, and who, after having there shown their utter impotency and insignificance, were hurled down again in a moment.
Ytterligare studier lades fram för att visa att sirapen, den orala lösningen och de munsönderfallande tabletterna behandlas av kroppen samma sätt som tabletterna och att de är säkra att ges till barnParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the same way, the manifestation of Bahá’u’lláh was a new springtide which appeared with the sweet savours of holiness, with the hosts of everlasting life, and with a power born of the celestial kingdom.
Jag gillar hur det luktarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When this stage is reached, the life-giving springtide returns once again and a new cycle is inaugurated.
Därför måste man när man förnyar direktivet från år 1994 ställa upp ambitiösa mål, såsom föredraganden av betänkandet, Corbey, också har konstaterat.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For at the advent of springtide the black earth, the fields, and the meadows become green and verdant; flowers and sweet-scented herbs of every kind spring forth; trees are endowed with a new life; wondrous fruits are produced; and a new cycle is inaugurated.
Inte själva borsten, utan skaftetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
7 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.