twisting term oor Sweeds

twisting term

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


Tieteen Termipankki

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The use of the termstwist’ and ‘pour’ therefore highlights a particularly important characteristic of the product concerned, namely its extremely straightforward method of use.
Han gav oss det här numret innan han stackEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In my opinion, the Commission document and the Rothley report both do their best to twist the terms invention, innovation and technical application so that the human gene can be made to fit into the strait-jacket of patent law.
Jag är din fru!Europarl8 Europarl8
There ought to exist some rhetorical term for that twist of nonlogic.
Kalla det samhällstjänstLiterature Literature
There are so many cruel twists in a long prison term.
Vi har slutligen misslyckats med Lissabonstrategin.Literature Literature
The meaning of Christ’s death is expounded in technical jargon, complex twists of fallacious logic, and high-sounding terms, such as “moral influence” and “representative physical satisfaction.”
Ja, minhjärna steks nämligen, och jag har tappat verklighetskontaktenjw2019 jw2019
Twist Terms of Service
Herr talman, bästa kolleger som ännu är vakna! Jag vill tacka Jarzembowski och Swoboda för de klara betänkandena med vilka man äntligen strävar efter att blåsa liv i järnvägarna genom att öppna dem för konkurrens.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is a legitimate concern, but it must not be twisted, and turned into a catch-all term covering the development of international programmes to promote abortion, which I would condemn in the strongest terms.
Hon gjorde ett löfte under denna ekEuroparl8 Europarl8
In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt, campaigning for a further term as president of the United States, gave the word a political twist.
För att hotet från massförstörelsevapen skall kunna avlägsnas måste detta bli och fortsätta att vara en högprioriterad fråga för nationella regeringar, regionala organisationer och det internationella samfundet som helhet.jw2019 jw2019
Pour boiling syrup and twist for long-term storage.
gemenskapens riktlinjer för statligt stöd till jordbrukssektornParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The investigation concluded that the term ‘ready for dyeing and for receiving a finishing treatment’ adequately describes the physical characteristics of the ‘“Z”-twisted multiple (folded) or cabled yarn’, clarifying that the multiple (folded) or cabled yarn is only ‘Z’-twisted but not dyed nor finished.
Omständigheterna har förändratseurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
(Acts 20:30) The New Encyclopædia Britannica describes one major factor that led to twisted reasoning: “Christians who had some training in Greek philosophy began to feel the need to express their faith in its terms, both for their own intellectual satisfaction and in order to convert educated pagans.”
Nedanstående tabell visar som exempel den kommersiella handelns omfattning när det gäller vinprodukter mellan Frankrike och övriga medlemsstater under de två sista år då åtgärderna pågick i Frankrikejw2019 jw2019
Because this storage period is the secret to our smooth walls, from which you benefit in the long term, because nothing twists or bulges.
Frivillig rapport enligt FN:s handlingsprogram mot olaglig handel med handeldvapen och lätta vapenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With simple tools and a positive twist on a term that's often used in a derogatory way, Always reached consumers and gained media coverage in more than 150 countries, racking-up millions of shares, clicks, comments and likes along the way.
Nej, han är i skolanParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Then the second card is dealt and the game generally proceeds very similarly to standard blackjack, except with different terms, such as 'twist' instead of 'hit'.
Jag skulle kunna döda hela ditt teamParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Try French Roulette for a fresh twist on the original, complete with French betting terms.
Det vore tillexempel särskilt lämpligt att ge stor spridning åt erfarenheterna från den tekniska plattformen för kol och stål samt plattformen Waterborne, som redan uppvisar solida resultatParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There will be time, too, to perfect skills in what today are termed the fine arts, and to enjoy these fully: The finest music, with no taints of immorality, Babylonish religion or mythology; paintings or sculptures that have meaning and reflect skill, rather than products of twisted minds.
Han ber mig se mig förjw2019 jw2019
For Twist Unlimited Customers (as described in Terms of Service), we may also store your billing address, credit card information and tax identification number for billing purposes.
Han är alkoholistens kompisParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To date, the ads have been watched over 90 million times...and counting. With simple tools and a positive twist on a term that's often used in a derogatory way, Always reached consumers and gained media coverage in more than 150 countries, racking-up millions of shares, clicks, comments and likes along the way.
Vanliga biverkningar som förekommer hos # % av patienterna är: ryggvärk, förstoppning, minskad muskelstyrka, diarré, yrsel, hudrodnad vid injektionsstället, snabba eller orgelbundna hjärtslag, huvudvärk, muskelkramper, smärta i extremitet, magbesvär, trötthet och kräkningarParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Successive philosophers to adopt the term put their own personal twist on the concept, each developing the term differently.[4] The earliest authors to discuss conatus wrote primarily in Latin, basing their usage on ancient Greek concepts. These thinkers therefore used "conatus" not only as a technical term but as a common word and in a general sense.
It allows us to couple such data with how the wings are affected in terms of how they are bent and twisted.
Han red till kvarnen för att möta erParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Twisted handle paper bag - Avisera AB - Packtejp, Bärkassar & Påsar med tryck Terms and Conditions
Den som skickade den vet vem som dödade min fru, eller gjorde det självParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Jersey knitted with s- and z-spun yarn so the t-shirt won’t twist or lose its shape, even in the long term.
Den nuvarande strängheten medför att vi inte kan optimera våra åtgärder.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Jersey knitted with s- and z-spun yarn so the t-shirt won’t twist or lose its shape, even in the long term.
Sex kvarter, SirParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Successive philosophers to adopt the term put their own personal twist on the concept, each developing the term differently such that it now has no accepted definition.[4] The earliest authors to discuss conatus wrote primarily in Latin, basing their usage on ancient Greek concepts. These thinkers therefore used "conatus" not only as a technical term but as a common word and in a general sense.
Jag låter mig inte luras en gång tillParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
39 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.