undergoes oor Sweeds


Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undergo.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

se undergo

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to undergo
att genomgå · få utstå · genomgå · lida · undergå
få utstå · fördra · ge sig till tåls · genomgå · lida · tåla · undergå · uthärda · utstå


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
shall undergo satisfactory psychiatric evaluation before a fit assessment can be made.
Inom ramen för detta avtal åtar sig vardera parten att säkerställa att fysiska och juridiska personer från den andra parten, utan diskriminering i förhållande till de egna medborgarna, har tillgång till parternas behöriga domstolar och administrativa organ för att kunna försvara sina personliga rättigheter och sin äganderättEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the last issue raised by the Honourable Member, regardless of whether the telecom sector is undergoing a sectorial crisis, the Commission believes that State aid rules must be respected in any particular economic conjuncture.
FantastisktEurLex-2 EurLex-2 Each person undergoing security awareness training shall be required to demonstrate understanding of all subjects referred to in point before being issued with an authorisation granting unescorted access to security restricted areas.
Stanna och äta?NejEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) products transported through the territory of Norway or Switzerland and subsequently re-exported in full or in part to the Community or to the beneficiary country, provided that the products remain under the surveillance of the customs authorities of the country of transit or of warehousing and do not undergo operations other than unloading, reloading or any operation designed to preserve them in good condition;
Hon har haft en otrolig tuff tidEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Technologies, communication networks, media, content, services and devices will increasingly undergo digital convergence.
att Europeiska unionen och dess medlemsstater senast # skall uppnå FN:s mål om #,# procent av bruttonationalinkomsten, vilket bör innebära att unionens bidrag till millennieutvecklingsmålen ökar från # miljarder euro # till mer än # miljarder euro # (slutsatser från Europeiska rådets möte i Bryssel den #-# juniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the discretion of the Authority, the Authority, the operator or the approved training organisation providing the training course shall ensure that during or following completion of the training required by OPS #.#, #.#, #.# and #.#, each cabin crew member undergoes a check covering the training received in order to verify his/her proficiency in carrying out normal and emergency safety duties
Jag kalibrerar pejlarna till vår dimensions parametraroj4 oj4
(8) In addition to changing their funding patterns, IASCF and EFRAG are currently undergoing governance reforms to make sure that their structure and processes ensure their ability to accomplish their public interest mission in an independent and efficient manner.
Det kanske vore kul att ha nån att umgås med, förutom ossnot-set not-set
Drivers undertaking the carriage of goods or passengers by road who have completed courses of periodic training for one of the licence categories provided for in Article 5(2) and (3) shall be exempt from the obligation to undergo further periodic training for another of the categories provided for in those paragraphs.
Rådet har uttömt alla möjligheter för att i tid erhålla Europaparlamentets yttrandeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As regards imports from the United States of America, the analysis provided for in Article 3(1) must be performed by an USDA approved laboratory for aflatoxin analysis or a laboratory undergoing the USDA approval process, which has been accredited in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025.
Vi kan inte förlora mer tjejer i den här stanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This expenditure may include social security contributions for staff undergoing training, as well as payments and transport costs at the start and end of the training sessions, costs relating to the training programme, and hospitality, meal and documentation costs.
Vad menar han?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Consequently, they were undergoing a process of restructuring assisted by state aid, in the course of which further funds were granted to them under the rules.
Du har Kristus mellan dina lår, fast med kortare skäggEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It stated that all water discharged into the Baltic Sea, including the Bothnian Bay and Sea, by treatment plants of urban waste water from agglomerations of more than 10 000 p.e. had to undergo removal treatment both of phosphorus and of nitrogen.
Han har vunnit # # kvinnors gunstEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- every bovine animal suspected of being infected with brucellosis is notified to the competent authority and undergoes official investigation for brucellosis comprising at least two serological blood tests, including the complement fixation test, and a microbiological examination of appropriate samples taken in the case of an abortion;
Vad fan är du?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(7) Countries that are undergoing the process of transition to a market economy.
Utifrån redogörelserna ovan framgår det att det pris som Lufthansa betalat för ÖIAG:s andelar ligger på mellan [...] euro och [...] euroEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Before the Council can adopt this Decision, a Member State is required to undergo evaluation by experts of other Member States.[
Hoppas det- för din skullEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those who accept and apply these teachings undergo a significant transformation.
Ska artikel #.# e femte strecksatsen, artikel # B a och artikel # B d punkterna # och # i rådets sjätte direktiv #/#/EEG av den # maj # om harmonisering av medlemsstaternas lagstiftning rörande omsättningsskatter tolkas så, att ett övertagande av ett avtal om återförsäkring av livförsäkring, för vilket förvärvaren utger köpeskilling och på grundval av vilket förvärvaren – med försäkringstagarens samtycke övertar den dittillsvarande försäkringsgivarens från skatteplikt undantagna återförsäkringsverksamheten och framdeles tillhandahåller försäkringstagaren nämnda försäkringsgivares från skatteplikt undantagna återförsäkringstjänster, ska anses utgörajw2019 jw2019
the decision to reject an application for asylum from an unaccompanied minor who refused to undergo this medical examination shall not be based solely on that refusal.
Men vi ser att världen är uppdelad mellan dem som håller de mänskliga rättigheterna högt och dem som brutalt vill utrota dem.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The soya protein concentrate at issue in the main proceedings in that case is described as being obtained from dehulled, ground and steamed soya beans which first undergo an oil-extraction process, after which what remains is so-called soya meal.
Du satsar # # dollarEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Processing is not required for egg white intended for the manufacture of dried or crystallised albumin destined subsequently to undergo heat treatment.
Eugene Krabba, tiden är inneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
11.4.2 Persons performing tasks as listed under point 11.2 other than those referred to in point 11.4.1 shall undergo recurrent training at a frequency sufficient to ensure that competencies are maintained and acquired in line with security developments.
Jag har inte varit det sedanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It will at some point have to acknowledge that this proposal in its current form cannot enter into force, and even in revised form it will be required to undergo the entire ratification process again.
Du fick mig att vilja satsa igenEuroparl8 Europarl8
Import goods may undergo the usual forms of handling intended to preserve them, improve their appearance or marketable quality or prepare them for distribution or resale
Ta den här, men det är alkoholfritteurlex eurlex
Without prejudice to paragraph 1, the documentation for projects which have to undergo retrospective assessment shall be kept until the retrospective assessment has been completed.
Från och med den # februari # skall de begränsningar av fiskeansträngningen och därmed förbundna villkor som fastställs i bilaga IVc tillämpas på förvaltningen av beståndet av tunga i västra delen av Engelska kanalenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, in order to ensure that all animal protein from mammals that is to be used in feedingstuffs undergoes pressure sterilisation, blood from Category 3 material should also be treated in this way.
Förklara för mig någon dagEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Organic uncut corrective eyeglass lens, finished on both sides, to undergo a coating, colouring, edging, mounting or any other substantial process for use in the manufacture of corrective glasses
Detta anslag är avsett att täcka utgifter för externa tjänster för arkiveringsverksamhet, inbegripet sortering, klassificering och omklassificering av arkivmaterial, utgifter för arkiveringstjänster, inköp och användande av arkivsamlingar lagrade på alternativa media (mikrofilm, disketter, magnetband etc.) samt köp, hyra och underhåll av särskild materiel (elektronisk, informationsteknisk och elektrisk) och utgifter för publikationer på olika medier (broschyrer, cd-rom etcEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
213 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.