secretary oor Tataars


/ˈsɛk.ɹəˌtə.ɹi/, /ˈsɛkɹətɛɹi/, /ˈsɛk.ɹə.tɹi/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(obsolete) Someone entrusted with a secret.

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9 So the secretaries of the king were summoned at that time in the third month, that is, the month of Siʹvan,* on the 23rd day, and they wrote all that Morʹde·cai commanded to the Jews, as well as to the satraps,+ the governors, and the princes of the provinces*+ from Inʹdi·a to E·thi·oʹpi·a, 127 provinces,* to each province* in its own script* and to each people in its own language and to the Jews in their own script* and language.
+ Мин – сезнең Аллаһыгыз Йәһвә.jw2019 jw2019
We should give it to the congregation secretary.
14 Ләкин Ифраим кече угыл булса да, Исраил уң кулын аның башына, ә сул кулын Манашше башына куйды.jw2019 jw2019
11 Whenever the Levites brought the chest in to be turned over to the king and they saw that there was a great deal of money in it, the secretary of the king and the commissioner of the chief priest would come and empty the chest,+ and then they would take it back to its place.
25 Өстәлгә һәрьяклап кул яссуы* киңлегендә кыса һәм кыса буйлап алтыннан кайма яса.jw2019 jw2019
He had been mainly involved with the Fiji Football Association, holding positions of Secretary and Executive Director of the Association.
18 Әгәр берәр ир-ат хатын-кыз белән ятса һәм аның орлыгы бүленеп чыкса, алар юынсын һәм кичкә кадәр нәҗес булырлар.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1977—added Secretary of Energy.
2 Елгадан 7 матур симез сыер чыкты да Нил елгасы буенда утлап йөри башлады.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the political party "United Russia", 2012-Jan.
(Гайсәнең терелтелгәненә 6 нчы бүлектә бик күп дәлил китерелгән иде.)WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If so, reflect on Baruch, Jeremiah’s secretary, and on Jehovah’s loving counsel to him.
Араларында ярдәмгә мохтаҗ һәм хәлсез кешеләрнең генә калганын күргәч,jw2019 jw2019
+ 2 Then he sent E·liʹa·kim, who was in charge of the household,* Shebʹna the secretary, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah,+ the son of Aʹmoz.
Яһүдләр андый хәбәр белән кешеләрне чыннан да җибәргән, шуңа күрә Юстин моның турында язган.jw2019 jw2019
Talk by the secretary based on the Organized book, page 88, paragraph 1, to page 90, paragraph 1.
Аллаһы Сүзе буенча яшәгезjw2019 jw2019
▪ COORDINATORS’ COMMITTEE: This committee is made up of the coordinator of each of the other Governing Body committees and a secretary who is also a member of the Governing Body.
20 Ләкин сезне Йәһвә, сез аның шәхси милке*+ булып китсен өчен (ә бүген нәкъ шулай), чуен эретү миченнән – Мисырдан алып чыкты.jw2019 jw2019
Between 1988 and 1989 Keller served as Secretary of state (high level official) at the Culture Ministry, with special responsibility for museums and national anniversaries.
Ул аңа кыяташтан бал,WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jeremiah and his secretary, Baruch, are among those left behind.
22 Узиилнең уллары: Мисаи́л, Илсафа́н+ һәм Ситри́.jw2019 jw2019
Benigno di Tullio was elected as the first secretary general.
Алар ифратлылар, Яһүдтәге Бәйтлеһемнән иде.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
+ 37 But E·liʹa·kim son of Hil·kiʹah, who was in charge of the household,* Shebʹnah the secretary, and Joʹah son of Aʹsaph the recorder came to Hez·e·kiʹah with their garments ripped apart and told him the words of the Rabʹsha·keh.
Изге Язмалар ничек язылган, һәм ни өчен Аллаһының күктән хәбәр иңдерә алганына шикләнмәскә була?jw2019 jw2019
+ 18 When they called for the king to come out, E·liʹa·kim+ son of Hil·kiʹah, who was in charge of the household,* Shebʹnah+ the secretary, and Joʹah son of Aʹsaph the recorder came out to them.
8 Йәһвә Мисыр патшасы фиргавен йөрәгенең үҗәтләнүенә юл куйды, һәм ул исраиллеләр артыннан куа китте. Ул арада исраиллеләр, башларын югары тотып, Мисырдан чыга иде.jw2019 jw2019
Talk by the secretary based on the Organized book, page 88, paragraph 1, to page 90, paragraph 1.
Ифтахка эшсез кешеләр кушылды һәм аның белән йөрде.jw2019 jw2019
He was executive secretary of the Army Scientific Advisory Panel from 1965 to 1966 as a major.
КөләсәйлеләргәWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Continuing, the speaker made this very significant statement: “The governing body does not have officers such as the Society’s Board of Directors has, namely, president, vice president, secretary-treasurer and assistant secretary-treasurer.
Ул Америка Кушма Штатларында иман белән дәвалый торган күп санлы кешеләрнең һәм Азиядәге хирург-экстрасенсларның дәвалау ысулларын тикшереп чыккан.jw2019 jw2019
“Where is the secretary?
«Кеше мие чишкән мисалларны иң куәтле компьютер да чишә алмый»jw2019 jw2019
If publishers find someone of another language who shows definite interest (or someone who is deaf), they should promptly fill out a Please Follow Up (S-43) form and give it to the congregation secretary.
+ Йәһвә аңа болай диде: «Син картайдың һәм олы яшькә җиттең. Ләкин биләп* аласы җирәле бик күп.jw2019 jw2019
15 The princes were furious with Jeremiah,+ and they beat him and imprisoned him*+ in the house of Je·honʹa·than the secretary, which had been made into a prison.
33 Бу – Мерари+ уллары гаиләләренең очрашу чатырындагы Һарун руханиның улы Итамарның җитәкчелегендә башкарачак хезмәте».jw2019 jw2019
Discussion by secretary.
Биньяминлылар борылып караса, бөтен шәһәрдән күккә таба төтен күтәрелә.jw2019 jw2019
Shri Santosh Kumar, Secretary & Dean (FSI) attended the conference of Deans at Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 29–30 September 2003.
+ 8 Моңа Муса болай диде: «Шунда көтеп торыгыз, ә мин Йәһвәнең сезнең турында нәрсә әйтәсен белермен».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
+ 22 But E·liʹa·kim son of Hil·kiʹah, who was in charge of the household,* Shebʹna+ the secretary, and Joʹah son of Aʹsaph the recorder came to Hez·e·kiʹah with their garments ripped apart and told him the words of the Rabʹsha·keh.
Кешенең яхшы дус булуы-булмавы нәрсәдән күренә?jw2019 jw2019
And the Levites, all of whom were skilled musicians,+ 13 were in charge of the common laborers* and were overseers of all those who were doing the work in every kind of service; and some of the Levites were secretaries, officers, and gatekeepers.
+ 5 Аннары Йәһвә: «Мин, Йәһвә, моны бу җирдә иртәгә эшләячәкмен»,– диеп, вакыт билгеләп куйды.jw2019 jw2019
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