contract oor Tataars


/kənˈtrækt/, /ˈkɒntrækt/, /ˈkɑntrækt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
An agreement between two or more parties, to perform a specific job or work order, often temporary or of fixed duration and usually governed by a written agreement.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Tataars


The behavior and state that a class provides, which is matched with what a client of that class can expect to hold. A contract is expressed partly by the signatures for all public fields, methods, properties, and events of that class. This is augmented by a description (usually in simple descriptive text) of what each field or property represents, together with what each method does. In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, a non-versioning interface that defines the methods and specifies the data types for transferring data over the communication pipeline between the host and the add-in. The contract is in the middle of the communication pipeline between the add-in and the host. The contract assembly is loaded into the application domains of both the add-in and the host.
For example, a builder might feel obliged to fulfill the demands of a contract he has signed to construct a house.
Мәсәлән, йорт төзиячәк дип кул куйган төзүче контракт таләпләрен үтәргә бурычлы икәнен аңлый.


Some read this to mean that I was from New York, and our contract for the use of a school auditorium was canceled.
Кайберәүләр моны укыгач, мин Нью-Йорктан дип аңлады, һәм бер мәктәп белән залларын куллану турында төзелгән килешү өзелде.


agreement having a lawful object entered into voluntarily by multiple parties

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contract a marriage
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For example, we benefit from having a binding written agreement, or written contract, before we begin a business venture or start working as an employee in a company.
Үткәндә безгә билгеле законнар ярдәмендә аңлатып булмый торган нинди гаҗәеп вакыйгалар булган?jw2019 jw2019
When the local priest insisted that the contract be canceled, the president met with club members and told them: “If you cancel, I resign!”
+ 11 Чанны да, аскуймасы белән бергә майлап, изгеләндер.jw2019 jw2019
The ENS varies the strength and frequency of these muscle contractions as needed to make the system function like a line of conveyor belts.
Синең һәр үтенечеңне үтәрмен,+ чөнки шәһәрдәгеләрнең һәммәсе синең яхшы хатын булуыңны белә.jw2019 jw2019
Currently conducted by Tania Miller—one of North America's first female musical directors—the orchestra consists of 34 full-contract, and 15 part-contract musicians.
Ә ул күтәрелгәч, алар юлга кузгалды.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In container haulage, customers are given a set period in their contract to tip (unload) their container delivery.
5 Әмма җибәрмәсәң, без Мисырга бармаячакбыз, чөнки теге кеше: „Энегезне алып килмичә, күземә күренәсе булмагыз“+,– дигән иде».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While that marriage probably took place when he and she were young, the passing of time and the onset of older age did not invalidate the covenant they had entered into, that is, the marriage contract.
7 Әмма ул руханига күренеп, чиста дип игълан ителгәннән соң, кутыр* тәненә таралса, ул кабат руханига барып күренсен.jw2019 jw2019
His performance led to a contract for the 1993-94 season.
36 Йәһвә Мусага болай диде: 37 «Һарун руханиның улы Илгазарга ут савытларын+ ут төшкән җирдән җыярга куш, чөнки алар изге.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under a 15-year contract the field supplies CS Energy's gas-fired power station.
30 Син изге чатырны үзеңә тауда күрсәтелгән сызым буенча корырга тиеш.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
9 The marriage arrangement is not a mere contract or a formal agreement empty of love and affection.
20 Изге урынны, очрашу чатырын+ һәм мәзбәхне йолып алгач,+ ул шулай ук тере кәҗә тәкәсен алып килсен.jw2019 jw2019
You may be offered an attractive business contract, a promotion, or an invitation to become a partner in a profitable venture.
+ 26 Шуннан соң теге кеше: «Инде таң ата, җибәр мине»,– диде.jw2019 jw2019
12 Consider the comments made some time ago by a Christian named Sharon: “Because of disregarding Jehovah’s law, I have contracted the deadly disease AIDS.
4 Әмма Муса болай дип җавап бирде: «Ә алар: „Йәһвә сиңа күренмәгән“,– диеп, миңа ышанмаса һәм мине тыңламаса,+ нәрсә эшләргә?»jw2019 jw2019
The idea of a cellular structure that later became known as a T-tubule was first proposed in 1881. The very brief time lag between stimulating a striated muscle cell and its subsequent contraction was too short to have been caused by a signalling chemical travelling the distance between the sarcolemma and the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
30 Шимбәләремне тот+ һәм изге урынымны олыла.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pollock signed a gallery contract with Peggy Guggenheim in July 1943.
3 Аңа 40 тапкырдан артык сукмасыннар.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nausea can be another result, as during stress the brain triggers the ENS to change the gut’s normal contractions.
Җирдәге су әйләнеше нәрсә ул, һәм Изге Язмаларда аның турында нәрсә әйтелә?jw2019 jw2019
In the autumn of 1878 Benda contracted typhoid and died, on 12 November 1878, at almost 33 years of age.
Синең жирәбәң бер генә булмас,+ 18 бөтен таулы җир синеке булыр.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Priests were to take care of matters dealing with uncleanness contracted by individuals.
62 Исемлеккә кертелгән ле́вилеләрнең бер айлык һәм аннан олырак яшьтәге барлык ир затларының саны 23 000 булды.jw2019 jw2019
In 2006, SpaceX was awarded a contract from NASA to continue the development and test of the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch vehicle and Dragon spacecraft in order to transport cargo to the International Space Station, followed by a US$1.6 billion NASA Commercial Resupply Services program contract on December 23, 2008, for 12 flights of its Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft to the Space Station, replacing the US Space Shuttle after it retired in 2011.
6 Шунда Муса арбаларны һәм үгезләрне алып, ле́вилеләргә бирде. 7 2 арбаны һәм 4 үгезне ул Гирсә́н улларына бирде.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Jah” is a contraction of the name Jehovah.
Аны нәфрәт тә иткәннәр, яратканнар даjw2019 jw2019
In the spring of 1962, Cleveland Pipers owner George Steinbrenner signed Jerry Lucas to a player-management contract worth forty thousand dollars.
Чыннан да, андагы хакыйкатьнең асылы бер бик мөһим могҗизага бәйле. Бу Гайсә Мәсихнең терелүе.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2007, Tymoshenko argued for a direct contract for gas supplies from Russia to Ukraine.
Ләкин ахырда ул юкка чыгар».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This fact emphasizes that the Kingdom arrangement is solidly based on legal contracts.
Кулын куеныннан чыгаргач, ни күрсен: кулы махаулы һәм кардай ап-ак!jw2019 jw2019
These contracts are known as Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts.
+ 21 Ләкин, мин тормышым белән ант итәм, бөтен җир Йәһвәнең даны белән тулыр.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Says Marilou: “If we ended the contract, we would lose all we had paid so far —a significant amount.
17 Йәһвә Мусага: «Мин шулай ук синең бу үтенечеңне дә үтәрмен, чөнки син минем хуплавыма лаек булдың һәм мин сине яхшы* беләм»,– диде.jw2019 jw2019
2005. "£1 billion MoD Marine Services contract".
Яңа үткәрелә башланган бәйрәм безгә нәрсәне истә тотарга булыша?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, baptism is not a contract that restrains you from doing things that you would secretly like to do; nor should you get baptized in response to pressure from others.
12 Ахырда ул, Һарунны изгеләндерү өчен, изге майның беразын алды да аның башына агызып, аны майлады.jw2019 jw2019
59 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.