rhine oor Swahili


A watercourse; a ditch for water.

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/raɪn/ eienaam, naamwoord
A river that flows through Switzerland, Germany, west Bavaria, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
They sailed up the river Rhine to Worms, where they finished their work.
Yeyote anayemtambua atamfanyaawe na utukufu mwingi, naye atawafanya watawale kati ya wengi; naye ataigawa nchi kwa bei.jw2019 jw2019
When Tiberius became the king of the north, his nephew Germanicus Caesar was commander of the Roman troops on the Rhine River.
Yule aliyeufanya upande wa nje+ aliufanya upande wa ndani pia, sivyo?jw2019 jw2019
The modern French city of Lyons grew from the Roman colony of Lugdunum, a key administrative center and the only Roman garrison between Rome and the Rhine River.
Ikiwa “Maneno ya Mungu [...] yameingia katika lugha za kibinadamu” (Dei Verbum, 13), ni kusudi yaeleweke na wote.jw2019 jw2019
Moreover, some territory was handed over to the control of foreign rulers, as were sections of Germany’s main rivers —the Rhine, the Elbe, and the Oder.
Tunahitaji nguvu ya usadiki inayopatikana katika moyo wa kila mfuasi mwaminifu wa Kristo.jw2019 jw2019
Weeks before, General Patton had his chief of chaplains prepare a prayer in leaflet form to be used later at the German Siegfried line fortifications that stretched west of the Rhine River.
Kusema kweli, mara yetu ya kwanza kupima zaidi ya neuron moja—jw2019 jw2019
Under lindens on the Rhine?
Mwanablogu maarufu nchini Misri Alaa Abd El Fattah alimalizia siku yake ya 100 katika gereza bila ya kufunguliwa mashitaka leo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What is not usually reported, however, is the fact that toxic wastes are regularly dumped into the Rhine on a less dramatic scale.
Katika blogu yake Bw.jw2019 jw2019
Warned of the danger, the translator and a helper have already raced to the shop, scooped up armloads of pages, and are now escaping up the Rhine River.
Utafutaji katika twita wa neno “makerere” kwa kiasi kikubwa ulikubaliana na dai hilo, huku jumbe nyingi za twita zikiwa na makala za magazeti.jw2019 jw2019
And he came through the mouth of the river Rhine to Dorestad, seized and held it.
Mstari huo katika Etheri unasema: “Na ikiwa watu watakuja kwangu nitawaonyesha udhaifu wao.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After having copied it, I hid it between the walls of a thermos flask full of coffee and carried it to brothers living along the Rhine River and in the Westerwald section of Germany.
Kama sisi sote tunaomwamini Mungu tunataka kukuza upatanisho, haki na amani, ni lazima tufanye kazi pamoja ili kuondoa kila aina ya ubaguzi, kutovumiliana na imani kali (religious fundamentalism).jw2019 jw2019
The Cologne-Aachen basin on the Lower Rhine River is the largest single lignite region in Europe.
Mohamed Abdelfattah ambaye ni mwandishi wa habari aliye na makazi yake huko Misri, alijikuta asiyekuwa na la kusema pale alipokuwa akifuatilia habari:jw2019 jw2019
These operations had the objective of closing the front up to the Rhine River.
Yule nyani anajibu,“Mabadiliko ni mazuri.”WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I WAS born in 1922 in a village near the Rhine River in Germany.
Pasipo kujali sababu za mapinduzi hayo ni zipi, mapinduzi ya watu wa Kirigistani ya 2010 kwa kuyachukulia kwa uzito wake yamekuja ghafla, yakiwa na nguvu ya ajabu, ya kumwaga damu na ... yamehifadhiwa vema.jw2019 jw2019
Instead of trying to invade the barbaricum, the Roman army built the limes across it, forming a corridor running at an angle between the Rhine and Danube rivers, through unconquered territory.
na katika njia muhimu sana,jw2019 jw2019
Rome was also served by the Via Salaria and the Via Flaminia, both of which stretched east toward the Adriatic Sea, opening up the way to the Balkans as well as to the Rhine and Danube regions.
jambo hili ni gumu sanajw2019 jw2019
Situated on the banks of the Rhine River, Mainz was then a town of some 6,000 residents.
“Ulimwenguni”, asema Kristo, “mnayo dhiki.jw2019 jw2019
In the German state of North Rhine- Westphalia, a program provides all parents of newborn babies with a leaflet informing them of factors that may increase the risk of crib death.
Ilhali anaikubali nafasi ya muziki wa dancehall katika jamii ya Kijamaika na umuhimu wake katika utamaduni maarufu, anahisi kwamba muziki wa dancehall unawajibika kwa jamii iliyoikuza na unapaswa kubadili sura yake...jw2019 jw2019
So when, in 1955, during the international assembly in Nuremberg, Germany, we were asked to help a small congregation in Kehl, a little industrial town on the Rhine, we were free to move there.
lakini mtu hajatia bidii ya kutosha kukitimiza."jw2019 jw2019
The Roman province of Gaul stretched from the Rhine River, in the north, to the Pyrenees, in the south.
au kisayansi, hufanya kibainisho heterezaigosi kuwa homozaigosi.jw2019 jw2019
“Service in the Roman army was for many men the quickest way to become a Roman citizen,” reports the book Der Limes zwischen Rhein und Main (The Limes Between Rhine and Main).
Lakini sikuweza.”jw2019 jw2019
ROTTERDAM, situated where the Rhine, Europe’s busiest river, enters the North Sea, enjoys the distinction of being one of the world’s largest seaports.
Kana kwamba utawala wa kimahiri wa Bolt kwenye medani ya “binadamu mwenye mbio kuliko wote” haukutosha, Mtrinidadi Richard Thompson ambayeye alionyesha mvuto mwanzoni mwa mwaka katika mashindano ya NCAA, aliposhinda dhahabu kwenye mita 100 na mita 60 (kwenye viwanja vya ndani) alichukua ushindi wa kushangaza kwa kuchukua nafasi ya pili.jw2019 jw2019
The instruments pictured here, belonging to a museum in Rüdesheim on the Rhine, in Germany, are from that time.
na watakufa muda sio mrefu.jw2019 jw2019
But in 406, during the Vandals crossing of the Rhine, Aureus was slain and Alban was beheaded while praying.
Wengine husita kufanya ahadi kutokana na hofu ya kushindwa, hata wakati nafasi nzuri zinapojitokeza.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is estimated that 20 million Europeans drink water from the Rhine, yet this river is so polluted that sludge dredged from its bed is too dangerous to use for landfill!
Ni wapi ambapo ningegeukia kwa majibu?jw2019 jw2019
Mennonites and kindred groups came from the Rhine country in Europe.
dhoruba kubwa akilini zilizo na hamu ya kutembea tena,jw2019 jw2019
29 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.