horn oor Turkmeens


/hɔːn/, /hɔɹn/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(countable) A hard growth of keratin that protrudes from the top of the head of certain animals.

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growth on the heads of certain animals
The political “ten horns” will not be allowed to annihilate God’s people.
Syýasy guramalary aňladýan «on şah» Hudaýyň halkyny ýok edip bilmez.


informal: generally, any brass wind instrument


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Cape Horn, at the southern tip of South America.

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What can we learn by comparing John’s vision of the wild beast, Daniel’s account of the fearsome beast that had ten horns, and Daniel’s interpretation of the immense image?
Eýsem, biz Ýahýanyň janawar baradaky, Daniýeliň on şahly wagşy haýwan hakdaky görnüşinden we Nebukadnezaryň ägirt heýkel baradaky düýşünden näme öwrenip bileris?jw2019 jw2019
The ten horns sprouting from the head of that fearsome beast represent kingdoms that grew out of that empire.
Daniýeliň gören wagşy haýwanynyň on şahy Rim şalygyndan dörän patyşalyklary aňladýar.jw2019 jw2019
Fill your horn with oil and go.
Hany bol, küýzäňi ýagdan doldur-da, ýola düş.jw2019 jw2019
1:18-21: Promises the end of ‘four horns that dispersed Judah,’ that is, all governments that opposed Jehovah’s worship.
1:18—21. Ýahudany dagadan dört şahyň, ýagny Ýehowanyň arassa seždesine garşy çykýan ähli döwletleriň ýok ediljekdigini görkezýär.jw2019 jw2019
Seven priests should walk ahead of it and blow their horns.
Sandygyň öňünden ýedi ruhany surnaý çalyp ýöresin.jw2019 jw2019
7:5) In a separate vision, Daniel saw this dual world power symbolized by a two-horned ram. —Dan.
7:5). Başga bir görnüşde bolsa, Daniýel iki halkdan ybarat dünýä şalygyny iki şahly goç hökmünde görýär (Dan.jw2019 jw2019
(“a horn of salvation” study note on Lu 1:69, nwtsty)
(nwtsty-daky maglumata serediň)jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah told Joshua: “You should march round the city seven times and the priests should blow the horns.
Ýehowa Ýeşuwa şeýle diýdi: «Siz şäheriň daşyndan ýedi gezek aýlanmaly, ruhanylar bolsa goçuň şahyndan ýasalan surnaýy çalmaly.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah raises up the horns of his people, causing them to be exalted, whereas he ‘cuts down the horns of the wicked ones.’
Ýehowa öz halkyny beýgeltmek üçin olaryň şahyny dikelder, «erbetleriň ähli şahlaryny çapar».jw2019 jw2019
Harp and horn and trumpet Sound praise in full accord.
Arfa, surnaý, tüýdük, goý, batly ýaňlansyn.jw2019 jw2019
Then give a long sound on the horns, and have everyone shout with a great war cry.
Soňra surnaýy uzak wagtlap çalyň. Her biriňiz batly gygyryň.jw2019 jw2019
However, the prophecy foretold that “ten horns” would grow from this empire and one in particular would gain prominence.
Emma pygamberlige laýyklykda, bu şalykdan on şah ösüp çykýar, şahlaryň biri has-da tapawutlanýar.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah God will put “his thought” into the hearts of “the ten horns” of the “scarlet-colored wild beast.”
Ýehowa Hudaý «islegini» «on şahly... gyzyl janawaryň» ýüregine guýar.jw2019 jw2019
We are warned against ‘exalting our horn on high’ in that we should not take on a proud or arrogant attitude.
«Şahlarymyzy ýokary galdyrmakdan», ýagny ulumsylykdan ýa-da özümizi ýokary tutmakdan gaça durmaly diýip, bize duýduryş berilýär.jw2019 jw2019
4 Four of the horns, or kingdoms, that sprouted from the head of the ferocious beast receive special mention.
4 Wagşy haýwanyň kellesinde çykan dört şah, ýagny patyşalyk barada aýratyn agzalýar.jw2019 jw2019
And it must occur that when they sound with the horn of the ram, . . . all the people should shout a great war cry; and the wall of the city must fall down flat.”
Haçan-da olar goçuň şahyndan ýasalan surnaýy çalanlarynda... bütin halk gaty ses bilen gygyrmaly.jw2019 jw2019
Hence, the term “horn” figuratively denotes power, or strength.
Şonuň üçin «şah» sözi göçme manyda güýji we kuwwaty aňladýar.jw2019 jw2019
Daniel further recorded that the large horn would be broken and four smaller horns would grow in its place.
Soňra Daniýel uly şahyň döwlüp, ýerine dört sany kiçiräk şahyň çykjagy barada ýazýar.jw2019 jw2019
And the hairy he-goat stands for the king of Greece; and as for the great horn that was between its eyes, it stands for the first king.
Daniýele ine şeýle düşündiriş berildi: «Seniň gören iki şahly goçyň, bu Midiýa hem-de Pars patyşalarydyr.jw2019 jw2019
The one deemed “worthy to open the scroll” is none other than “the Lion that is of the tribe of Judah,” or “a lamb . . . having seven horns and seven eyes.” —Rev.
Ol «kitaby açmaga... Ýahuda taýpasyndan... bolan Arslan» ýa-da ýedi şahly hem ýedi gözli Guzudan başga hiç kim mynasyp däldi (Ylh.jw2019 jw2019
This horn was soon broken, though, the great king dying at the height of his power and at only 32 years of age.
Isgenderiň duýdansyz aradan çykmagy bilen, ullakan şah döwüldi. Şonda ol bary-ýogy 32 ýaşyndady we abraýly hökümdardy.jw2019 jw2019
The two-horned wild beast represents what, and what does it do?
Iki şahly janawar näme aňladýar we ol näme edýär?jw2019 jw2019
Lu 1:69 —What is the meaning of “a horn of salvation”?
Lk 1:69, çykgyt. «Gutulyş şahy» nämäni aňladýar?jw2019 jw2019
The fact that the two-horned wild beast —the Anglo-American World Power— speaks like a dragon indicates that it uses threats, pressure, and violence to enforce acceptance of its form of rulership.
Iki şahly janawar — Anglo-Amerikan dünýä imperiýasynyň aždarha ýaly ses etmegi güýç, howp we zor salmak arkaly döwlet dolandyryş formasyny kabul etdirmegi aňladýar.jw2019 jw2019
(Daniel 8:20-22) True to this prophecy, some two centuries later, “the king of Greece,” Alexander the Great, overthrew the two-horned Medo-Persian Empire.
Iki asyra golaý wagt geçenden soň, bu pygamberlige laýyklykda «Gresiýanyň patyşasy» Isgender Zülkarneýin (Aleksandr Makedonskiý) «iki şahly» Midiýa-Pars döwletini basyp aldy.jw2019 jw2019
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