undogmatically oor Sweeds


In an undogmatic fashion.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


I should also like to say, however, that we must approach all these problems undogmatically.
Jag skulle även vilja be om att vi odogmatiskt tar itu med alla dessa frågeställningar.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I should also like to say, however, that we must approach all these problems undogmatically.
Statligt arbetslöshetsunderstöd (lagen om arbetsmarknadstjänster och arbetsmarknadsstöd av den # septemberEuroparl8 Europarl8
This view of Gregory is also held by some modern theologians, such as John Sachs who said that Gregory had "leanings" toward apocatastasis, but in a "cautious, undogmatic" way.
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This undogmatic relationship to the problems of form can be partly explained with Wirén’s search for “... a special form for each work,” as he formulated it.
Syreelektrod och syremätare eller utrustning och reagenser för Winkler-titreringParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Instructions: It was the special contribution of the Wang Yang-ming school to synthesize the subtlest mentalism with the most practical routine of daily life, the holiness of fervent religion with the obligations to society, the discipline of self with the freedom of undogmatic mind.
För detta ändamål skall de avtalsslutande parterna i överensstämmelse med sina rättsliga, och i tillämpliga fall, författningsenliga bestämmelser och sina rättsliga ramar biträda varandra på sätt som anges i detta avtal, i synnerhet genom attParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
∫ It was the special contribution of the Wang Yang-ming school to synthesize the subtlest mentalism with the most practical routine of daily life, the holiness of fervent religion with the obligations to society, the discipline of self with the freedom of undogmatic mind.
Alla kostnader inom den utsedda myndigheten (värdering, godkännande av värderingar, plangodkännande, revision och försäkran om efterlevnad) bör täckas genom statlig finansiering eller EU-finansieringParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Many see the solution in undogmatic Christianity or undenominationalism. undenominationalism.
System #: Se bilaga III.# i till direktiv #/EEG, utan revisionsprovning av stickprovParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Opportunist theoreticians also fasten on to this special form of compromise, partly to build Lenin up, or to run him down, as an ‘undogmatic power politician’, and partly to find by doing so a camouflage for their own compromises.
Varför är hon inte här då?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Nor was Marxism misunderstood; it was rejected by both the labour movement and its critics, and was never taken for what it is: “an undogmatic guide for scientific research and revolutionary action”[2] In both cases, by those who adopted it as a meaningless phrase and by those who fought even this meaningless phrase, it was utilised rather as an instrument to conceal a practice which, on the one hand, confirmed the scientific soundness of Marxian social science, and, on the other hand, was strongly opposed to the corresponding and disturbing reality.
Jag har försöktParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Dragon Rouge is an esoteric society that is non-confessional, undogmatic and eclectic.
Det finns också en stark medvetenhet om behovet av ytterligare reformer för att skydda den långsiktiga hållbarheten för pensionssystemen, som är kopplad till sunda offentliga finanser.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
While still adhering to neo-classical doctrine, Keynes had been undogmatic enough to advocate protectionism whenever British interests made this advisable.
Högsta stödnivåParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Therefore, dialectical thought is undogmatic and open-ended.
Omröstningsresultaten (ändringsförslag, särskilda omröstningar, delade omröstningar etc.) återfinns i bilagan Omröstningsresultat som bifogas protokolletParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The only advantage of my own favourite conceptual apparatus, named the Unconditional Thinking of Everything(UTE), is that it is almost(*) undogmatic already from the beginning.
med beaktande av artikel # i EG-fördraget och artikel # i Euratomfördraget, i enlighet med vilka rådet har hört parlamentet (CParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This volume looks at the 1970s, a controversial decade in terms of its literature and a decade that figures prominently for many of the contributors to Nordisk kvindelitteraturhistorie because that is when women’s studies struck root. Some reviewers find the treatment of the 1970s undogmatic and enlightening, while others think that it lacks distance and critical awareness. Jørn Erslev Andersen in Information (27 November 1997) writes that “the contentious ’70s are depicted soberly and yet heroically”, whereas Lars Bukdahl uses intensely polemic terminology to express the exact opposite: the book dwells pathetically for far too long on the 1970s’ literary “holocaust” and far too briefly on the 1990s when good women writers are in the majority (Weekeendavisen, 28 November 1997).
Den fråga jag tog upp är dock mycket speciell.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
13 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.