free market oor Swahili

free market

/friː ˈmɑːkɪt/ naamwoord
Any market in which trade is unregulated; an economic system free from government intervention.

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Once free-market competition was introduced, thousands of state-owned enterprises went out of business, causing unemployment.
HiviSasa, ni mradi wa kidigitali wa kukusanya na kuchapisha habari na picha kutoka kwa waandishi/watoa habari wa kiraia na kwa kila makala inayochapishwa katika tovuti ya mradi huo, mwandishi hulipwa hadi dola $85 kwa wiki.jw2019 jw2019
Indeed, a representative of the Lutheran Church lamented: “People confused life in the free-market system with paradise.”
Nyakati hizo, sinema , aina ya tamthilia zinazojongea, ilikuwa ni burudani maarufu.jw2019 jw2019
One Christian elder, reasoning that the newly introduced free-market economy was full of promise, went into business.
Na umaarufu ulisambaajw2019 jw2019
However, ending government sponsorship of social programs is sometimes advocated as a free market principle with tragic consequences.
uwezo wa kujifunza hauna mipaka,WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That is a by-product of the philosophy of the free-market world —survival of the fittest.
Rais wa Marekani Barack Obama na viongozi wengine duniani walimuonya Rais Museveni kuwa sheria hiyo ni uvunjifu wa haki za binadamu.jw2019 jw2019
A number of these lands are moving into free-market capitalism.
wanaojulikana kwa mwanadamu.jw2019 jw2019
A new political system has brought democracy and personal freedom but also the struggle to survive in a liberalized free market economy.
Brazili itapokea kitita kisichopungua dola milioni 20 kwa kufuzu kwake nusu fainali ya Kombe la Dunia, lakini timu hiyo bado ina fursa ya kushinda dola milioni 2 nyinginezo kama itaishinda Uholanzi, iliyopoteza mchezo wake dhidi ya Ajentina, katika mchezo wa kumtafuta mshindi wa tatu wa mashindano hayo.jw2019 jw2019
Millions in Poland, eastern Germany, and elsewhere are discovering that the move from a centrally controlled economy to a free-market system initially brings with it unemployment and adversity.
23 Kwa maana amri hiyo ni taa,+ na sheria ni nuru,+ nayo makaripio ya nidhamu ndiyo njia ya uzima,+ 24 yakulinde na mwanamke mbaya,+ na ulimi laini wa mwanamke mgeni.jw2019 jw2019
The article in Die Zeit referred to earlier says that the free market economy of today could gradually “degenerate and maybe someday collapse as the socialistic system did recently.”
Hata hivyo, wanaoendeleza vitendo hivi vya kigaidi hawaonekani kutilia maanani miitikio kama hii:jw2019 jw2019
The most influential proponents, such as Richard Posner and Oliver Williamson and the so-called Chicago School of economists and lawyers including Milton Friedman and Gary Becker, are generally advocates of deregulation and privatisation, and are hostile to state regulation or what they see as restrictions on the operation of free markets.
Fish farmers can obtain medicine only through a veterinarian, and medicated fish are quarantined to ensure that all fish are drug free before they are marketed.
Kijan huyu alizima kurunzi na kisha akaonekana kuridhika katika uchunguzi wake wa kijanja kwamba hapakuwa na mwanga.jw2019 jw2019
Secondly, under the beef protocol of that agreement, African countries that produce beef have quotas to export beef duty-free to the European Union market.
Jambo Muhimuted2019 ted2019
Under the Cotonou Agreement, formerly known as the Lome Convention, African countries have been given an opportunity by Europe to export goods, duty-free, to the European Union market.
Rais wa FIFA aliye madarakani Sepp Blatter, ambaye ameongoza chombo hicho katika kipindi cha miongo miwili inayodaiwa kugubikwa na ufisadi, rushwa na fedha haramu, anatafuta kuchaguliwa kwa muhula wa tano kwenye baraza la leo.ted2019 ted2019
This would guarantee that a portion of bars/restaurants in a jurisdiction will be smoke-free, while leaving the decision to the market.
8 Katika siku hiyo Yehova atakuwa ulinzi kuzunguka wakaaji wa Yerusalemu;+ na yeye anayejikwaa kati yao atakuwa katika siku hiyo kama Daudi,+ na nyumba ya Daudi kama Mungu,+ kama malaika wa Yehova mbele yao.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prized for its white, virtually fat-free flesh, it is still the favorite of the world market.
