sixth oor Tataars


/sɪksθ/, /sɪkθ/ adjektief, naamwoord
The ordinal form of the number six.

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ordinal form of the number six
This leads to a sixth point that can be gleaned from Malachi chapter 1.
Бу Малахий китабының 1 нче бүлегендәге алтынчы фикергә алып килә.

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Jesus arrived from Jericho on Friday, so this is the sixth and final night that he spends in Bethany.
Ата-бабалары белмәгән илаһларга корбаннар китерде. +jw2019 jw2019
Seeing what was happening, Nehemiah had the city gates closed at dusk on the sixth day, chasing the foreign merchants away before the Sabbath began.
Ләкин Изге Язмаларның башка шигырьләре бу киңәшнең киңрәк кулланылганын күрсәтә.jw2019 jw2019
+ That is why he is giving you the bread for two days on the sixth day.
22 Ә өченче көнне Лабанга Ягъкубның качып китүе турында хәбәр иттеләр.jw2019 jw2019
Why, the sixth volume alone consisted of 740 pages!
Ефаның уннан ике өлеше – 4,4 л.jw2019 jw2019
What would be the sixth head of the wild beast?
10 Сукалаганда, үгез белән ишәкне бергә җикмә.jw2019 jw2019
+ 5 But on the sixth day+ when they prepare what they have gathered, it is to be double the amount that they pick up on each of the other days.”
+ Бернинди авыр эш эшләмәгез.jw2019 jw2019
They also believed that the authority of the Aaronic priesthood was fully established only a few years before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians, which the critics believed happened at the beginning of the sixth century B.C.E. 3
+ 12 Аулак урын* тукталу урыныннан читтә булсын, тышка шунда чык.jw2019 jw2019
9 The next day as they were continuing on their journey and were approaching the city, Peter went up to the housetop about the sixth hour to pray.
Еврейләргәjw2019 jw2019
42 On the sixth day, the chieftain for the sons of Gad, E·liʹa·saph+ the son of Deuʹel, 43 made his offering of one silver dish weighing 130 shekels and one silver bowl weighing 70 shekels by the standard shekel of the holy place,+ both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;+ 44 one gold cup weighing 10 shekels, full of incense; 45 one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb in its first year for a burnt offering;+ 46 one young goat for a sin offering;+ 47 and for a communion sacrifice,+ two cattle, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs each a year old.
26 Шул май белән очрашу чатырын+ һәм шаһитлек сандыгын, 27 шулай ук өстәлне һәм аның бар савыт-сабасын, шәмдәлне һәм аның бар әйберләрен, фимиам мәзбәхен, 28 корбан яндыру мәзбәхен һәм аның бар кирәк-ярагын һәм чан белән аның аскуймасын майла.jw2019 jw2019
On the sixth day, they were to collect “the bread of two days,” for on the seventh, none would be provided.
7 Аннары ул килешү китабын* алып, аны халыкка кычкырып укыды.jw2019 jw2019
The temple was completed in 515 B.C.E., the sixth year of the reign of Darius I. —Ezra 6:1, 15.
Мәзбәх Йәһвә өчен аеруча изге».jw2019 jw2019
3 These were the sons of David who were born to him in Hebʹron:+ the firstborn Amʹnon,+ whose mother was A·hinʹo·am+ of Jezʹre·el; the second, Daniel, whose mother was Abʹi·gail+ the Carʹmel·ite; 2 the third, Abʹsa·lom+ the son of Maʹa·cah the daughter of Talʹmai the king of Geshʹur; the fourth, Ad·o·niʹjah+ the son of Hagʹgith; 3 the fifth, Sheph·a·tiʹah, whose mother was A·biʹtal; and the sixth, Ithʹre·am, whose mother was David’s wife Egʹlah.
Сүзгә-сүз «чит», ягъни Һарун гаиләсеннән булмаган.jw2019 jw2019
