rhino oor Swahili


/ˈɻaɪ.noʊ/, /ˈɹaɪ.nəʊ/ naamwoord
Short form of rhinoceros.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Swahili


short form of rhinoceros
Man has invented a clever way of felling a rhino.
Wanadamu wamevumbua mbinu za ujanja za kumuua kifaru.


After all, the ban imposed on the trade in rhinoceros horn has done nothing to slow the rhino’s headlong rush toward extinction.
Ingawaje, marufuku yenye kuwekwa juu ya biashara ya pembe ya faru haijafanya lolote kupunguza harakati ya muda mrefu inayoelekeza mnyama huyo kwenye mtoweko.



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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
So the future for Magnette and Magnum looks good, and their keepers hope that they will eventually join the local rhino community and live long and happy lives.
Katika ujumbe mwingine wa Twita, Samah Anwar anatoa sababu:jw2019 jw2019
Leopard pelts, elephant ivory, tiger bones, rhino horns, and turtles are among currently banned commodities.
kwa hiyo, nikaamua kwenda maabara.jw2019 jw2019
As a result of poaching, Kenya lost more than 95 percent of its rhino in less than 20 years.
22] Tungeweza kusema kwamba upatanisho na haki ndiyo misingi miwili ya amani, na kwamba, kwa hiyo, kwa kiasi fulani, inaeleza hali yake halisi.”[jw2019 jw2019
In between them the springbok can take shelter so that the rhinos can’t bother them.
Tukio jingine la ajabu ni lile la filamu ya 2008 “Kuzuiliwa Brazil,” iliyotayarishwa na mtengeneza filamu Daniel Florêncio kwa ajili ya kituo cha runinga cha Current TV.jw2019 jw2019
And in Namibia, where only about 100 rhino were thought to remain, at least 16 have fallen to poachers in the first five months of this year.
na mimi pia nitaenda juu,jw2019 jw2019
The rogue elephants have attacked humans, have gored to death 19 white rhinoceroses in the past three years, and have even tried to mate with rhinos.
Attahiru Jega, profesa wa Sayansi ya Siasa na mkuu wa Tume ya Taifa ya Uchaguzi (INEC) kwa kiasi kikubwa ndiye atakayeamua juu ya kuhalalishwa kwa zoezi la upigaji kura ndani ya majuma matatu.jw2019 jw2019
The enormous commercial value of the horn —a compact mass of hair much like human nails— has placed the rhino in great danger.
Prudence Nyamishana (PN): Mitandao ya kijamiiimekuwa na mchango gani kwenye chaguzi za mwaka huu nchini Uganda?jw2019 jw2019
It is a sad twist that the rhino’s horns —its unique form of protection— have become its downfall.
+ 13 Na kwa habari ya haki inayostahiliwa ya makuhani kutoka kwa watu,+ wakati ambapo mtu yeyote alipokuwa akitoa dhabihu, mtumishi wa kuhani alikuja na uma wenye meno matatu mkononi mwake, nyama ilipoanza tu kutokota,+ 14 na kuutia kwa nguvu ndani ya beseni au chungu cha kupikia chenye mikono miwili au sufuria au chungu cha kupikia chenye mkono mmoja.jw2019 jw2019
The Balfours, who often observed this, relate that as the rhino would slowly sink into the mud, “a sigh would then be heard, and the satisfied animal would lie on one side for a few minutes . . . before continuing its ablutions, often rolling right over on to its back, feet kicking skywards.”
+ 10 Wala tusiwe wanung’unikaji, kama baadhi yao walivyonung’unika,+ na kuangamizwa na mwangamizaji.jw2019 jw2019
The relocation of hand-raised rhino into the wild is, therefore, a complicated process that can take several years.
+ 13 Ole wao,+ kwa maana wamenikimbia!jw2019 jw2019
Elephants and black rhinos have found refuge on this mountain as well.
Kwa hiyo tukaweka kiunganishi cha wakati huo huojw2019 jw2019
His conviction came on the heels of a 77-year sentence handed down to a rhino poacher in July, shocking and angering many Twitter users.
Kwa mwanablogu Flávia D. [pt] wanawake wenyewe ni sehemu ya tatizo hili.gv2019 gv2019
This affection for the black rhino is shared by many who have made a study of it.
9 Nawe utafanya baragumu ya sauti+ kubwa ivume katika mwezi wa saba siku ya kumi ya mwezi huo;+ katika siku ya upatanisho+ mtaifanya baragumu hiyo ivume katika nchi yenu yote.jw2019 jw2019
Later we paused to observe black rhino in the distance and wild elephants close by feeding on the trees.
Watumiaji wa mitanao ya kijamii walijadili namna walivyokasirishwa na hali ya mambo ilivyokuwa.jw2019 jw2019
On the black market, rhino horn is worth more than its weight in gold.
Inashangaza pale unapogundua kuwa kumbe hata Ulaya kuna watu masikini na hata pale mtu atakaposhuhudia kuwa bara hili la mda mrefu siyo pepo waliyokuwa wakiiwazia.jw2019 jw2019
It has been estimated that the slaughter included 1,000 black rhino, several thousand giraffe, and tens of thousands of wildebeest, zebra and buffalo.
lakini nataka kwenda katika hatua inayofuatajw2019 jw2019
Unlike tiger bone and rhino horn, ivory is not bound to any myth of pharmaceutical value.
Au uadilifu wako katika nchi ya usahaulifu?jw2019 jw2019
Why Rhino Horn Is So Popular
Usiogope, Amini Tujw2019 jw2019
In less than a decade, African black rhino have been reduced from 15,000 to 3,500, reported African Wildlife magazine.
Kwa namna kama hiyo, Jega amewatupia mzigo wanasiasa na wanasheria.jw2019 jw2019
When confronted in the wild by man, the white rhino will usually flee in panic at the sight, sound, or smell of a human.
Hebu fikirieni, vijana wangu wapendwa wa Ukuhani wa Haruni; Danieli alikuwa karibu wa rika lenu alipochukuliwa hadi kwenye mahakama ya mfalme ili kufundishwa lugha, sheria, dini, na sayansi ya ulimwengu wa Babeli.jw2019 jw2019
With rhino, the story is different.
Lama na dada yake waliripotiwa kuwa walikuwa wakiendesha mkokoteni uliokuwa ukivutwa na punda siku ya Jumanne karibu na sehemu inayotumika kurusha makombora iliyokuwa ikilengwa na Waisraeli.jw2019 jw2019
Though baby rhino are only about 18 inches [about 40 centimeters] tall and weigh between 60 and 80 pounds [between 30 and 40 kilograms] at birth, they put on weight at an astounding rate—gaining two pounds [a kilogram] a day!
Kwa hiyo tunatafuta njia ya kujinasua.jw2019 jw2019
Trade in elephant ivory, rhino horn, tiger skins, and other animal parts is now a multibillion-dollar black-market business, second only to drug smuggling, notes Time.
Ninyi mliteuliwa kushiriki katika kazi Yake katika wakati huu kwa sababu Yeye anawaamini mtafanya chaguo sahihi.jw2019 jw2019
In a post titled “Turning Pink,” another blogger, Rhino, laments the government's actions:
huwa hivi.gv2019 gv2019
With rhino horns fetching up to $900 a pound [$2,000 per kg], poachers feel that even the stumps of a dehorned rhino are worth gouging out.
Tumekuwa bilioni saba miezi michache iliyopita.jw2019 jw2019
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