Miaka mitano tangu kutangaza Divino afflante Spiritu ilikuwa haijatimia, ndipo yale yaliyopatikana katika maandiko ya Kumrani yalileta mwanga mpya juu ya masuala mengi sana ya kibiblia, na kufungulia nyanja nyingine za utafiti.jw2019 jw2019
Critics point out, however, that focusing solely on the black-market trade means that the biggest dealers in arms—governments themselves—are free from scrutiny.
Kama vile Bwanaalivyomkumbusha Oliver Cowdery, “Sikusema amani akilini mwako kuhusiana na jambo hili?”jw2019 jw2019
In 2008, after negotiations with the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the EAC agreed to an expanded free trade area including the member states of all three organizations.
134] Wafungwa ni binadamu ambao, licha ya makosa yao, wanastahili kutendewa kwa staha na heshima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the introduction of multi party system in early 1990s, Mtei returned to Tanzania and established Chadema. Initially, many Tanzanians believed in Mtei’s vision because, after the demise of the Soviet, many bureaucrats and policy makers were excited with the idea of trying the alternative path to development i.e. free market policies.
wasanii, wanamuziki, na wakati kuna tukio nchini,ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In this regard, sociologist Rodney Stark is quoted in Scientific American as saying: “There’s been 200 years of marketing that if you want to be a scientific person you’ve got to keep your mind free of the fetters of religion.”
In this regard, sociologist Rodney Stark is quoted in Scientific American as saying: “There’s been 200 years of marketing that if you want to be a scientific person you’ve got to keep your mind free of the fetters of religion.”
ma uvumilivu,kuhusu kuwapenda jirani zako,jw2019 jw2019
The IYDU believes that true democracy only exists when people are empowered to have a voice and allowed to freely elect who should govern them without fear of repercussions or violence.The IYDU would like to thank BAVICHA for organizing the event and for their commitment to promoting the IYDU’s core values of Democracy, Human Rights, Free Market and Free Trade in Tanzania. BAVICHA Chairman John Heche and Secretary General Deogratias Munishi have worked tirelessly to put together an exceptional programme with an aim of giving the international youth community greater insights in to the plight of political opposition, press and people of Tanzania.
2 Sikiliza kwa makini sauti ya kilio changu kwa ajili ya msaada,+ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Our company is dedicated to the production, processing and marketing of fruit brandies best fruit. The cornerstone of our success is based on the intense pursuit of perfect quality in order to offer connoisseurs and enthusiasts around the world enjoy the highest standard. SCHLADERER represents the principles and ideals of the free and social market economy with the focus on sustainable earnings benefit of the region and the company.
Lakini Bw.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
That’s a great marketing approach because naturally people like free things(cool service for free yeaah), so soon they are hooked up and the service can grow pretty fast.
Tunatamani tungekuwa na uwezo wa kuweka picha za kila mmoja, lakini, tupo wengi kweli kweli!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
See? So many people are involved in the Network Marketing Business everyday for free and they are happy to do so! Imagine if a friend comes to you and they want to go buy a new cellphone, which brand would you recommend?
Kwa mfano, wanaweza kuchelewesha ndoa, elimu, kaunzisha familia au kujijenga katika kazi dhabiti, wakipendelea ‘kujifurahisha’ au kubaki katika faraja ya nyumba ya wazazi wao.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Description: Looking to stock up on laptops (Mac, Linux or Windows), tablets or smartphones (Androids and Apple) new or used, trademark or midrange, Europe or Asia WHOLESALE? Never worry about delivery charges! We find it for you at the lowest market and we deliver FREE EVERYWHERE IN CENTRAL AFRICA AND WEST.
7 Na divai ya kunywa ikapitishwa katika vyombo vya dhahabu;+ na vyombo hivyo vilikuwa vya aina mbalimbali, na divai ya kifalme+ilikuwa nyingi sana, kulingana na mali ya mfalme.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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