to rear up oor Tataars

to rear up

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Tataars

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+ 16 And he built a section of 20 cubits at the rear of the house with cedar boards, from the floor up to the rafters, and he built inside of it* the innermost room,+ the Most Holy.
Фәрештә сүзләре буенча, «нәселнең» килүендә Мәрьям нинди роль уйнарга тиеш булган?jw2019 jw2019
9 When Joʹab saw that the battle charges were coming against him from the front and the rear, he chose some of the best troops in Israel and drew them up in battle formation to meet the Syrians.
Сугыш һәмбашка эшләр алып барыр өчен көчем теге вакыттагы кебек үк җитәрлек.jw2019 jw2019
10 When Joʹab saw that the battle charges were coming against him from the front and the rear, he chose some of the best troops in Israel and drew them up in battle formation to meet the Syrians.
4 Муса Йәһвә кушканча эшләде, һәм җәмгыять очрашу чатырының керү урыны алдына җыелды.jw2019 jw2019
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