underpopulation oor Sweeds


Insufficient population.

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The Highlands is one of the most underpopulated mountain regions in Europe.
För tio minuter sen skulle jag ha sagt att hela grejen var värdelösEuroparl8 Europarl8
Jerusalem is underpopulated, so one out of every ten of the people is designated by lot to reside in the city (7:4; 11:1, 2)
med beaktande av rådets förordning (EG) nr #/# av den # december # om gemensamma importregler och om upphävande av förordning (EG) nr #/#, särskilt artikel #.# i denna, ochjw2019 jw2019
33 In particular, according to the German Government, that system seeks to ensure that mail-order pharmacies do not engage in ruinous price competition which would result in the closure of traditional pharmacies, especially in rural or underpopulated areas which are less attractive areas for traditional pharmacies to set up business.
Vi kan inte ta riskenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Quiet, underpopulated and a nice day room for the boys to play cards in.
Stabiliteten i regionen är nyckeln till att ta itu med dessa frågor på ett korrekt sätt, och de fortsatta terroristattackerna utgör ett allvarligt hot i detta hänseende.Literature Literature
welcomes the Commission view of the regions with structural handicaps, linked to their geographical or demographic situation, such as upland, underpopulated and island regions.
Få se hur du springer undan det härEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In both cases, the current situation is the result of many years of incapacity to understand and act on the complex factors causing overpopulation in urban areas and underpopulation - and often extreme underdevelopment - in rural areas.
Med det här ändamålet kan alla europeiska privata aktiebolag ha sitt säte i vilken medlemsstat som helst.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
sparsely populated and underpopulated areas are often at a significant distance from the rest of the municipality.
Både för rovdjur och de små onormalaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
(Nehemiah 9:1, 2; 10:29) Since Jerusalem is still underpopulated, lots are cast to have 1 of every 10 men living outside the city move into the city.
Din plan, huset på strandenjw2019 jw2019
His street was very dark, because it was buried deep in an underpopulated rural area.
Definitionerna av de statistiska uppgifterna i leden b-f ges i bilaganLiterature Literature
To give you an example, Commissioner, one single problem - that of depopulation - is dealt with in three different ways in Agenda 2000. Firstly, the underpopulated regions of Northern Europe are granted Objective 1 status, that is, they have access to the main Structural Funds.
Arbetstillfällen går förlorade.Europarl8 Europarl8
9:1; 11:1-9) In a reverse direction, many centuries later when returned Jewish exiles rebuilt Jerusalem, Nehemiah’s records show that the city was underpopulated, and so lots were cast and evidently one family head out of every ten was selected to move into the city with his family.
Jag kan inte se honomjw2019 jw2019
slightly delayed & underpopulated, punk show on Sunday eve. at Utkanten.
Nej, det gjorde jag inteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Nothing surprising here: other modern Europeans who settled in underpopulated areas (think Australia or Africa) also created societies that attracted indigenous peoples.
Jag ska tala om en sakParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As long as God gives sufficient grace for salvation to every human being that he creates then it seems to me that he is no less loving for preferring a more populous world over one of these more radically underpopulated worlds even though that means that some people would freely reject his love and every effort to save them and irrevocably separate themselves from him forever.
Han hjälper ossParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Now I ask you: must God prefer one of these radically underpopulated worlds to a world in which multitudes do freely receive His salvation, even though others freely reject it?
Samtidigt tillkännagav företaget ett investeringsprogram på omkring # miljoner euro, som främst gällde ett nytt flexibelt produktionssystemParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I were at a very nice, if slightly delayed & underpopulated, punk show on Sunday eve. at Utkanten.
Mitt enda intresse ligger hos digParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Facts, proving that regions enjoying a far more congenial climate than Siberia are equally underpopulated, could be produced in numbers.
Slutligen kan kommissionen godta att stöd beviljas i form av en garanti som täcker # % av rivnings- och rengöringskostnadernaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
18 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.