9:1) The sixth is about the greatest cavalry charge in history and the worldwide preaching campaign that began in 1922.
Тегеләре болай диде: «Филистилеләрнең идарәчеләр саны буенча+ биш алтын шеш* һәм биш алтын тычкан җибәрегез, чөнки һәммәгезнең, шул исәптән идарәчеләрегезнең, башына бер үк бәла төште.jw2019 jw2019
8 And in the sixth year, in the sixth month, on the fifth day of the month, when I was sitting in my house and the elders of Judah were sitting before me, the hand of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah took hold of me there.
12 Һа́нна озак вакыт Йәһвәгә дога кылды. Шул арада, аны Илий күзәтеп торды.jw2019 jw2019
7 The first lot came out to Je·hoiʹa·rib; the second to Je·daʹiah, 8 the third to Haʹrim, the fourth to Se·oʹrim, 9 the fifth to Mal·chiʹjah, the sixth to Mijʹa·min, 10 the seventh to Hakʹkoz, the eighth to A·biʹjah,+ 11 the ninth to Jeshʹu·a, the tenth to Shec·a·niʹah, 12 the 11th to E·liʹa·shib, the 12th to Jaʹkim, 13 the 13th to Hupʹpah, the 14th to Je·shebʹe·ab, 14 the 15th to Bilʹgah, the 16th to Imʹmer, 15 the 17th to Heʹzir, the 18th to Hapʹpiz·zez, 16 the 19th to Peth·a·hiʹah, the 20th to Je·hezʹkel, 17 the 21st to Jaʹchin, the 22nd to Gaʹmul, 18 the 23rd to De·laʹiah, the 24th to Ma·a·ziʹah.
43 Әмма йортта, ташлары чыгарылып кырылганнан һәм сыланганнан соң, таплар янә чыкса, 44 рухани килеп, йортны тикшерсен.jw2019 jw2019
The fifth member of the family was Giuseppe Tubini, who had just joined them, and I was the sixth.
+ Нәҗес кеше дә, чиста кеше дә аны газәл я болан итен ашагандай ашый ала.jw2019 jw2019
20 In the sixth century B.C.E., during the Jewish exile in Babylon, another prophet, Daniel, was inspired to record some remarkable visions foretelling the future course of world events.
+ Шунда Һарун Мириамга таба борылды һәм аны махау каплаганын күрде.jw2019 jw2019
By the end of the sixth day, God created man.
+ 24 Аларның илаһларына сәҗдә кылмагыз һәм аларга хезмәт итмәгез, алар кебек эш итмәгез.jw2019 jw2019
9 You are to join five of the tent cloths together and join the other six tent cloths together, and you are to fold over the sixth tent cloth at the front of the tent.
18 Аннары Йәһвә Аллаһы болай диде: «Кешенең ялгыз булуы яхшы түгел.jw2019 jw2019
These articles discuss Zechariah’s sixth, seventh, and eighth visions.
+ 25 Шунда Сафура́+ үткен чакматаш* алып, үз улын сөннәтләде һәм аның сөннәт тиресен аның аяк астына ыргытты һәм: «Син минем кан киявем»,– диде.jw2019 jw2019
Toward the end of the sixth creative day, God created man.
Аларга һәм алардан туган оныкларыма каршы берәр нәрсә эшли аламмы соң?jw2019 jw2019
The same year, the twenty sixth volume of the Hubbell's Legal Directory appeared, containing 1,600 pages of finely printed information.
Бу – Йәһвә өчен изге нәрсә, ул руханиныкы булыр.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the sixth century B.C.E., Greek poet Alcaeus said: “There is truth in wine.”
16 Бар, Исраил өлкәннәрен җый һәм аларга болай дип әйт: „Ата-бабаларыгызның Аллаһысы Йәһвә – Ибраһим, Исхак һәм Ягъкуб Аллаһысы – миңакүренеп, болай диде: „Мин сезне һәм Мисырда сезнең белән нәрсә эшләүләрен күреп торам.jw2019 jw2019
Miller took the loss, his sixth of the season, after giving up four runs (all earned) on five hits and a walk in only two-thirds of an inning.
+ Аны ашарга ярамый.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
26 The Bible indicates that the book of Daniel was written during the sixth century B.C.E.
Әмма алдаудан аларга ни файда?jw2019 jw2019
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